

单词 evaluates
释义 e·val·u·ate·s 英ɪ'væljueɪt美ɪ'væljueɪt COCA²⁶²³¹BNC³²²⁴¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. 评价,估计,估价

find out or form an idea of the amount or value of sb/sth; assess

evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of;

I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional

access all the factors when taking a risk

form a critical opinion of;

I cannot judge some works of modern art

How do you evaluate this grant proposal?

We shouldn't pass judgment on other people

evaluate, appraise, assay, assess, estimate, rate, value

这组词都有“估价”的意思。其区别在于:estimate指个人的主观估价; appraise指以专家身份作出最终精确的估价; assay原指化验某物以确定其性质、分量或价值,引申指在衡量某事物之前作出鉴定性分析; assess指对财产进行估价作为征收税款或罚款的依据,引申指在使用某人或某物之前对其作出精确评价,以作最后决定的依据; evaluate是数学用语,指“求…的值”,引申指用比较熟悉的表示法评估某事物的价值; rate则专指评定价值等级的高低; value强调精确地估价。

用作动词 v.
~+名词evaluate sb's ability估计能力evaluate oneself评价自己evaluate success评价成就evaluate the old furniture对旧家具作出估价~+副词evaluate fairly公正地评价evaluate justly正确地估计~+介词evaluate as把…评价为
evaluate on v.+prep.

根据…评价某人assess sb depend on sth

evaluate sb on sthSuperiors would evaluate a plainclothesman on his dependability.上级评价一个便衣人员的标准是看他是否忠诚可靠。近义词 rate比率rank等级value价值weigh衡量price价格study研究judge法官assess评定reckon计算canvass游说measure措施appraise评价estimate估价weigh up衡量gauge测量仪器calculate计算criticize批评valuate 对 … 作估价…
S+~+ n./pron.I can't evaluate his ability without seeing his work.我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评论他的能力。
The school has only been open for six months, so it's hard to evaluate its success.该学校仅开办了六个月,现在还很难估计它的成就。
用作及物动词Let'sevaluatethe evidence.让我们评定一下此证据的价值。
The school has only been open for six months, so it's too early toevaluateits success.这所学校开办还不过六个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。
Enterprise should acquaint with its storage status, that's the reason why it needs toevaluatethe storage material.企业应对自身库存状况有清楚的了解,这就需要对各个物资做出评价。
At the conclusion of the test run,evaluatethe test results.在测试完成之后,对测试的结果进行评估;
If you want to change the order of the questions in your survey, you should firstevaluateany impact on the branching.如果您想更改您的调查中的问题的顺序,则应先评估对分支的任何影响。 A business rule evaluates the data from the order form to determine whether the order can be automatically approved or whether it needs human approval.
业务规则对订单中的数据进行评估,然后确定订单是可以自动被批准还是需要人工批准。 ibm

A team of assessors evaluates all the data presented.
评估小组对提出的所有数据做出评价。 who

The company evaluates such proposals in line with the Company’s policy to constantly endeavor to enhance overall shareholder value.
信实电信将根据公司有关持续提升持股人整体价值的政策,对这些提议进行评估。 forbeschina

The programme manager is the one who evaluates a number of projects within an organisation.
项目管理者是一个组织内部对一系列项目进行评估的人。 yeeyan

The rating engine evaluates these events against the identified rating package, feeding invoice lines into a billing system.
定价引擎根据确定的定价包对这些事件进行评估,将发票行提供给计费系统。 ibm

The team evaluates what medications you take, how much alcohol you drink and whether you smoke.
健康评估小组评价你的药物摄入情况,饮酒量及是否吸烟。 yeeyan

A corporate customer evaluates software deployment with the end goal in mind.
一个企业客户对部署软件的最终目标进行评估。 yeeyan

A system that monitors and evaluates the implementation and scale- up of provider- initiated testing and counselling should be developed and implemented concurrently.
应当建立一个系统并同时予以实施,以监测和评价由提供者发起的艾滋病毒检测和咨询的实施和扩大。 who

A team at Apple evaluates and approves each version of each application that is made available.
一个小组利用苹果的评估和核准发布不同的应用程序和不同的版本也是可以的。 yeeyan

CAI evaluates the policy status of every composite application.
CAI评估每个复合应用程序的策略状态。 ibm

During the mapping stage, it evaluates the relations and generates mappings by iterating through the relevant model instances.
在映射阶段,引擎评估关联,并通过在相关模型实例中进行迭代产生映射。 ibm

During budgeting, a business typically evaluates and performs one-time per year modifications to a plan and re- visits that plan many times during a year to track progress towards goals.
在预算中,一项业务通常每年都要进行一次评估,并对计划执行一次修改,然后在接下来的一年中便可以多次访问以跟踪目标的进展。 ibm

He said that Austria positively evaluates the development of bilateral relations and reiterated Austria's One China policy.
他说,奥方积极评价奥中关系的发展,重申奥地利坚持一个中国政策。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

It also evaluates your language constraints in real time and outputs error messages.
它还可以实时评估你的语言约束,并输出错误消息。 infoq

It is a generic component that takes any request along with a set of policies, and evaluates the request with respect to the applicable policies.
它是一种通用组件,接受任何请求和相关的策略集合,并为可用的策略评估请求。 ibm

Note that each triggering action includes an optional condition that evaluates if the action will be executed.
注意,每个触发操作都包含一个可选条件,用于评估操作是否将被执行。 ibm

Parents in some areas are already restricted from smoking in cars with children, but I haven’t seen a study that evaluates the success of those measures.
在一些地区已经限制父母与儿童在一起时禁止在车内吸烟,但是我还没有看到任何评估这些措施的成功与否研究。 yeeyan

Previous studies have suggested that the amygdala, among other roles, evaluates social threats and is overactive in people with anxiety disorders.
之前的研究建议扁桃体,在它其他功能外,评估社会威胁在那些患有焦虑紊乱的人群中会反映过激。 yeeyan

The COE evaluates, selects, and mandates vendor products, standards, and best practice architecture aligned with the functional and nonfunctional scope and needs of the organization.
COE评估、选择和规定与组织的功能及非功能范围和需要保持一致的供应商产品、标准和最佳实践体系结构。 ibm

The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture oversees, monitors and evaluates the implementation of the GPA.
粮食和农业遗传资源委员会负责监督、监测和评估《全球行动计划》的执行情况。 fao

The interviewer evaluates each response and determines if the candidate will be invited back for another interview.
面试官评估每个回答,并决定候选人是否有机会接受另一轮面试。 oobang

The rule engine evaluates the loan application and returns the response to the caller.
这个规则引擎会评估贷款申请,然后返回响应给调用者。 ibm

This discipline also evaluates how the developed software components have leveraged open technical standards.
这个维度还评估已开发的软件组件利用开放技术标准的程度。 ibm

This panel of trained tasters evaluates oils from all over the world to provide guidance to California’s young olive-oil industry.
这个经验丰富的品尝师专门小组评价来自世界各地的油,以为加州年轻的橄榄油产业提供指导。 yeeyan

This section evaluates the architecture of an application as it relates to business rules.
本小节评估应用程序的架构与业务规则之间的关系。 ibm

This system evaluates a number of factors when deciding how to respond and, in many cases, we require the reporter to provide additional information before we can take action.
该系统在决定如何回应时评估多个因素,而且在许多情况下,我们在采取措施前要求报告人员提供更多的信息。 yeeyan

Evaluates and recommends tools for performance testing and monitoring.
评估和推荐用于性能测试和监视的工具。 ibm




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