释义 |
Allain əˈleɪn COCA¹⁸¹¹⁴⁸BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺⁵ 基本例句 n.阿兰¹⁰⁰ English byAllainBistaardThe Saigon Court, Tianjin’s first Vietnamese restaurant, has been open for a couple of months, but is still in the ‘soft’ opening trial phase.贡苑法式越南餐厅是天津第一家越南餐厅。已经开业好几个月了,不过仍处于试营业阶段。The result that BMC 1009 marker had a significant within sire effect onSL(P 本次试验结果显示BMC1009标记与影响毛长的QTL存在连锁,这与已报道的结果(Allain,D.;et alIn the practice of planning and design for many years, Provost's style is also quietly changing, and has finally formed theAllainProvost Style that is well-known.在多年的规划设计实践中,普罗沃斯的设计风格也在悄然地发生变化,并最终形成了我们所熟知的阿兰8226;普罗沃斯风格。 Funding from the American Cancer Society supported this research. Ohio State researchers Stephanie Y. Tseng and Dawn C.Allainwere also involved in this study.她说:如果证明这是一种可能引发癌症的病毒,而且在普通人群中广泛存在,那么我们可能应该在人群中开始对这种病毒进行筛选。 An hour after the treatment,Allaintested the subjects' memory by rapidly presenting short lists of words or drawings and then asking the patients to recall the lists immediately afterward.给药后一个小时,艾蓝测试了这些人的记忆力,方式是快速让他们看过一小串单字和图画,然后马上要他们说出刚刚看到哪些东西。 Through presentation and analysis to his design process and representative projects, theAllainProvost Style which presents modernistic and classic characteristics is tried to be interpreted.通过对其设计思想的形成过程与代表作品的介绍和分析,解读了阿兰8226;普罗沃斯既具现代特色又散发着重振的古典主义气息的设计风格。 |