

单词 esteem
释义 es·teem 英ɪˈstiːm美ɪˈstimAHDĭ-stēmʹ ★★☆☆☆高研GIMST四八COCA¹⁷⁰⁵⁷BNC¹³⁰⁹⁷iWeb¹¹⁵³¹Economist¹⁴¹⁴³

vt. 尊敬,敬重

respect and admire greatly

vt. 认为,以为

consider; regard

the condition of being honored esteemed or respected or well regarded;

it is held in esteem

a man who has earned high regard

a feeling of delighted approval and likingan attitude of admiration or esteem;

she lost all respect for him

regard highly; think much of;

I respect his judgement

We prize his creativity

look on as or consider;

she looked on this affair as a joke

He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician

He is reputed to be intelligent

esteem, adore, honour, regard, respect

这几个词都有“尊敬,尊重”的意思。其区别在于:respect指对人的意见,行为,品德及才华等的尊重; esteem和regard比respect庄重,程度也更进一步,指十分尊重,并含有爱戴的意思; honour指公开表示尊重; adore在口语中还有非常喜欢的意思,作“敬爱,崇拜,爱慕”解。例如:

He was such a selfless man; everybody respected him. 他是这样一个大公无私的人,人人都尊敬他。

The old teacher was much loved and esteemed.这位老教师很受大家的爱戴。
I have always regarded him highly.我一直很尊重他。
He adores a famous scientist.他崇拜一位著名的科学家。
Flowers are placed before his grave to honour his memory.人们在他墓前放上鲜花以表示对他的敬意。esteem, value


value多指由于认为事物极好、极为重要而重视; esteem则指某人因道德高尚而受到尊重或由于某卓越的成就而获得重视,且不仅尊重还有热爱的意味。例如:

He is held in high esteem by his colleagues.他受到同行的尊重。admire,honour,respect,regard,esteem














用作动词 v.
~+副词esteem generally基本上尊重esteem highly深深尊重esteem lightly轻视esteem particularly特别尊重esteem sincerely真诚地尊重~+介词esteem sb above the others尊重某人超过别人esteem sb as the father of psychoanalysis把某人看作精神分析学之父esteem sb for sb's honesty尊重某人的诚实
esteem for v.+prep.

为…而尊敬某人( admire sb because of sth)

esteem sb for sthI esteem your uncle for his kindness, experience and honesty.我很钦佩你叔叔的善良、老练和诚实。
The people esteemed the president for his unselfishness.人民敬重总统无私的品质。联想记忆e音似:一+stee看作steel,钢铁+m看作man,人→一个有钢铁般意志的人值得尊敬→尊重;尊敬非常记忆es饿死+te特+em恶魔⇒饿死的特务对恶魔很尊重GRE难词记忆esteem→self-esteem n.自尊,自尊心self-esteemn.自尊,自尊心近义词 rate比率value价值prize奖品honor荣誉think认为judge法官favor偏爱glory光荣regard尊敬honour荣誉admire钦佩homage敬意repute名声respect尊敬cherish珍爱approve批准worship崇拜look on观看approval同意treasure财富consider考虑venerate尊敬highly高度地think of想到reverence敬畏hold dear看重look upon看待appreciate欣赏admiration钦佩importance重要friendship友谊sympathize同情consequence结果recognition承认hallow使 … 神圣prise强行使分开appreciation欣赏consecrate供神用consideration考虑regard as把 … 看作rate highly评价很高take to be把 … 看作是 …revereR~里维尔(美国马萨…反义词 disesteem侮辱
S+~+ n./pron.We esteem courageous people.我们尊重勇敢的人。
No one esteems your father more than I do.没有人比我更敬重你的父亲了。
The old teacher was much loved and esteemed.这位老教师很受大家的爱戴。
His drama was highly esteemed.他的戏剧受到高度重视。
The art of conversation is highly esteemed in France.在法国十分尊重谈话技巧。S+~+that-clauseHe esteemed that he understood what I had said.他认为已经听懂我说的意思了。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be adj.I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖。
I esteem her to be very happy.我觉得她很幸福。
They esteem the proposal worthless.他们认为这个建议没有价值。
The teacher esteems it clever to write everything down in the notebook.老师认为在笔记本上写下所有东西是聪明的。S+~+ n./pron. +as n.We esteem Simund Freud as the father of psychoanalysis.我们认为西格蒙德·弗罗伊德是精神分析学之父。
I esteem it an honour to attend this meeting.我能参加这次大会,感到十分荣幸。
We shall esteem it a favour if you will inform us soon.如早日通知,则不胜感激。Pself-esteemn.自尊自负自大Pdisesteemvt.厌恶轻视n.冷遇轻视Pmisesteemvt.轻视不予尊重n.轻视



esteem用作及物动词,可接名词、代词作宾语,还可接以“to be/as+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。


