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词汇 Alkali basalts
释义 Alkali basalts
A lot of enclaves named spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite derived from the mantle were fount in alkali basalt of Miocene Naitoushan period.其中奶头山期碱性玄武岩中含有幔源的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体和辉石岩包体。
The deposit is located in alkali basalt which is controlled by the secondary structural zones of the Dunha-Mishan fault.矿床为碱性玄武岩,以位于大断裂次级构造上为特征。
A lot of peridotite xenoliths as well as some pyroxene, feldspar and titanomagnetite megacrysts were discovered for the first time in the alkali basalt southeast of Sanyitang.首次在三义堂附近的碱性玄武岩中发现了大量的橄榄岩包体、辉石和长石以及少量的含钛磁铁矿巨晶。
Basalt series in Baiyinchang ore-field are consist of basalts and alkali-basalts,in which basalts belong to calc-alkalic basalts and tholeiite, alkali basalts belongs to kali-alkali series.白银厂矿田玄武岩主要由玄武岩和碱性玄武岩组成 ,其中玄武岩属于钙碱性系列和拉斑系列 ,碱性玄武岩属于钾质碱性玄武岩系列和钠质碱性玄武岩系列。
Thyon volcanic rocks are classified as alkali basalts, with pyroxene megacrysts, and deep-seated mantle xenoliths such as augite and peridotite have been observed in some basaltic layers.火山岩主要为碱性玄武岩,部分玄武岩中可见橄榄岩类等深源岩石包体和普通辉石等矿物巨晶。




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