

单词 estimate
释义 es·ti·mate 英ˈestəˌmeɪt美ˈɛstəˌmetAHDĕsʹtə-māt' ★★★★☆高四六研IMT牛46八COCA²¹⁵³BNC⁴⁹⁵¹iWeb²³⁶¹Economist²³⁰³


judgement or calculation


statement of the price


judgement of the character or qualities

vt. & vi. 估计; 评价,评估

form a judgement or opinion about how much, how many, how good, or the like

an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth;

an estimate of what it would cost

a rough idea how long it would take

a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody;

many factors are involved in any estimate of human life

in my estimation the boy is innocent

a document appraising the value of something as for insurance or taxationa statement indicating the likely cost of some job;

he got an estimate from the car repair shop

the respect with which a person is held;

they had a high estimation of his ability

judge tentatively or form an estimate of quantities or time;

I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds

judge to be probable
estimate, appraise, assay, assess, evaluate , rate, value

这组词都有“估价”的意思。其区别在于:estimate指个人的主观估价; appraise指以专家身份作出最终精确的估价; assay原指化验某物以确定其性质、分量或价值,引申指在衡量某事物之前作出鉴定性分析; assess指对财产进行估价作为征收税款或罚款的依据,引申指在使用某人或某物之前对其作出精确评价,以作最后决定的依据; evaluate是数学用语,指“求…的值”,引申指用比较熟悉的表示法评估某事物的价值; rate则专指评定价值等级的高低; value强调精确地估价。

来自拉丁语aestimare, 估计,评估,判定价值,来自aes, 铜,词源同ore, -tim, 砍,切,词源同anatomy. 比较同源词esteem.
用作名词 n.
动词+~base〔form, give, make〕 estimate估计形容词+~accurate〔correct〕 estimate准确〔正确〕的估计fair〔general〕 estimate公正〔普遍〕的估计preliminary estimate初步估计介词+~at estimate估计below estimate低于估计by estimate照估计on estimate根据估计~+介词estimate for对…估计estimate of…估计用作动词 v.~+名词estimate the cost估计成本estimate the distance of a journey估计旅途的行程estimate the losses估计损失estimate the possibility估计可能性estimate sb's real strength估计某人的实力estimate the size估计大小规模estimate the speed预计速度estimate the total damage估计总的损坏情况estimate the value of sth估计某物的价值estimate a year's harvest估计一年的收成~+副词estimate approximately〔roughly〕大致地估计estimate conservatively保守地估计estimate generally大体上估计estimate highly评价很高estimate justly公正地评价estimate professionally专业评估estimate rightly正确地评价estimate theoretically理论上评价~+介词estimate sth at估计某物为…estimate for the repairs to the roof估算修理屋顶的费用estimate in money用金钱衡量
estimate at v.+prep.

估计,猜测…为 guess (usually a cost or size to be a stated amount)

estimate sth at sthI estimate his age at thirty-five.我估计他年龄在35岁。
The police estimated the number of tourists at about 20000.警方估计旅游的人数大约为两万人。
The firm estimated the cost of new house at £3000.公司估计新房子的成本为3000英镑。
I would estimate the size of the garden at 100 square metres.据我看,这花园100平方米左右。
The cost of building railway was estimated at over one hundred thousand pounds.这条铁路的建筑费用估计要超过10万英镑。
estimate for v.+prep.

对…估价 evaluate about sth

estimate for sth/v-ingThe man estimated for the repair of the car.那人估算了修理汽车的费用。
I asked building firms to estimate for the repair to the roof.我已请了几家建筑公司估计修理这屋顶所需的费用。钱博士estim评价,估价+ate拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀⇒估计,估价,估量
estim评价,估价-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀⇒估计,估价,估量。非常记忆es饿死〖拼音〗+ti提〖拼音〗+mate同学〖熟词〗⇒估计饿死时提到他同学非常记忆est-最高级最⇒ est I’m ate 估计我是最能吃的词根记忆est存在+im+ate做→对存在的东西做评价近义词 judgmentreckoningestimationn. calculation
用作名词n.The painter's estimate for painting the whole house was 1000 dollars.油漆匠对油刷整个房子的估价是1000美元。
At a rough estimate, the army must have covered 250 miles that day.粗略估计,那天部队行进了250英里。
We got estimates from three different contractors.我们得到三个承包商的报价。
I know him well enough to form an estimate of his abilities.我对他很了解,可以对他的能力作出判断。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Can you estimate the worth of the used car?你能估计一下这辆旧汽车值多少钱吗?
He estimated the possible future developments.他估计了未来可能的发展。
We have first to estimate their effects upon complicated social conditions.我们首先得衡量他们对复杂社会状况的影响。
People estimate the literature excellence of the book very highly.人们高度评价这本书文学上的优点。
We estimated his character highly.我们对他的人品评价很高。
It is impossible to estimate his abilities yet.还不可能对他的能力作出评价。
He is highly estimated among his colleagues.同事们对他的评价很高。
She is estimated too lowly.对她的评价太低了。S+~+that-clauseFather estimated that the rug was nine feet long and six feet wide.父亲估计这条地毯有9英尺长,6英尺宽。
The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.园丁估计他给花园除草需要四个小时。
He estimated that his rate of profit would be 10 percent at the outside.他估计他的利润最多不过10%。It is ~ed+that-clauseIt is estimated that the casualties may run to more than ten thousands killed and wounded.估计伤亡人数可过万。
It is estimated that total investment in the country will continue to increase this year.据估计国内投资总额今年将继续增加。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be n.We estimate the cost to be five thousand dollars.我们估计费用为5000美元。
The giant ape is estimated to be almost two metres high.据估计这只巨猿几乎高达两公尺。Pmisestimaten.错估Punderestimatedn.低估v.低估Punderestimaten.低估vt.低估看轻Poverestimatevt.评价过高过高估价n.估计过高评价过高