用作名词We all have greatesteemfor you.我们都非常敬重您。
All his students held him in highesteem.他的学生对他都很尊敬。用作及物动词No one canesteemyou more than I do.没有人会比我更敬重你。
He isesteemedfor his courage.他因有勇气而受人尊敬。
Weesteemhim to be worthy of trust.我们认为他值得信任。
Sheesteemedthat she knew what life was.她认为自己懂得什么是生活。verb.regard highly;value
同义词 hold dear,revere,value,venerateadmire,appreciate,cherish,consider,hero-worship,honor,idolize,like,love,prize,regard,respect,treasure,worshipbe fond of,look up to,regard highly,think the world of
反义词 belittle,condemn,denounce,despise,dishonor,dislike,disparage,disrespect,hate,not care,scorn,underestimate,underrate,undervalueabuse,deride,insult,mock,ridiculeverb.consider;believe to be
同义词 appraise,consider,deembelieve,calculate,count,estimate,hold,judge,rate,reckon,regard,think,view
反义词 disbelieve,discount,disregard,ignore,neglect
admirationnoun great respect
admireverb hold in high regard
adore,applaud,appreciate,approve,be crazy about,be crazy for,be crazy over,be mad about,be nuts about,be stuck on,be sweet on,be wild about,cherish,commend,credit,delight in,esteem,eulogize,extol,fall for,get high on,glorify,go for,groove on,hail,hold in respect,honor,idolize,laud,look up to,marvel at,moon over,pay homage to,praise,prize,rate highly,respect,revere,take pleasure in,think highly of,treasure,value,venerate,wonder at,worship
admiresverb hold in high regard
adores,applauds,appreciates,approves,be sticks on,cherishes,commends,credits,delight in,esteems,eulogizes,extols,falls for,gets high on,glorifies,goes for,grooves on,hails,holds in respect,honors,idolizes,is crazy about,is crazy for,is crazy over,is mad about,is nuts about,is sweet on,is wild about,lauds,looks up to,marvels at,moon over,pays homage to,praises,prizes,rate highly,respects,reveres,takes pleasure in,thinks highly of,treasures,values,venerates,wonders at,worships
adorationnoun intense love
admiration,amore,ardor,attachment,crush,devotion,esteem,estimation,exaltation,glorification,hankering,honor,idolatry,idolization,infatuation,pash,passion,puppy love,reverence,shine,veneration,weakness,worship,worshipping,yen
adoreverb love intensely
admire,be crazy about,be gone on,be mad for,be nuts about,be serious about,be smitten with,be stuck on,be sweet on,be wild about,cherish,delight in,dig,dote on,esteem,exalt,fall for,flip over,glorify,go for,honor,idolize,prize,revere,reverence,treasure,venerate,worship
adoresverb love intensely
admires,be goes on,be smites with,be sticks on,cherishes,delight in,digs,dote on,esteems,exalts,falls for,flips over,glorifies,goes for,honors,idolizes,is crazy about,is mad for,is nuts about,is serious about,is sweet on,is wild about,prizes,reverences,reveres,treasures,venerates,worships Read for yourselves some of the comments on both my self- esteem video and my recent death and dying video and you’ll appreciate my point.
你可以自己去看看“我的自尊视频”和“我最近的死亡及垂死的视频”上的一些评论,然后你就会欣赏我的观点了。 yeeyan

The fulfillment of these promises, or resolutions, builds confidence and self- esteem, which eventually leads you to believe that almost anything is possible.
这些承诺,或者解决方案的完成,建立了自尊和自信; 自尊和自信最终引导你,让你相信几乎什么都是可能的。 yeeyan

