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词汇 eureka
释义 eu·re·ka 英jʊˈriːkə美jʊˈrikəAHDy‹-rēʹkə
int.找到了! 有了!Eureka.n.尤里卡加利福尼亚西北部一城市

an alloy of copper and nickel with high electrical resistance and a low temperature coefficient; used as resistance wirea town in northwest California on an arm of the Pacific Ocean阿基米德Archimedes是古希腊著名的大学问家。有一回,西西里岛上的叙拉古国王请他解决一道难题:如何判断一顶黄金王冠有没有掺假而又不损坏王冠。阿基米德冥思苦想了好几天。终于有一天,当他躺在浴盆里洗澡时,他发现浴盆里的水被身体排了出去。他突然意识到,利用这个方法可以测量出王冠的体积,再与等重黄金的体积进行比较就可以判断王冠里面有没有掺假。想到这个方法后,阿基米德兴奋地从浴盆里一跃而起,一边大叫着“heureka”,一边跑去报告国王。heureka的意思就是“找到了”,是希腊语动词heuriskein寻找的第一人称完成式。在英语中,不发音的字母h被去掉了,heureka变成了eureka。人们在绞尽脑汁终于找到难题的解决方法后,常常使用这个词来表达自己的兴奋之情。
20世纪80年代,面对美国、日本日益激烈的竞争,西欧国家制定了一项在尖端科学领域内开展联合研究与开发的计划,称为“尤里卡计划”EURECA,是“欧洲研究协调机构”European Research Coordination Agency的英文缩写。该名称源自单词eureka。
eureka:jʊ'rikə int.找到了!有了!
heuristic:hjʊ'rɪstɪk adj.启发式的,探索的n.启发式教育法近义词 constantan一种铜与镍的合金…

用作名词Mosteurekamoments come as a result of fatigue after a lot of hard work.大多数尤里卡时刻来,由于疲劳后,许多艰苦的工作。
This study will contribute to the storage of Eureka pitch and exploitation of the pitch resources.尤里卡沥青性质的研究对其储存和开发等实际工作有参考价值。as in.surprise
同义词 amazement,astonishment,awe,bewilderment,consternation,curiosity,disappointment,jolt,miracle,revelation,shock,wonderabruptness,attack,bombshell,disillusion,epiphany,fortune,godsend,incredulity,kick,marvel,miscalculation,phenomenon,portent,precipitance,precipitation,precipitousness,prodigy,rarity,start,stupefaction,suddenness,thunderbolt,whammy,wondermentastoundment,curveball,eye-opener,unexpected,unforeseen
反义词 calmness,composure,coolness,expectation,happiness,indifference
surprisenoun something amazing;state of amazement
surprisesnoun something amazing;state of amazement
abruptness,amazement,astonishment,astoundments,attacks,awe,bewilderment,bombshells,consternation,curiosities,curveballs,disappointments,disillusions,epiphanies,eurekas,eye-openers,fortunes,godsends,incredulity,jolts,kicks,marvels,miracles,miscalculations,phenomena,portents,precipitances,precipitations,precipitousnesses,prodigies,rarities,revelations,shocks,starts,stupefaction,suddenness,thunderbolts,unexpecteds,unforeseens,whammies,wonderment,wonders The temblor was in the same area as last month's6.5 earthquake that damaged hundreds of buildings in Eureka, a quiet town on Humboldt Bay.
上月该地还发生了6.5级地震,尤里卡的建筑遭到了损坏。尤里卡是洪堡湾一个安静的小镇。 hjenglish

The process makes objects that are 65 percent lighter than traditionally machined objects, and uses about one-tenth the materials, according to Eureka Magazine.
据《工业设计杂志》 Eureka Magazine介绍,这种工艺制造的物品比传统机器制造的轻65%,而且可节省90%的原材料。 yeeyan

The scientists may have recorded the first snapshots of a Eureka moment.
也许,科学家已经首次记录下灵感产生的一瞬间。 ebigear

Where we are now, the supply team has to fly to the first base, which is a weather station in Eureka.
现在的情况是,补给小组必须先飞到第一个基地——位于尤利加 Eureka的一个气象站。 yeeyan

“ I got a eureka moment because I felt an old feeling of how to walk normally,” she recalls of the first time she used the machine.
“那一刻我感到终于找对设备了,它让我重温了正常走路的感觉,”她回忆她第一次使用机器的感觉。 yeeyan

“ There were no eureka moments, ” White told me sternly, later, when he was able to talk more freely about the skeleton.
“那还不是最令人兴奋的时刻,”当我们聊得越来越深入时,怀特口气坚定的告诉我说。 yeeyan

“ Eureka!” I shouted.
“尤里卡!”我喊道。 yeeyan

“The Emperor of All Maladies” is a history of eureka moments and decades of despair.
《百病之王》是灵感瞬间迸发和几十年失望的历史。 yeeyan

Earlier Monday, authorities arrested32 people and cleared out an Occupy encampment. Eureka police Sgt.
周一早晨,当局逮捕了32人并且清除了“占领”运动的营地。 yeeyan

For visitors to Eureka, the low temperatures are matched only by the high price of getting there.
对到尤里卡的游客而言,那里的低温和费用昂贵齐驾并驱。 yeeyan

He appears to have had a Eureka moment.
他似乎有了一个重大的发现。 yeeyan

Hollywood movies suggest that genius is a series of Eureka!
好莱坞电影暗示我们天才都是一系列的“啊,有了!” yeeyan

How many millions of baths were taken before Archimedes had his “ Eureka!” moment?
试想,有多少人曾经在阿基米德发出胜利的呼喊前沐浴? yeeyan

I thought I might experience a‘ eureka’ moment when I saw him, but it didn’t happen.
我想当我看到他时,我自己或许像是经历了一个“奇人”的瞬间,但是事实上什么也没发生。 yeeyan

In downtown Eureka, last month's quake broke windows, knocked over wine bottles and spilled food at coffee shops, businesses and restaurants.
在尤里卡市中心,上月的地震造成许多咖啡店、商店和餐厅的窗子破碎、酒瓶遍地、食物四溅。 hjenglish

Instead, each advertiser has had its own little eureka moment.
其实,每个广告人都有那灵光一现的时刻。 yeeyan

Many times we get so excited about our brilliant“ Eureka!” ideas that we miss the fact that the idea has a huge flaw.
很多时候我们对我们英明的发现是如此的兴奋,以至于我们没有发现这个想法存在一个巨大的缺陷的事实。 yeeyan

The earthquake's epicenter was47 miles west-northwest of Eureka, according to the U. S.
根据美国地质勘探局报告,这次的震中位于尤里卡西北偏西方向47英里。 hjenglish

The Eureka research base on Canada's far- northern Ellesmere Island is often called the world's coldest inhabited place.
加拿大埃尔斯米岛远北部的尤里卡科考站通常被称作世界上有人居住的最寒冷的地方。 yeeyan

Unlike the youthful Archimedes, your“ eureka” moment may come in a bathtub with safety bars.
和年轻的阿基米德不同的是,你的“我找到了”这样的时刻可能来自带有安全棒的浴缸里。 hjenglish

We love getting that Eureka moment in the creative process, but most of us abhor the implementation component.
我们享受在创新过程中成功的惊喜,但是我们中的大多数人却不愿意把这些好的想法付诸实施。 yeeyan

With Darwin there is no Eureka moment when he suddenly discovers evolution.
对达尔文而言,当他发现进化现象时,并没有那种“找到了!” 的欢呼时刻。 ecocn




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