

单词 escaping from
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Consider, for example, the walking catfish, which is now colonising China, Thailand and the US, after escaping from fish farms and ornamental ponds.
举个例子,一想到鲶鱼,这种鱼种在逃出鱼养殖场和观赏性的池子之后如今在中国,泰国和美国得到繁殖。 yeeyan

It's not like a lot of people think, it's escaping, going to some other places, escaping from the stresses of the world.

The light touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler.
亮光使她发辫上散逸出的浅黑色发鬈变成了黄褐色,并使她苍白的脸色更加苍白。 kekenet

After escaping from the labor camp through sewers, he joined the semiofficial Polish militia in 1944.
1944年,在他通过下水道逃出集中营后,他参加了半官方的波兰民兵。 yeeyan

An inmate is on the run after escaping from a jail in South Wales by clinging to the bottom of a prison van.
一名犯人躲在监狱货车的底部,成功地逃出了英国南威尔士的一所监狱。 edu.sina.com.cn

He had a ready faculty, indeed, of escaping from any topic that agitated his too sensitive and nervous temperament.
的确,他总有一种本领,能够随时摆脱使他那过于敏感和神经质的气质激动起来的任何话题。 hjenglish

Now twenty years after her abuse ended she was finally dealing with those feelings rather than escaping from them.
现在,离她受到的虐待已经二十多年了,她最终开始处理这些感情,而不是逃避它们。 yeeyan

Summertime reading is about escaping from the real world.
夏日阅读通常是为逃离现实世界的。 yeeyan

Theseus’s strategy represents an algorithm for escaping from a maze, but it is not the only algorithm he could have used to solve this problem.
提修斯的策略表现了一种逃离迷宫的算法,但并不是他可以用来解决问题的唯一算法。 yeeyan

Time travel in China is more about escaping from the reality than about realizing wild dreams.
中国式“时间旅行”更多的是逃避残酷的现实,而不是实现狂野的梦想。 lkong

Underwood pleaded guilty to escaping from custody and was sentenced to an extra6 months.
事后安德伍德承认逃脱管制,为此服刑期又延长了6个月。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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