estimate的基本意思是“评估”,即“估计”“评价”,指人对某物〔事物〕的价值、能力、意义等作出合理的或有时是合理的判断,这种判断不一定是公正客观的,也不一定是确定无疑的; 作出这种判断可以是认真地,也可以是漫不经心地。

estimate主要用作及物动词,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,也可接以“to be+数量短语”充当补足语的复合宾语。



用作名词This is an outsideestimateof the price.这是最高的估价。
Yourestimatewas rejected by the seller.你的估价单被卖家回绝了。
This is a safeestimate.这是个有把握的估计。
We need to make an accurateestimatebeforehand.我们需要事先作出准确的估计。用作动词Iestimateit will take three months to build the bridge .我估计建造这座桥得用3个月时间。
Statisticians canestimatethe highest expected winds.统计人员能估计最大风速。
Heestimateshis losses at two million.他估计他的损失为两百万元。
The medicare cost isestimatedto be one billion dollars.老年医疗保健费用估计为十亿美元。
It's impossible toestimatehis abilities yet.目前评价他的能力是不可能的。
He is highlyestimatedamong his colleagues.同事们对他的评价很高。noun.approximate calculation;educated guess
同义词 appraisal,assessment,conclusion,estimation,evaluation,guess,measure,measurement,opinion,projection,rating,survey,valuationassay,belief,conjecture,gauging,guesstimate,impression,judgment,mensuration,reckoning,stock,surmise,thoughtappraisement,ballpark figure,point of view,sizing up
反义词 ignorance,fact,truthverb.guess, try to value
同义词 appraise,assess,believe,classify,consider,count,decide,determine,evaluate,examine,expect,predict,rankaccount,assay,budget,cast,cipher,class,compute,conjecture,deduce,enumerate,figure,gauge,guess,guesstimate,judge,number,outline,plan,prophesy,rate,reason,reckon,regard,scheme,sum,suppose,surmise,suspect,tax,thinkcalculate roughly,form opinion,look into,look upon,run over,set a figure,size up,think through
反义词 disregard,hesitate,ignore,calculate,disbelieve,forget,guess,know,measure,neglect
analyzeverb examine and determine
assay,beat a dead horse,chew over,confab,consider,evaluate,figure,figure out,get down to brass tacks,hash,inspect,interpret,investigate,judge,kick around,rehash,resolve,scrutinize,sort out,spell out,study,talk game,test,think through
analyzesverb examine and determine
assays,beats a dead horse,chews over,confabs,considers,estimates,evaluates,figures,figures out,gets down to brass tacks,hashes,inspects,interprets,investigates,judges,kicks around,rehashes,resolves,scrutinizes,sort out,spells out,studies,talk game,tests,thinks through
appraisalnoun judgment, estimation
approximateverb come close
approach,border on,come near,estimate,near,reach,resemble,touch,verge on
assayverb analyze
appraise,apprise,assess,check,check out,estimate,evaluate,examine,eyeball,inspect,investigate,measure,peg,prove,rate,read,see,size,size up,survey,test,try,valuate,value,weigh
assessverb evaluate, determine
appraise,apprise,assay,check,check out,compute,determine,dig it,estimate,figure,fix,gauge,guess,judge,nick,peg,rate,reckon,set,size,size up,survey,take measure,valuate,value,weigh Later in the plan, you can provide a more detailed estimate of the test execution effort by adding a weight value to each test case.
在随后的计划中,您可以通过向每一个测试用例添加一个加权值,来提供一份详细的关于测试执行效果的估计。 ibm

The approach does not produce a detailed estimate but it does provide an accurate enough guess to compare projects or to decide whether to start a project.
这个方法并不生成一个详细的估算,但它提供了一个足够精确的推测来比较项目或是决定是否启动一个项目。 infoq




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