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词汇 ether
释义 e·ther 英ˈiːθə美ˈiθɚAHDēʹthər ☆☆☆☆☆高四八COCA²⁶⁶²²BNC²¹⁹⁹⁰iWeb¹²⁶⁹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodiesany of a class of organic compounds that have two hydrocarbon groups linked by an oxygen atoma medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic wavesa colorless volatile highly inflammable liquid formerly used as an inhalation anesthetic来自希腊语名词aither上层空气、明亮,衍生自动词aithein燃烧,发亮。在希腊神话中,Aither埃忒耳是太空神,是黑暗神厄瑞玻斯和黑夜女神倪克斯的儿子。古希腊人认为,地球上的万物均由土火水风四种元素构成,而太空则由地球上不存在的另一种神秘元素构成,日月星辰便是由这种元素生成的。在神话中,古希腊人将这种神秘的第五元素人格化为太空神埃忒耳Aither,是天神所呼吸的纯净的天堂空气,迥异于凡人所呼吸的凡间空气。在哲学及科学史上,“以太”ether曾经是一个非常重要的概念,是某些历史时期物理学家赖以思考的假想物质。古希腊哲学家亚里士多德就曾经设想过这种物质。17世纪的笛卡尔最先将以太引入科学,并赋予它某种力学性质,作为传播力的媒介。19世纪的物理学家为解释光在真空中的传播而认为宇宙中到处存在以太,是光的传播介质。20世纪初的物理实验证明以太不存在。ether wave以太波,电磁波…ether extraction醚抽出物absolute ether无水醚ether extract醚提取物diisopropyl ether二异丙醚ether scanner全景接收机bromic ether乙基溴butyl ether丁基醚diethyl ether乙醚vinyl ether乙烯醚cyclic ether环醚petroleum ether石油醚dibutyl ether二丁醚,二丁基醚…acetic ether醋酸乙酯ether inhaler乙醚吸入器alkyl ether烷基醚ethyl ether乙醚ether ester醚酯anesthetic ether麻醉醚,麻醉乙醚…methyl ether甲基醚
近义词 air空气sky天空aether醚heavens天空atmosphere大气ethyl ether乙醚quintessence精华diethyl ether乙醚vinyl ether乙烯醚divinyl ether乙烯醚ethoxyethane化 乙醚

用作名词A whiff ofetherwill put you out in a few seconds.一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。
Ether was used formerly to put a patient to sleep before an operation.从前人们在手术前用乙醚来使病人昏睡。
Williamson reaction is one important method to prepare unsymmetricether.Williamson反应是制备不对称醚类化合物的重要方法。
Today's news went into theetherand was soon forgotten.今天的新闻广播听後不久即置於脑後了。
It was once believed that light wave traveled through theether.人们曾经相信光波在以太中穿过。
Her words disappeared into theether.她的话消失在九霄云外。as in.empyrean
同义词 cosmos,firmament,paradise,skycelestial
empyreanadjective heavenly
celestial,cosmos,firmament,paradise,sky IS THE future of banking in the branch or in the ether?
建分行还是建网络,银行业的未来在哪? ecocn

All this was based on classical electrodynamics, assuming an ether theory.
所有这些都基于电动力学,是以太论的前提。 yeeyan

American military doctors began using ether as an anesthetic on the battlefield during the Mexican- American War1846-1848, and by1849 it was officially issued by the U. S. Army.
美国军医在美墨战争1846-1848期间开始在战场上使用乙醚作为麻醉剂,并在1849年被美国军队指定为官方麻醉剂。 yeeyan

Before its development as a surgical anesthetic, ether was used throughout the history of medicine, including as a treatment for ailments such as scurvy or pulmonary inflammation.
在乙醚应用于外科麻醉之前,它早已在医学中被使用,包括用于治疗坏血病或肺部发炎。 yeeyan

Do not the spirits who dwell in the ether envy man his pain?
难道在以太里居住的精灵,不妒羡世人的痛苦吗? ebigear

