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词汇 Allan variance
释义 Allan variance
It may be proved that it is just theAllan variancerelations as fa = 0 and fb = fh.可以证明,当f_a=0、f_b=f_h时,它就是Allan方差公式。
It provides a lot of accurate formulae for spectral density transforming intoAllan variance.本文推导了有限频域;中的噪声引起的修正的Allan方差公式,为噪声的谱密度变换成Allan方差提供了准确的公式。
L 1 RLG was analysed withAllan variance, and the errors which exist in L 1 RLG were given.该文用Alan方差对L-1环形激光陀螺仪进行了具体的分析,得到了存在于L-1环形激光陀螺仪中的各误差源。
Allan varianceestimated by simulated noise and calculated theoretically using power law model are well matched.采用白噪声通过FIR滤波器的方法近似地模拟了闪烁噪声。 模拟相噪得到的Allan方差估计值与幂律模型得到的Allan方差理论值符合得较好。
But the constant value in theAllan varianceformula due to flicker phase noise given in some literatures is quite different.但对闪烁相位噪声所引起的Allan方差公式中的常数,许多文献给出的数值相差很大。
This paper describes random error sources, and introduces the method ofAllan varianceand its application at characterizing the performance of a Ring Laser Gyro.本文讨论了环形激光陀螺RLG的随机噪声及其产生机理,并介绍了国外常用的用于评估RLG和其它精密测量仪器性能的Alan方差法,最后,应用Alan方差法来分析某型号环形激光陀螺的误差特性。




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