“ People who have higher incomes and better health in later life tend to maintain their self- esteem as they age, ” Orth said.
“具有高收入和较晚年生活和健康良好的人们在他们老年时倾向于维持他们的自我尊重,”奥尔特说。 yeeyan

“ Ultimately, to say something is a theory in science is an honorific, ” Weisberg said, meaning it commands esteem or respect based on the many tests it has withstood.
“最终,说什么是科学理论,这仅是一种尊重” ,韦斯伯格说,意味着在经受了许多检验的基础上,它所要求的评价或尊重。 yeeyan

A person who feels this way may not initially realize it, but they have low self esteem.
一个人以这样的方式感觉,最初一般不会意识到,但是却是属于低自尊的。 yeeyan

Check your local churches or clubs and find out if there are any lectures currently running on the subject of self confidence and self esteem.
查看一下你们当地的教堂啦,俱乐部啦,看看那里是否有一些以自信,自尊和情绪控制为主题的讲座在进行。 yeeyan

Genuine self- esteem is how someone feels about himself privately.
真正的自尊心是指一个人对自己感觉如何。 yeeyan

He recognised that a key motivator for many people is the desire to feel important, the nourishment of their self- esteem.
他认为对许多人来讲,一个主要的激励因素就是自己受重视的愿望,也就是自尊心的满足。 ecocn

His manner was as courteous toward her as the most exacting woman could require; but he made no direct appeal to her approval or even esteem.
他表现出一副大多数女人都喜欢的彬彬有礼;但是他却没有直接显露出一副希望获得她的认同及尊重的样子。 yeeyan

I am to esteem them how?
我该怎样尊敬他们? yeeyan

I esteem it worthless.

If you can give the other person something up front you will raise your esteem in their eyes.
如果你能够将其他人的利益放在个人利益之前,你会提升你在他人眼中的受尊敬度。 yeeyan

Life for Hobbes is competition or struggle not just over scarce resources, although that might be part of the struggle, but for honors, for anything else that a person might value or esteem.

Once they've achieved those, they seek safety, and then social interaction and love, and then self- esteem.
一旦他们实现了这些,他们就会寻求安全,然后是社交和爱,接下来是自我尊重。 hjenglish

Self- esteem: Understand how your beliefs about yourself affect how you act.
自尊:了解你对自己的信念会如何影响你的行动。 ebigear

So our choices regarding“ how far is too far” aren't about the behaviors themselves but about our esteem of God and His commands.
所以有关“多远才是最远”的选择不是对行为本身的选择,而是选择是否对上帝和他的指令尊敬。 yeeyan

Solzhenitsyn was an icon of freedom to the Western world, but he did not return the esteem it heaped on him.
对于西方世界来说,索尔仁尼琴是自由的象征,但他并没有回馈这些赋予其身的尊重。 yeeyan

The bureaucrats of Brussels do not enjoy the same public esteem as the sleek administrators of Paris, but they are well rewarded in other ways.
布鲁塞尔的官员虽未能享受到像时髦阔气的巴黎官员们得到的公众尊重,但是在其他方面得到了不错的奖励。 ecocn

This is why I esteem the individual only because he strikes me as ridiculous and humiliated.
这是我为什么尊重个体,就是因为他让我深深地感到荒诞和屈辱。 yeeyan

This sight, this final awful plight for a coach they all hold in such high esteem, should've been enough motivation to bring them all together.
这样的情景,这种对一位他们十分尊敬的教练来说十分糟糕的结局,本该足以成为将他们凝聚在一起的动力。 yeeyan

We also decided that humility was defined not by self- deprecating behavior or attitudes but by the esteem with which you regard others.
我们同时发现谦虚不是指那些自贬的行为或态度,而是指他们对待他人时表现出来的尊重。 yeeyan

We have been force-fed the doctrines of self- esteem for so long that most people don't really view themselves as sinners worthy of divine wrath.
长期以来,我们人们都被迫接受自尊自重的教条,大多数人都不会真的把自己看作是需要接受上帝神怒的恶人。 yeeyan

You'll both affirm and esteem one another and look for common interests you can develop and share together.
你们将肯定和尊重彼此,寻找你能培养并与父亲相同的兴趣,大家在一起多多分享交流。 yeeyan




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