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词汇 erhualian pigs
释义 erhualian pigs
There were different pattern types in various pigs, AA and BB in Wuzhishan pigs, AA, BB and AB in Erhualian pigs, AA, CC and BD in Pietrain pigs.检测发现,五指山猪有2种RFLP带型:AA和BB,二花脸猪有3 种RFLP带型:AA、BB和AB,皮特兰猪有3种RFLP带型:AA、CC和BD。
The results indicated that the means of the total number born and the number born alive decreased with the decreasing consanguinity of Erhualian pigs.结果表明:各胎次组中,随着二花脸猪血缘的减少,窝产仔数平均值有下降的趋势。
The major gene index analysis indicated that the prolificacy of Erhualian pig was influenced by major genes.主效基因指数分析表明二花脸猪这4个性状均存在主效基因遗传。
Genetic analysis was conducted on the data of 3 populations with 1686 litters including Erhualian pigs, Large White and first cross.对二花脸猪、大白猪及其杂交一代3个群体共1686窝的生产力性状资料进行了遗传分析。
Variance analysis of litter size at the first parity,the sum of the first three parities and the largest parity was done in various genotypes of the Erhualian pigs.以标记基因型为因子,分别对二花脸猪群体的头胎产仔数、头三胎产仔数之和以及最高产仔数进行方差分析。
Statistical genetic analyses were conducted on the data of 4 populations with 2010 litters including Erhualian pig , Large White, first cross and backcross.对二花脸猪、大白猪、杂交一代和回交一代四个群体共计2010窝产仔数的资料进行了统计遗传分析。




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