

单词 Evans
释义 Ev·ans 英ˈevənz美ˈɛvənzAHDĕvʹənz 高COCA⁶¹⁷³BNC⁴⁰¹¹
United States anatomist who identified four pituitary hormones and discovered vitamin E 1882-1971British archaeologist who excavated the palace of Knossos in Crete to find what he called Minoan civilization 1851-1941Evans blue伊文思蓝Evans classifier伊万斯分级机…
用作名词Mr Evans is a Londoner born and bred.埃文斯先生是个道地的伦敦人。
Evans landed up by becoming Director of Education.埃文斯最后成了教育局长。 Steve Evans, a47-year-old writer in Texas, rarely eats in front of other people, so his habit of gaining and losing lots of weight was a mystery to his friends.
德州47岁的作家史蒂夫·埃文斯,很少在其他人面前吃东西,所以他体重大幅升降的习惯对他的朋友来说始终是个谜。 edu.sina.com.cn

Evans also said the element of surprise in the Haiti earthquake meant it had been harder to mobilise relief efforts compared with natural disasters in other poor countries.
埃文斯还说,海地地震中突如其来的因素意味着,在海地开展救灾动员工作比在其它遭遇自然灾害的贫穷国家更困难。 yeeyan

When she was going with Walker Evans in 1938, borrowing his camera as well “ of course” as sleeping with him, he used to be afraid of going as far uptown as she did.
1938年,与沃克·埃文斯交往期间,她曾借用此人的相机,“当然”也和他有过性关系。 埃文斯跟她一样,已经习惯在市中心而不是去郊区“游猎”了。 ecocn




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