

单词 allaying
释义 al·lay·ing 英ə'leɪ美ə'leɪ COCA¹¹⁰⁰⁷⁹BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
lessen the intensity of or calm;

The news eased my conscience

still the fears

satisfy thirst;

The cold water quenched his thirst

近义词 ease容易check检查lower低的slake消除calm平静的dispel驱散lessen减少loosen松开quench熄灭relieve救济assuage缓和quiet安静的appease安抚still静止的restrain抑制alleviate减轻moderate适度的conciliate安抚pacify使 … 平静soften使变柔和

用作动词There pills willallayyour pain.这药丸可以减轻你的疼痛。
More reading may beallayingyour doubt.多读书或许可以减少你的疑惑。
The employer was forced toallaythe tumult.雇主被迫缓和骚乱。 The credit crunch seemed so ironclad that no indication of allaying appeared in consequence of the incredibly cooperative interest cut from five central banks around the world.
来自世界五家央行联合降低利息看起来不会减少信贷危机带来的结果。 bbs.catti.china.com.cn

The increased credit line is aimed at allaying fears among JAL's suppliers and creditors about its financial stability.
提高信贷额度,目的是为了安抚供应商和债权人对日航财务稳定性的忧虑。 tesoon

The tranquilizing and allaying excitement methods had an advantage than common acupuncture group on treating hemicrania.
镇静安神针刺法治疗偏头痛远期疗效优于普通针刺组。 cnki

To observe the immediately odynolysis effect and long-term control effect of tranquilizing and allaying excitement methods on hemicrania.
观察镇静安神针刺法对偏头痛的即时止痛效果及远期控制效果。 cnki

As a result of such measures Western economies emerged tentatively from recession, allaying fears that the world would enter a Depression-style slump.
在一些措施的刺激下西方经济暂时从衰退中走出来,缓解了人们对世界陷入大萧条式衰退的担忧。 ecocn

As a result of such measures Western economies emerged tentatively from recession, allaying fears that the world would enter a Depression-style slump.
在这些措施使得西方经济暂时从衰退中走出来,减轻了人们对世界陷入大萧条式衰退的担忧。 ecocn.org

Going by the Dow's performance last night, the Bush administration's lifeline does not seem to be allaying any fears.
依道琼斯指数昨晚的走势,布什政府的生命线所面临的危险没有任何好转的迹象。 yeeyan

Good relationship builders are proactive at decreasing the anxiety and allaying the concerns of others.
好的关系建立者在减少他人忧虑及缓和担心方面是很有积极性的。 yeeyan

I never was a tea- drinker, but in the hope that it might be of some assistance in allaying my consuming hunger I managed to swallow a cup of strong decoction with a couple of dry biscuits.
我从来都不爱喝茶,但是我希望它或许会稍微缓解我那极度的饥饿,我勉强咽下一杯“熬出来的浓药”和一两块饼干。 yeeyan

If a big, long- range UAS can operate safely from a congested carrier flight deck at sea, that would go some way to allaying fears for the future of aircraft- carriers.
如果有一种能在拥挤的航母飞行甲板上安全起降的大型远程“无人飞行系统”,那将会让我们对航母的未来的不在那么担心。 ecocn

Most important, improving the government’s reputation means allaying political and human-rights concerns.
最重要的在于提高政府的声誉,这意味着需要缓和政治策略和人权之间的矛盾。 ecocn

Now, every time I interview a client, I begin by exploring and allaying any fears the person might have.
现在每当我去访问一个顾客的时候,我总是先细致试探,缓解顾客可能抱有的不安。 xdfsky.com

One useful means of allaying the panic might be for euro-zone countries to issue part of their debts joint bonds.
对于欧元区国家来说,一种可能缓解恐慌的有效途径是将他们部分的债务以联合债券的形式来发行。 ecocn

Results The convalescent factors in Lushan salutarium played an important role in regulating mind, allaying tiredness, restoring strength, treating disease and strengthening physique.
结果庐山疗养地自然疗养因子在调节心理、消除疲劳、恢复体力、矫治疾病、增强体质等方面起重要作用。 www.qikan.com.cn

We need to find better ways of encouraging and managing forks and allaying licensing fears.
我们需要找到更好的办法来鼓励和管理自立门户的项目,并消除对许可证的恐惧。 yeeyan

Why does U. S. media feel so responsible for allaying Mr. Netanyahu's concerns and fears?




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