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Eutrema wasabi 基本例句 山葵 The Uses, Cultivation and Pest Prevention ofEutrema wasabiMaxim.山葵的利用、栽培及病虫害防治现状。 Title: The Uses,Cultivation and Pest Prevention ofEutrema wasabiMaxim.关键词:山葵;利用;栽培;有害生物 Flavor components of theEutrema wasabiare isothiocyanates that endogenous myrosinases catalyste glucosinolates in plant cells.山葵的风味物质是植物组织中的硫葡糖苷经内源性芥子苷酶水解而产生具有辛辣风味的异硫氰酸酯。 Wasabi , a cruciferae perennial herbaceous plant, is a unique native plant and a tradition condiment and vegetable crop of Japan.山葵为十字花科辣根属多年生草本植物。 A Comparative Karyological Study of the CulturedEutrema wasabiand Its Three Related Wild Species栽培山嵛菜与三个野生种的核型比较 |