

单词 alkaloid
释义 al·ka·loid 英ˈælkəˌlɔɪd美ˈælkəˌlɔɪdAHDălʹkə-loid' 高SCOCA⁴³⁷³⁰BNC⁵⁸⁷³²iWeb²²²²³

natural bases containing nitrogen found in plantsalkali,碱。-oid, 类。alkaloid reagent生物碱试剂Opium Alkaloid阿片全碱, 全阿片素…putrefactive alkaloid腐败生物碱narcissus alkaloid水仙生物碱animal alkaloid动物碱alkaloid error碱误差aconite alkaloid乌头植物碱cinchona alkaloid金鸡纳生物碱…ergot alkaloid麦角生物碱volatile alkaloid挥发性生物碱…plant alkaloid植物碱alkaloid glucoside生物碱糖苷cadaveric alkaloid医 尸碱, 尸毒…

用作名词Yohimbine is a kind of poisonousalkaloid.育亨宾是一种带有毒性的生物碱。用作形容词The rhizomes are rich in thealkaloidcolchicine.根状茎富有生物碱秋水仙素。 Analysis of Steroidal Alkaloid and Research of Its Formation and Transformation in Solalum Nigrum L.
龙葵甾体类生物碱的表征及其在该植物体内的形成、变化。 kuenglish

The company insists, however, that coca leaves are used as a flavoring agent only after removing the illegal cocaine alkaloid.
然而,公司坚持古柯叶是在消除了非法可卡因生物碱之后才被用作调味剂。 yeeyan

A yellowish-white, amorphous powdered alkaloid, C36H51NO11, obtained from sabadilla seeds and from the rhizome of hellebore.
藜芦定一种略带黄色的非晶体的粉末状生物碱, c36h51no葎11,从沙巴草籽和藜。 iciba

A bitter poisonous alkaloid, C45H73NO15, derived from potato sprouts, tomatoes, and nightshade and having narcotic properties formerly used to treat epilepsy.
一种苦味的有毒的生物碱, C45H73NO15,由蕃茄芽、土豆和茄属植物中得到,具有麻醉特性,以前用来治疗癫痫。 odict.net

A narcotic alkaloid, C18H21NO4, related to codeine, used as an analgesic and a sedative chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride salt.
一种麻醉性的生物碱, C18H21NO4,和可待因有关的,用作止育药和镇静药,主要以其盐酸化物盐的形式存在。 odict.net

A poisonous, bitter, crystalline alkaloid, C17H23NO3, obtained from belladonna and other related plants. It is used to dilate the pupils of the eyes and as an antispasmodic.
阿托品,颠茄碱一种有毒、味苦的结晶生物碱, C17H23NO3从颠茄或其它茄科植物中提取而得。用于扩大瞳孔,治疗痉挛。 iciba

Advances in studies on alkaloid constituents and their pharmacological effect in plants of Sophora Linn.
槐属植物生物碱化学成分及药理作用研究进展。 kuenglish

An alkaloid narcotic, C18H21NO3, derived from opium or morphine and used as a cough suppressant, analgesic, and hypnotic.
可待因一种生物碱麻醉剂, C18H21NO3,从鸦片或吗啡中提取并用于感冒抑制剂、止痛药和催眠药。 iciba

Analyse composition of purine type Alkaloid in Baimao Tea from Nankun mountain by using HPLC.
采用高效液相色谱法分析南昆山白毛茶嘌呤类生物碱成分。 cnki

But, the locals say, this is a great opportunity to show that coca isn't harmful— with or without the cocaine alkaloid.
但是,当地人说,这是一个很好的证明顾客是没有害或者没有古柯碱的机会。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Caffeine, a purine alkaloid, is a key component of tea and coffee.
咖啡因是一种嘌呤生物碱,存在于茶和咖啡中。 cnki

Caffeine is an alkaloid, which is a type of poisonous, bitter substance found in plants.
咖啡因是一种生物碱,有一定的毒性,在小批量的范围内这些豆子是无害的的。 yeeyan

It was found that both Smilax china L and Smilax glabra Roxb contain alkaloid.
结果表明:在菝葜和土茯苓根茎中均含有生砌碱成分。 iciba

It is a curare alkaloid derived from the South American plant.
它是箭毒碱,提取自一种南美产的植物。 yeeyan

Li says the ants were able to cross the cleaned silk but were unable to cross in the two cases where pyrrolidine alkaloid was present.
李说:“蚂蚁能够爬过干净的蜘蛛丝,但不能爬过存有生物碱的蜘蛛丝。” yeeyan

New Skeleton Diterpenoid Alkaloid from Aconitum Vilmorinianum Kom.
一个新骨架二萜生物碱。 kuenglish

Objective:To explore the poisonous effects of the total alkaloid of Papaver Nudicaule L. TAPN and its extract on human gene.
目的:探讨野罂粟总生物碱 TAPN及提取物对人遗传物质的毒理效应。 http://dj.iciba.com

Objective:To study the alkaloid constituents of the Uncaria macrophylla Wall.
目的:研究大叶钩藤生物碱部分的化学成分。 dictall

Scientists are not clear how the fungus controls the ants, but know that it releases alkaloid chemicals into the insect as it consumes it from the inside.
科学家还不清楚寄生菌是如何控制木蚁的,只知道寄生菌在木蚁体内吸收营养物质的同时释放出生物碱。 yeeyan

Steroidal alkaloid is a kind of material which has physiological activity, and also is the effective components of many medicinal plants.
异甾体类生物碱是一类具有生理活性的物质,是许多药用植物的有效成分之一。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Studies on the Alkaloid Constituents of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk.
伊贝母生物碱成分的研究。 kuenglish

Study on Relation between Collecting Stages and Alkaloid Content of Sophora flavescens Ait.
苦参采收期与生物碱含量关系的研究。 kuenglish

The results indicated that there were different total phenolic and indole alkaloid contents in flag leaf and ear of wheat varieties lines.
结果表明,旗叶和穗部总酚和吲哚生物碱含量不同,表现出对麦长管蚜种群影响的差异。 cnki

Topping early also improves chemical and physical qualities of the leaf by stimulating root development and alkaloid production and by reducing buildup of insects.
早打顶还通过刺激根系的发育、生物碱的生成以及减少害虫的危害而提高烟叶的化学和物理品质。 blog.sina.com.cn




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