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European and US 基本例句 欧美 We are looking for a car wheel hub,supplier for ourEuropean and USmarkets.求购欧洲车和日本车的汽车轮毂;请发详细的产品资料和报价. He joined Cummins in 2000 as Marketing Executive responsible for CTT sales to our majorEuropean and USOEMs.他于 2000 年加入康明斯,担任市场营销总监,负责康明斯涡轮增压技术系统在欧美市场一些关键主机厂客户的业务。 However, international reaction was muted yesterday, withEuropean and USequity futures dipping only briefly in response to the Asian news.但国际上昨日的反应相当温和,亚洲股市的表现仅使欧洲和美国的股指期货短暂下跌。 The study laudsEuropean and UScompanies for being good at developing a Chinese presence by localising operations and attracting local talent.报告称赞欧美企业善于通过业务本地化和招揽当地人才,发展自己在中国的地盘。 On a generalised basis, ifEuropean and USbanks took all the writedowns they faced immediately, it would wipe out their common equity altogether, the IMF calculated.IMF认为,总体而言,如果欧洲和美国的银行立即进行所有资产减记,它们的普通股本将损失殆尽。 A sea change in the balance of power in favour of China, India, Russia and other emerging states is wreckingEuropean and USefforts to entrench human rights, liberties and multilateralism.联合国的权力分配发生了根本变化,中国、印度、俄罗斯、和其他新兴国家从中受益,欧美捍卫人权、自由和多边主义的努力则因此受到了阻碍。 |