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词汇 escape
释义 es·cape 英ɪˈskeɪp美ɪˈskepAHDĭ-skāpʹ ★★★★☆小高四六研IT牛4COCA²⁵²⁴BNC³¹⁹⁰iWeb²⁸⁰²Economist²⁴⁹⁸

vt. & vi. 逃脱,逃跑

get free; get away; find a way out

vi. 漏出,泄漏

find a way out, leak, seep out

UC逃走,逃脱; 逃避

an act of escaping


sth that frees one from unpleasant or dull reality

the act of escaping physically;

he made his escape from the mental hospital

the canary escaped from its cage

his flight was an indication of his guilt

an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy;

romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life

his alcohol problem was a form of escapism

nonperformance of something distasteful as by deceit or trickery that you are supposed to do;

his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible

that escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive

an avoidance of danger or difficulty;

that was a narrow escape

a means or way of escaping;

hard work was his escape from worry

they installed a second hatch as an escape

their escape route

a plant originally cultivated but now growing wildthe discharge of a fluid from some container;

they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe

he had to clean up the leak

a valve in a container in which pressure can build up as a steam boiler; it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
run away from confinement;

The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison

fail to experience;

Fortunately, I missed the hurricane

escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action;

She gets away with murder!

I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities

be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by;

What you are seeing in him eludes me

remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion;

We escaped to our summer house for a few days

The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer

flee; take to one's heels; cut and run;

If you see this man, run!

The burglars escaped before the police showed up

issue or leak, as from a small opening;

Gas escaped into the bedroom


❌ He tried to escape away last night.

✔️ He tried to escape last night.



❌ Her address is escaped by me.

✔️ Her address escaped me.

escape作“被…忘记,没有被…注意到”解时,用sth escape sb 结构表示,而不是用sb escape sth 结构。

escape, escape from

两者都有“逃”的意思。其区别在于:escape一般用于指“避免”或“逃避”某种危险或厄运,它可以是有意识或无意识的行为; 而escape from一般是指从具体的、实实在在的拘禁、限制范围或危险的环境中“逃出”或“逃脱”。试比较下列两组句子:

He tried to escape prison.他试图逃脱坐班房。
He tried to escape from prison.他试图逃出监狱。
He escaped the burning building.他避开了那座着火的大楼。
He escaped from the burning building.他从燃烧着的大楼中逃出来。escape, avoid




She avoided answering my question.她故意回避回答我的问题。
There is no way to escape doing the work.没有办法不干这种活。escape, flee, fly, run away

这组词组都有“跑开”“逃跑”“逃亡”的意思。其区别在于:escape多表示逃跑后的结果如未被捕获,并不指逃跑的动作; flee表示逃跑的行为本身,常含有“惧怕”的意味。例如:

Many people fled the burning hotel.许多人逃离了着火的旅馆。
There was evidence that the burglars had been frightened and had fled.有证据说窃贼是受惊之后仓皇逃走的。


Why did the sportsman fly his country?为什么那个运动员叛逃到国外去呢?

run away多用于口语,指不让人知道,有时含有“不辞而别”的意味。例如:

