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euros 基本例句 n.欧元名词euro的复数形式. First things first: I needed cash, but not the yuan in my Bank of China account or the dollars in my US account. How to get euros? 到了欧洲大陆后的当务之急就是需要现钞,但不是我存在中国银行账户里的人民币,也不是美国账户里的美元,怎样才能得到欧元呢? edu.sina.com.cn And if you want to wear something unlikely to be seen on the wrist of a fellow guest at a dinner party, start thinking15,000 euros and above. 而如果你希望自己戴的手表很少有机会与晚宴上的另一位客人雷同,首先就得想想能不能拿出15,000欧元或更多。 cri But investors can already get higher rates of return on investments in euros than in dollars. 但与基于美元投资相比,投资家还是能用欧元获得更高的投资回报率。 hjenglish Chinese enterprises can inject billions of euros of fixed direct investment into the eurozone economy. 中国企业可以向欧元区经济注入数十亿欧元的定向直接投资。 blog.sina.com.cn Entry costs5 euros per person before group, youth or senior discounts. 入口费用组团前每人5欧元青少年可享受折扣。 yeeyan For the second time in a year, Mr Papandreou is having to beg European leaders for billions of euros in emergency loans. 因为这是一年当中第二次,帕潘德里欧先生不得不向欧洲领导人祈求数十亿欧元的紧急贷款。 ecocn He reckons that most investments have gone into dollars not euros, and so cannot explain why the yen has gained against the European currency. 他认为大部分投资都是以美圆进行而不是欧元,所以这不能解释为什么日圆可以从对欧洲货币的交易中获利。 ecocn In contrast, most downstream flows go into dollars and euros. 相反,大部分顺向流则涉及卖出美圆和欧元。 ecocn Investors who need to hold euros have other places to go. 需要继续持有欧元的投资者还有其他地方可去。 ecocn Nor is it available to countries like Greece, Portugal, and Italy because their debt is denominated in Euros. 同样像希腊,葡萄牙和意大利这样的国家也不行,因为他们的债务是以欧元为计价的。 yeeyan Police in France have arrested two teenage girls who allegedly stole hundreds of euros from cash machine users after distracting them by baring their breasts. 法国警方日前逮捕了两位少女。她们被指控,以露胸吸引取款机用户的注意力,并趁机偷窃了数百欧元。 yeeyan The dole here is196 euros which sounds quite generous when compared to the UK but our cost of living is quite high. 这里的失业救济金是196欧元。 听起来同英国相比似乎很不错,但我们的生活成本非常高。 yeeyan These would form a proto- currency that would trade at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation—a shadow price of the devaluation to come. 这些将会形成一种原始货币,可以用折扣价格和仍在流通的欧元进行交易——预期即将到来的货币贬值价格。 ecocn They are getting more for their euros than they ever have before. 他们比以往任何时候都赚了更多的欧元。 yeeyan They pay in euros with their credit card, and their card company bills in dollars. 他们用信用卡来支付欧元,而他们的信用卡公司则以美元记账。 yeeyan |