

单词 Ethel
释义 eth·el AHDˈethəl
Certainly not, I gather, the world's greatest living expert on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, but something else entirely different.

In January1977, in company with Ethel Johnson Meyers, he went round112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, Long Island.
1977年1月,他和埃塞尔•约翰逊•梅耶一并探访长岛阿米提维尔的海洋大道112号。 ecocn

That's the kind of risk Ethel Person fully approves of.
冒这个风险,埃塞尔.珀森完全赞同。 yeeyan

The house next below ours was that of an elderly English couples named Childs and their spinster daughter Ethel.
我们家后面第二家是一对年长的来自英国的柴尔兹 Childs夫妇和他们的老姑娘埃塞尔 Ethel。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Fred, that airplane ride cost ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars, ” Ethel replied.
“弗雷德,坐飞机要花十块钱,那可是十块钱啊!”艾瑟儿又这么回答。 xdf

Certainly not I, gather the world's greatest living expert on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg but somebody else entirely different.
当然不会是我,也不是还活在世上的参加过裘里斯和伊塞尔·罗森伯格案件的侦探专家,一定是个完全不同的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Fred and Ethel agreed, so up they went.
弗雷德和艾瑟儿都愿意,就上了飞机。 xdf

He dies, but not before tricking Ethel into tenderly singing for him.
他死了,但在此之前欺骗伊瑟尔罗到他的温柔歌声。 zhongguodaixie.com

Her portrayal of Ethel in On Golden Pond is one of the many that will be deeply remembered.
她在电影《金色池塘》中扮演的埃塞尔是众多电影形象中令人难忘的一个。 www.hkc.edu.cn

His brother now had to assume responsibility for them as well as for his own growing family, particularly when it soon became evident that his sister-in-law, Ethel, could not cope.
他的弟弟现在必须负担起这一家子的责任来,就像对待自己成长中的儿女们一样,特别是很快发现寡嫂埃塞尔实在无法应付这样的难题。 yeeyan

I have a rooster called Ethel and looks like this.

If the portable machine proves as reliable as X- rays, it could be a breakthrough, says New York osteoporosis expert Dr. Ethel Siris.
纽约骨质疏松症专家 Ethel Siris博士说,如果这个移动机器可以像 X光一样可靠,那将是个大突破。 yeeyan

John was amused, but Ethel was not.
约翰很喜欢这电影,而埃塞尔却不然。 yeeyan

Mary found herself in the middle of the quarrel between Joyce and Ethel.
乔埃斯和埃塞尔发生争执,玛丽不知该倾向哪一方。 kuenglish

Roy nears his end as well, reeling from Joe's disclosure and from Ethel's news that he has been disbarred.
罗伊临近结束时他也缫丝由乔的披露和埃塞尔的消息,他已经被取消。 zhongguodaixie.com

Some of the memorable episodes include Lucy and Ethel’s job at a chocolate factory, Lucy gets drunk during a TV commercial, Lucy stomps grapes and Lucy moves to L.A.
其中颇令人难忘的几集有露西和埃塞尔在巧克力工厂工作,露西在电视广告中酩酊大醉,露西跺葡萄以及露西去洛杉矶。 yeeyan

The news of the couple's engagement sparked controversy, as Ethel was an heiress to one of the nation's prominent Republican families.
这对夫妇结婚的消息引起很大争议,因为 Ethel是当时美国共和党里显赫的杜邦家族的女继承人。 yeeyan

The new girl answers to the name of Ethel.
这个新来的姑娘名叫埃塞尔。 hotdic

They had three children— Ethel, Lionel and John.
他们有三个孩子:埃塞尔 Ethel,莱奥那 Lionel和约翰 John。 career.51youcai.com

We could, for example, change the script to input“ Ethel” rather than “ Fred” during playback.
例如,我们可以在回放过程中将脚本中的输入由“ Fred”改为“ Ethel”。 infoq

When Joe leaves, the ghost of Ethel herself appears, having come to witness Roy's last days on earth.
当乔叶的幽灵伊瑟尔罗自己看来,前来见证罗伊的最后几天在地球上。 zhongguodaixie.com

Ethel is a pencil pusher at the same company for25 years.
塞尔在同一家公司中做了25年的秘书工作。 ezitong.com

Ethel became a theater and silent- film star, John mastered Shakespeare, comedy and early film alike, and Lionel appeared in It's a Wonderful Life and won an Oscar for his performance in A Free Soul.
埃塞尔成了剧场表演和无声电影的明星。约翰擅长表演莎翁作品,喜剧并拍摄了早期的电影。 莱奥那在电影《美好生活》中首次露面,因为电影《自由的灵魂》而获得奥斯卡奖。 yeeyan

Ethel leads Louis in the prayer, the play's emotional and moral climax.
埃塞尔导致路易斯在祈祷,在发挥的感情和道义上的高潮。 zhongguodaixie.com

Ethel Uy, whose niece Rhea Mae Sumalpong is among11 Filipinos missing in the quake, said if she had been killed then the family wants her body returned to them so they can hold a funeral.
Ethel Uy他的侄女 Rhea Mae Sumalpong是11名在地震中失踪的菲律宾人中的其中之一,他说如果她遇难,家人想找到她的尸体以使家人能给她举行葬礼。 yeeyan




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