He ran away twice from his boarding school.他两次从寄宿学校出走。来自古法语,源自拉丁语,字面意思是“挣脱斗篷”,引申为“逃脱”。在古代欧洲的战场上,被击败的战士为了保命,往往会使出“金蝉脱壳”的招数,在被敌人抓住斗篷时脱掉斗篷而摆脱敌人,或在被敌人追赶时主动脱掉斗篷,趁敌人去捡斗篷时赶紧逃掉。因为在古代,一件斗篷算是不菲的财产,有钱人才穿得起。
用作动词 v.
~+名词escape curse免遭咒骂escape danger避免危险escape death免于死亡escape defeat避免失败escape difficulty逃避困难escape fate逃避厄运escape infection免受传染escape notice避开注意escape person避开某人escape punishment逃避惩罚escape reality逃避现实escape responsibility逃避责任escape search逃避搜查escape summer heat避暑escape suspicion避免嫌疑escape task逃避任务escape winter避寒~+副词escape barely差点没逃脱escape easily安然逃脱escape narrowly差点没逃脱escape rapidly迅速流出~+介词escape from从…中逃出来,逃离escape from prison越狱escape out of a burning house从燃烧着的房子里逃出来escape through从…里跑掉escape to跑到,逃往…escape to a foreign land逃到外国escape with one's life逃命escape without harm安然逃脱用作名词 n.动词+~cut off the escape截断退路fail escape逃跑失败have a narrow escape九死一生make one's escape逃跑organize an escape组织逃脱plan escape计划逃跑形容词+~clean escape利索的逃脱good escape顺利逃脱hazardous escape冒险的逃跑lucky escape侥幸逃脱narrow escape九死一生near escape九死一生successful escape成功的逃走名词+~fire escape火警时使用的太平梯hairbreadth escape死里逃生介词+~literature of escape逃避文学~+介词an escape from逃离an escape from prison越狱an escape of water漏水
escape from v.+prep.

被忘记 be forgotten

escape from sb/sth/v-ingWe escaped from the enemy.我们逃脱了敌人的追踪。
Young people often desire to escape from their parents.年轻人常常希望摆脱父母的管束。
He escaped from prison last week, and has been on the run ever since.他上星期越狱逃跑,后来一直东逃西窜。
He did not escape from the enemy's clutches.He was arrested again.他没有逃出敌人的魔掌,他再次被捕了。
We had to break the door out to escape from the fire.我们不得不把门砸开以逃避火灾。
The canary has escaped from the cage.那只金丝雀已从笼子里跑掉。
The lion escaped from the zoo.狮子从动物园逃跑了。
The fox escaped from the trap at the cost of a leg.狐狸逃出了陷阱,可是失去了一条腿。
There is no escaping from history.任何事物都逃脱不了历史的裁决。
Before we can travel in space men must escape from gravity.人类必须脱离引力,才能到宇宙空间去旅行。
He tried to escape from reality by staying at home.他通过呆在家里试图逃避现实。
One of the most powerful motives that attract people to science and art is the longing to escape from everyday dull life.吸引人们从事科学艺术活动的最有活力的动机之一是因为渴望避开每天的平庸生活。
He escaped from serving his time.他逃避服刑。
In the accident he escaped from being injured.在这次事故中,他幸免受伤。escape from sb/sthExplosive gas is escaping from the pipes.爆炸性气体从管子中漏了出来。
Air escapes from the tyre.这个轮胎漏气。
Steam escapes from the kettle.水蒸气从壶中溢出。
Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe.水从排水管中迅速流出。
Gasoline escaped from the overturned truck.汽油从翻了的卡车中流了出来。
A moan escaped from the patient.病人不由得呻吟了一声。
An exclamation of joy escaped from her lips.她情不自禁地发出了一声高兴的叫喊。
A faint cry of surprise escaped from her lips.她轻轻地发出一声惊奇的叫喊。escape from one's mind〔memory〕The matter escaped from my mind.这件事情我都忘了。
All remembrance of him has escaped from my mind.我简直无法回忆起他。
The words escaped from his memory.他记不住这些词了。
escape out of v.+adv.+prep.

逃出 get out of

escape out of sthThey escaped out of the burning house immediately.他们立即逃离了燃烧着的房子。
He had escaped out of the Russian Army to the U. S.他从俄军中逃到了美国。
escape to v.+prep.

逃往 get free and go to sb or a place

escape to sb/sthI hear that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover.听说我们那位已婚的邻居逃到她情夫那儿去了。
The criminals escaped to the countryside.罪犯逃到乡下。用作名词n.make good one's escape

