

单词 eulogize
释义 eu·lo·gize 英ˈjuːləˌdʒaɪz美ˈjuləˌdʒaɪzAHDy›“lə-jīz' ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁴⁹²⁸⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁴³⁵⁸⁹

praise formally and eloquently;

The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral

词根词缀: eu-优,善,好 + -log-说话 + -ize动词词尾GRE红宝书eu读: 优, 好, log说-说好话-赞扬
eu 音:优,好 + log 说 + ize→说好话
eu好+log说+ize →说好话
方振宇词汇奥秘eu美好+log言+ize动词后缀→赞美,赞颂词根记忆eu好+ log说+ ize ⇒说好话词根记忆eu+log说+ize=说好话近义词 laud赞美hail冰雹extol颂扬exalt赞扬praise赞美glorify美化acclaim喝采rave about倾倒eulogise =eulogi…praise to the skies把…捧上天

用作动词All major newspapers coincidentlyeulogizethe government's positive suggestions.各大报纸不约而同地颂扬政府积极性的建议。verb.praise, glorify
同义词 applaud,commend,extol,idolize,laudacclaim,bless,celebrate,compliment,exalt,flatter,hymn,magnifycry up,give a bouquet,give a posy,panegyrize,pay tribute to,sing praises
反义词 blame,criticize,castigate,censure,condemn,damn,denounce,disapprove,insultcalumniate
acclaimverb give approval
applaud,approve,blow horn,boost,celebrate,cheer,clap,commend,compliment,exalt,extol,give a bouquet,give a posy,give kudos,hail,hand it to,hear it for,honor,laud,praise,puff up,push,rave,recommend,root,salute,stroke
admireverb hold in high regard
adore,applaud,appreciate,approve,be crazy about,be crazy for,be crazy over,be mad about,be nuts about,be stuck on,be sweet on,be wild about,cherish,commend,credit,delight in,esteem,eulogize,extol,fall for,get high on,glorify,go for,groove on,hail,hold in respect,honor,idolize,laud,look up to,marvel at,moon over,pay homage to,praise,prize,rate highly,respect,revere,take pleasure in,think highly of,treasure,value,venerate,wonder at,worship
admiresverb hold in high regard
adores,applauds,appreciates,approves,be sticks on,cherishes,commends,credits,delight in,esteems,eulogizes,extols,falls for,gets high on,glorifies,goes for,grooves on,hails,holds in respect,honors,idolizes,is crazy about,is crazy for,is crazy over,is mad about,is nuts about,is sweet on,is wild about,lauds,looks up to,marvels at,moon over,pays homage to,praises,prizes,rate highly,respects,reveres,takes pleasure in,thinks highly of,treasures,values,venerates,wonders at,worships
applaudverb clap for;express approval
acclaim,approve,boost,cheer,commend,compliment,encourage,eulogize,extol,give a hand,give ovation,glorify,hail,hear it for,kudize,laud,magnify,plug,praise,rave,recommend,root
applaudsverb clap for;express approval
acclaims,approves,boosts,cheers,commends,compliments,encourages,eulogizes,extols,gives a hand,gives ovation,glorifies,hails,hears it for,kudizes,lauds,magnifies,plugs,praises,raves,recommends,roots
blessverb sanctify
absolve,anoint,baptize,beatify,canonize,commend,confirm,consecrate,cross,dedicate,enshrine,eulogize,exalt,extol,give thanks to,glorify,hallow,honor,invoke benefits,invoke happiness,laud,magnify,make holy,offer,offer benediction,ordain,panegyrize,praise,pray for,pronounce holy,sacrifice,sign,sprinkle,thank The interpretation of one's own body is the first solid step by which to eulogize, critique or escape the age.
对自身的阐释,成了对时代颂扬、批判或逃脱的扎实起步之处。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Love” is the question that religion, psychology, sociology drastically pay attention to, also the theme that poets and artists eulogize.
“爱”一直是宗教、心理学、社会学共同关注的问题,也是诗人和艺术家们所赞美的主题。 fabiao

He chose nature to eulogize, so as to express his idealism of redeeming the sinner- man.
他把自然确定为自己热情讴歌的对象 ,是为了抒发拯救人类的主题。 cnki

His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity.
其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。 cnki

I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.
我赞美白杨树那挺拔的树干。 iciba

In the show, the actor attempts to humanize rather than eulogize the playwright.
在剧中,演员试图去表现剧作家人性的一面,而不仅仅是为其歌功颂德。 neworiental

Moreover, it's creative, in Chinese peoples view, to eulogize noble virtues by comparing some natural traits of jade to the ethics of human beings.
而把玉本身具有的一些自然特性比附于人的道德品质,作为所谓“君子”应具有的德行而加以崇尚歌颂,更是中国人的创造。 blog.sina.com.cn

Not qualified to eulogize the desert life, because they do not have life, let alone on the understanding of life;
大漠没有资格讴歌生命,因为它们本身没有生命,更何谈对生命的理解; enwaimao.cn

Recount their3 people life with the simplest word most brilliant achievement had better be to be worth others to eulogize.
用最简单的话叙述他们3人生平最光辉的事迹最好是值得别人歌颂的。 iciba

Thinkers eulogize that it reflects the conscience and intuitive knowledge of intellectuals.
思想界也称,这是一部反映现代知识分子良心良知的书。 cnki

This is not only documented from a variety of on can be proved, but many poets to sing the praises of the poem be eulogize.
这不仅从各种文献记载上可以得到证明,而且诗人们多以赞颂的诗句予以讴歌。 chinese




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