Ethernet used its cabling as radio“ ether” by simply broadcasting packets over a thick coaxial line.
通过在粗同轴电缆中以广播方式发送数据包,以太网把网线布线当作广播用的“光以太”。 yeeyan

His mouth was stuffed with rags. Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.
嘴里塞着布条,被乙醚搞得昏昏沉沉,因为船舱的摇晃不停作呕,他微弱的知觉只能隐约感觉到靠在他腿上的重量。 ecocn

However, conceptual attempts to fill it up, most famously with ether as a hypothetical medium, have regularly created more problems than they solved.
然而试图以某种概念作为填充其中最著名的要属将以太假设为某种媒介,其结果通常是由此引发的新问题比解决的还要多。 ecocn

However, once you close the application, any changes disappear into the ether.
然而,一旦关闭应用程序,所做的任何修改都会随之消失。 ibm

In domains where data is king, or where data privacy is king, it's not very comforting, or copacetic, to just send it off to the ether- like abstraction of Bigtable.
在数据为王或数据私密性为王的领域中,只是将数据发送到像以太一样的 Bigtable抽象让人感到不很舒服,或者说很不满意。 ibm

One sleep researcher joked that these two are connected because what happens is dreams fly around through the ether and then their erections serve as antennas so you pick them up.

One's got a rag in his hand, and you can smell the ether.
有个家伙拿了块抹布,你可以老远就闻到乙醚的气味。 yeeyan

Previously, MTBE methyl tertiary-butyl ether was the oxygenate of choice, but fell out of favour in2004 when it was found to contaminate ground water.
以前, MTBE甲基叔丁基醚曾作为汽油充氧剂,但是,在2004年,人们发现它污染了地下水,所以就不再使用它了。 ecocn

Should I simply allow the U.S. auto industry to vanish into the ether?
我应该轻易地让美国汽车制造业消失到太空里去吗? yeeyan

Space is also bound to get tight in the ether.
网络空间同样倾向于在以太中变得过紧。 ecocn

The moon, too, was widely believed to be a perfect sphere of fiery ether.

The researchers start off by drying their coffee grounds overnight and then pour in some common chemical solvents, such as hexane, ether and dichloromethane, to dissolve the oils.
研究人员使用的方法是将咖啡渣隔夜使其干燥,然后放入一些常见的化学溶剂中,例如正己烷、乙醚和二氯甲烷,来溶解咖啡渣中的油类成分。 yeeyan

They worry about people being able to“ hack in through the ether,” he says.
他说道,这种担忧来自“通过以太网络的黑客行为”将成为可能这个事实。 ecocn

Time after time, the strings build and build, sometimes soaring off into the ether, other times making way for a solitary bass line or acoustic rhythm.
弦乐一次又一次地加入其中,有时急速地升入太空,有时又让路给人声,自己甘愿作为低音声部或者原声节奏。 yeeyan

Usage of ether and chloroform later declined after the development of safer, more effective inhalation anesthetics, and they are no longer used in surgery today.
在开发出更安全更有效的吸入式麻醉剂之后,乙醚和氯仿的使用逐渐的减少,直到如今已不在外科手术中使用了。 yeeyan

What is perceived as empty space turns out to be a new kind of ether, a patchwork of quantum fields teeming with spontaneous activity, and the fundamental building block of nature.
真空被证明为一种新的以太,就像是一场充斥着自发运动的量子场拼图,充当着大自然的基本构成物。 ecocn

With this idea in mind, Tu redesigned the extraction process, performing it at low temperatures with ether as the solvent.
有了这个想法,屠呦呦改进了提取工艺,使之可以在低温和乙醚溶剂中进行。 yeeyan

You can get the right answer with classical physics, says Rothman, all in an ether theory without c being either constant or the limiting speed.
鲍恩说,你可以从经典物理学那儿获得正确答案,离了光速的以太论,就只剩下恒量或极限速度。 yeeyan




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