设法逃走 manage to escape completely and satisfactorily

故事记忆有个聪明 Ape猿从动物园 Escape逃跑这天披着 Cape披肩在湖边看 Landscape风景夜晚开始 Gape打呵欠被人捉住 Nape后颈送回园吃 Grape葡萄被录制成 Tape磁带钱博士es=ex,出来+cape披肩→挣脱披肩⇒战场上被追击时脱掉披肩,趁敌人去捡披肩时逃脱非常记忆es饿死〖拼音〗+cap帽子〖熟词〗+e鹅〖编码〗⇒逃跑的时候饿死了戴帽子的鹅es=ex,出来+cape披肩→挣脱披肩⇒战场上被追击时脱掉披肩,趁敌人去捡披肩时逃脱)近义词 flyv. flee
S+~+ANone of them could escape.他们谁也跑不了。
The thief escaped by climbing over a fence.小偷越过围墙逃走。
They bound his legs so that he couldn't escape.他们将他的两腿捆起来使他不能逃跑。
The police clapped the handcuffs on the man before he could escape.那人还没来得及逃跑就让警察给戴上了手铐。
They ran away from the guards and three of them escaped.他们从警卫的监视下逃跑,其中三人逃脱了。
She had managed to escape by running into the street in her nightdress.她穿着睡衣跑进街道逃脱了。
The little ship tried to escape when the big pirate ship bore down on it.那条大海盗船逐渐逼近时,小船力图摆脱。
The crew escaped, but the ship was broken into pieces.船员们脱险了,但船被打得粉碎。
Let the bath water escape.让洗澡水流掉。
Make a hole and let the water escape.弄一个洞,让水流出去。
The gas is escaping somewhere.什么地方在漏气。
S+~+ adj.We all escaped unscathed.我们全部安然逃脱。
She escaped unhurt.她逃掉了而未受伤。
S+~+ n./pron.The fox escaped the hunter.狐狸躲开了猎人。
The skiers barely escaped the avalanche.滑雪的人刚好逃过雪崩。
He thinks he will never escape hard work.他想他永远逃避不了辛苦的工作。
No man can escape his destiny.没人能逃脱他的命运。
Nothing can escape his observation.什么也逃不过他的观察。
The thief tried to escape justice by running away.小偷企图通过逃跑来躲避法律的制裁。
You were lucky to escape punishment.你逃避了惩罚,真幸运。
She described how she had narrowly escaped death.她叙述了她九死一生的经历。
No detail escaped his notice.没有一个细节他没有注意到。
Nothing escaped his attention.没有一件事逃过了他的注意。
Well, his name has quite escaped my memory.可是,他的名字我已经记不清了。
Her tears fell down, but not a sob escaped her.她掉泪了,但没哭出声来。
The mistake escaped me.我没有注意到这个错误。
The misprint escaped the proofreader.这个印刷错误校对的人没有看出来。
It would have escaped me if you hadn't mentioned it.要是你不提起此事,我已经把它忘了。
How did you let such a significant fact escape you?你怎么能没有注意到如此重要的事实呢?
I'm afraid your name escaped me.对不起,我想不起你的名字了。
The exact date has escaped me.我记不起确切日期了。
A deep sigh escaped him.他不觉深深地叹了一口气。S+~+ v -ingThere is no way to escape doing the work.没法避免干这工作。
We luckily escaped having any cold this winter.今年冬天我们很幸运,没有患感冒的。
He was lucky to escape being killed.他很幸运,没有丢掉他的那条命。
He escaped being killed in the blast because he had not gone to work.他因没有去上班而避免了在那次爆炸中丧生。
He was lucky that he escaped being hurt.他很幸运,他免遭受伤。
The boy narrowly escaped being run over by the car.这孩子差点给车轧着了。
The bird was lucky to escape being caught.那鸟很幸运,躲过了捕杀。
He narrowly escaped being drowned.他险些被淹死。
He escaped being laughed at.他避开了别人的嘲笑。其他v -ed as Attrib.The escaped prisoner was cornered at last.那逃犯终于被逼入了困境。用作名词n.He had a miraculous escape when a bullet from the enemy's guns grazed his head.敌人的枪弹擦伤了他的头皮,他奇迹般地幸免一死。
That was a narrow escape all right, when our car turned over!那会儿我们的车翻了,那简直是死里逃生。
The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.爆炸是由于漏煤气引起的。
It's dangerous to look for an escape of gas with a naked light.用无罩灯去寻找漏煤气的地方很危险。
The backdoor is your only means of escape.那道后门是你逃生的唯一退路。
When the fire started, many of the guests fled through fire-escape.火灾发生时,许多来宾从太平梯逃走。
When he lost all his money there was no escape left and he finally went to work.他把钱丢了,弄得走投无路,最后去找工作。
The police have just found the escape vehicle.警方刚找到逃跑者使用的车辆。
He showed us our escape route on the map.他在地图上指出我们逃跑的路线。~+from n./pron.There have been several escapes from this prison recently.最近这所监狱发生了几宗越狱事件。
There have been few successful escapes from this prison.没有人能从这座监狱逃走。
He listens to music as an escape from the pressures of work.他听音乐以缓解一下工作的压力。
I found no method of escape from pain and suffering.我找不到免除病痛的办法。Pescapeen.逃亡者逃避者Pescape-proofa.防逃脱的防泄漏的Pescapementn.钟/表的司行轮棘轮装置摆轮




