

单词 escape hatch
释义 escape hatch isˈkeiphætʃ 短语⁵⁰⁸³³

hatchway that provides a means of escape in an emergencyescape hatch安全舱口
as in.back door
同义词 side doorback entrance,back stairs,back way,indirect access,means of entry,postern,postern door,secret exit,secretive or illicit method,trap door,trapdoor,wormholeas in.escape clause
同义词 clause,escalator clause,escapeway,fine print,hole to creep out of,loophole,saving clause,technicality,way of escape,way-outas in.fire escape
同义词 escapeway,fire egress,fire exit
back doornoun back entrance
back entrance,back stairs,back way,indirect access,means of entry,postern,postern door,secret exit,secretive or illicit method,side door,trap door,trapdoor,wormhole
escape clausenoun legal provision to get out of a contract
clause,escalator clause,escape hatch,escapeway,fine print,hole to creep out of,loophole,saving clause,technicality,way of escape,way-out
fire escapenoun emergency exit
escape hatch,escapeway,fire egress,fire exit Fortunately for Goldman, it has an escape hatch.
对高盛来说,它幸运地拥有一个逃生出口。 ecocn

He leaped up and balanced on the handrail. He accessed the escape hatch at the top and climbed up.
他向上一跃,抓住扶手保持平衡,进入顶部的安全舱口,继续向上爬。 starwarsfans.cn

The capsule provides them with oxygen, a way to communicate with rescuers and within an escape hatch.
该救生舱中配有氧气,用于和救援人员交流的通讯方式。 tingclass




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