escape用作不及物动词时,后接from英〔out of美〕,意思是“从…逃出”。

当escape的宾语是me, you等代词时,意思是“不被某人注意”; 宾语是one's lips时,意思是“忽然说出”。







用作动词The prisoner hasescaped.犯人逃走了。
To my surprise, he couldescapefrom that big fire.令我惊讶的是,他能够从那场大火里逃脱出来。
I had left England toescapefrom my own future.我离开英国是为了逃避自己的命运。
They came to America toescapepolitical tyranny.他们为逃避暴政逃到了美洲。
His nameescapesme right now.他的名字我一时想不起来。
It had notescapedmy attention that Joseph was absent.我注意到约瑟夫没有来。
About five tonnes of crude oil hadescapedinto the sea.约5吨原油泄露到了海里。
We are hoping toescapeto the Algarve in May.我们希望5月去阿尔加维度假。用作名词The thief jumped into a car and made hisescape.小偷跳上汽车逃走了。
Ourescapewas little short of miraculous.我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
He soughtescapein the bottle from hard realities.他常常借酒消愁来逃避残酷的现实。
Dancing and reading are wonderfulescape.跳舞与阅读都是很好的逃避方式。
They tried to stop theescapeof gas from the damaged pipe.他们试图阻止气体从损坏的管道中泄露出来。
To exit a screen or dialog box, press theescapebutton.按推出键可以推出当前屏幕或对话框。noun.breaking away;getaway
同义词 breakout,departure,desertion,disappearance,flight,freedom,liberation,outbreak,rescue,withdrawalAWOL,abdication,avoidance,beat,bolt,break,bypassing,circumvention,decampment,deliverance,dodging,ducking,elopement,elusion,elusiveness,evasion,evasiveness,extrication,fadeout,hegira,lam,leave,out,powder,release,retreat,shunning,sidestepping,slip,springeschewal,runaround
反义词 arrival,coming,entrance,stay,staying,directness,meetingcapture,maintenanceverb.break away from
同义词 avoid,depart,disappear,dodge,elude,emerge,evade,flee,fly,leave,run,slip,slip away,vanishabscond,bolt,circumvent,decamp,desert,double,duck,elope,pass,shun,skipbail out,burst out,cut and run,cut loose,duck out,fly the coop,get away with,get off,go scot-free,make getaway,make off,make oneself scarce,play hooky,run away,run off,run out on,steal away,take a powder,take flight,take on the lam,work out of,wriggle out
反义词 appear,arrive,come,confront,continue,encounter,face,meet,stand,stay,take on,wait,walk,accept,aid,assist,helpcapture,remain
abscondverb run away, depart secretly
beat it,bolt,break,clear out,cut and run,decamp,disappear,dog it,duck out,fade,flee,fly the coop,get,go AWOL,go south,hightail,jump,leave,make a break,make off,make scarce,pull out,quit,run off,scram,skedaddle,skip out,slip,sneak away,split,steal away,take off,vamoose,vanish
antipathynoun strong dislike, disgust
abhorrence,allergy,animosity,animus,antagonism,aversion,avoidance,bad blood,contrariety,disgust,dislike,distaste,dyspathy,enmity,escape,eschewal,evasion,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,incompatibility,loathing,opposition,rancor,repellency,repugnance,repulsion
avoidverb refrain or stay away from;prevent
abstain,avert,bypass,circumlocute,circumvent,cold-shoulder,deflect,desist,ditch,divert,dodge,duck,elude,escape,eschew,evade,fake out,fend off,flee,give the slip,hide,hold off,jump,keep clear,lay low,obviate,recoil,run for cover,shake,shake and bake,shake off,shirk,shrink from,shuffle off,shun,shy,sidestep,skip,skip out on,skip town,skirt,stay away,stay out,steer clear of,step aside,turn aside,ward off,weave,withdraw
avoidancenoun eluding;preventing
absention,circumvention,delay,departure,dodge,dodging,elusion,escape,escapism,eschewal,evasion,flight,forbearance,nonparticipation,parry,passive resistance,prevention,recession,recoil,restraint,retreat,runaround,self-restraint,shirking,shunning,steering clear of
blowoutnoun explosion;something exploded
blast,break,burst,detonation,eruption,escape,flat tire,leak,puncture,rupture,tear
boltverb run quickly away
abscond,bail out,bound,cop out,cut loose,cut out,dart,dash,ditch,drop out,dump,escape,flee,fly,hightail,hotfoot,hurtle,jump,kiss goodbye,leap,leave flat,leave high and dry,leave holding the bag,leave in the lurch,make a break for it,make off,make tracks,opt out,run like scared rabbit,run out on,rush,scamper,scoot,skedaddle,skip,split,spring,sprint,start,startle,step on it,take flight,take off,walk out on But the pain is not always so easy to escape.
但是这种苦恼不总是那么容易就能逃避的。 ecocn

Fund managers should not escape scrutiny either.
基金经理也不会逃过调查。 ecocn

He thought of inculpating his brother to escape punishment himself.

How can I escape?
我如何能逃脱? yeeyan

I resorted to all the devices of those who wished to escape.
我采用那些希望逃 出的人所使用的一切手段。 ebigear

I went out with my mother mainly because it was an opportunity to escape briefly.
我和母亲出去主要是因为这是一个能暂时逃离那里的机会。 yeeyan

If it is out of necessity, then your new goal should be planning your escape route.
如果这工作是必须的,你的新目标中应该要计划到“逃生路线”。 yeeyan

If you give her happiness, she will not leave from your life, we must know that no one will escape happiness.
如果你能给她带来幸福,她是不会从你的生活中离开的,要知道,没有人会逃避幸福。 yeeyan

It is the anticipation of enjoyment, and perhaps there is some element of escape in there too.
那是因为我们已经预感到接下来的阅读快感,也许还有一定希望逃避的成分。 yeeyan

It used it to escape all censure.
它使用此权利逃避一切责难。 ecocn

Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.

She must escape! Frank would save her.
她一定要逃跑!弗兰克会拯救她。 ebigear

So we have a resonance escape probability which is measured in this term.

The captain dived his submarine deep to escape from the destroyers.

The prisoners attempted to escape but failed.

There seemed only one escape for her hunted soul.
她那被追逼的灵魂似乎只有逃跑一条路。 ebigear

To escape punishment is one of the most obvious reasons why people lie.
人为什么说谎?为了逃避惩罚是最容易见到的原因之一。 yeeyan

To escape this prison and empower yourself, you must identify areas of your life over which you have power.
要逃离这个牢狱和提升自己的能力,你必须确定你生命中你拥有掌控力量的区域。 yeeyan

Unlike the other levels, there is no escape at this level.
与其他层次不同的是,在这一层没有逃避。 yeeyan

We can escape to it at any time.
我们可以在任何时间逃离它。 dict

Yet they find no escape, for their survival and comfort now depend on unpredictable strangers in far-off corners of the globe.
然而他们发现无处可逃,因为他们的生存和舒适现在依赖于地球遥远角落里无法预测的陌生人。 ecocn




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