

单词 Erhai
释义 ErhaiCOCA¹²⁸³¹⁸
Actually, Lake Erhai is a freshwater lake.
洱海其实是一个淡水湖。 cctv

As the new tourist boat illustrates on the shore of Erhai Lake, tourism has become the main industry of the Dali Bai Minority Region, Yunnan Province.
苍山洱海岸边的新式游船。旅游业已成为云南大理白族自治州的支柱产业。 handle

Tang Zhong troops recaptured Erhai, li fe to victory;
唐中宗派兵收复洱海地区,立铁柱以记功; yntv

The total infection rate of Taeina of the people around Erhai Lake was 9.3%. Infection rate of senior age group of Bai People was much higher, male residents, as well.
调查大理州洱海周围居民带绦虫病平均感染率为9.3%,白族大年龄组及男性居民感染率较高。 chemyq

The climatic characteristics of warm dry and cold wet alternations of the lacustrine records in Erhai Lake are of regional features in Yunnan Plateau affected by southwest monsoon on century scale.
洱海湖泊沉积记录的暖干-冷湿气候交替变化规律反映了西南季风影响下的气候演化特征,具有一定的普遍性。 cnki

The Erhai Lake looks like a mirror dotted with floating boats on its rippling surface.

To analyze the diversity and spatial characteristic of microbial community of sulfur cycle in Lake Erhai sediments.
分析洱海沉积物硫循环相关微生物群落多样性和空间分布特点。 cnki

To join us in viewing the scenery of Lake Erhai.
我们一起观赏洱海的风光。 shcrc.cn

Based on the analysis of the reasons for land desertification in eastern surface hills of Erhai Lake, the paper discusses the type, distribution and area of the desertification land.
对大理市洱海东部面山区域土地石漠化的原因进行分析,论述了石漠化土地的类型、分布及其面积。 dictall

Compared with historical data, the proportions of Oligochaete and Chironomid in Erhai Lake continued to increase, which implied that the organic pollution in the Lake was further intensified.
对比历史数据可知,洱海寡毛类和摇蚊科比例继续增加,表明湖泊有机污染进一步加重。 www.cje.net.cn

Conclusion The species diversity of chigger mites is high in the surrounding regions of Erhai Lake, Dali, Yunnan.
结论云南大理洱海周边地带恙螨种类丰富,物种多样性高。 cnki

In the following5 days, you will see Reed Flute Cave, Li River, Elephant Trunk Hill, Shilin, Dragon Gate, Lake Erhai, Three Pagodas, Naxi- Lijiang and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
在接下来的5天行程中,你将参观里海,象鼻山,石林,龙门,洱海,三塔,纳西-丽江和玉龙雪山。 ywhftour

It's the smallest island on Lake Erhai.
洱海上的岛就数它最小。 cctv

Lake Erhai is an important freshwater lake in Yunnan Province.
洱海是云贵湖区的一个重要淡水湖泊。 chemyq

Lake Erhai isn't an ocean.
洱海它不是海。 cctv

Methods The field investigation was done in the surrounding areas of Erhai Lake and the small mammals were captured with mouse traps in different habitats.
方法在云南大理洱海周边地带野外选点,于不同生境下诱捕小兽。 cnki

Methods Different geographical areas surrounding the Erhai Lake in Yunnan were selected as investigated spots. Small mammals were captured with baited cages.
方法选取洱海周边的不同地理方位作为野外抽样调查地点,用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小兽,每天早晨检查捕获情况并更换诱饵。 jsczz

On Erhai Lake, ah, what effect Lashihai?

The tourist boat on Erhai Lake with Chinese characters “welcome” waiting for its guests.
像片中是游览洱海的迎宾号游船。云雾远处为苍山。 handle

Then, you will visit Lake Erhai and the oldest architectural structures in Southwest China-The Three Pagodas.
之后,游玩洱海和中国西南最老的建筑—大理崇圣三塔。 ywhftour

Though Lake Erhai is not a sea.
洱海虽然不是海。 cctv

Touring Lake Erhai on such a huge boat.
坐着这么大一条船游洱海啊。 cctv

With an area of nearly80,000 hectares, the Cangshan and Erhai National Nature Reserve, is one of the most famous scenic spots in the province.
面积接近8万公顷的苍山和洱海国家自然保护区是云南省最著名的风景区。 blog.sina.com.cn

Erhai Lake in Yunnan Province

Erhai Lake is an alpine lake by the Black Mountain in Yunnan Province, China. The aquatic products in Erhai support the livings of the local Bai people.
洱海是中国云南省的一个高山湖。它丰富的水产资源是当地白族人民的生存之本。 handle

Erhai is a permanent oxygen containing lake.
洱海是一永久性含氧湖泊。 cnki

Erhai region in ancient times was the birthplace of Bai Nationality of Yunan, and Dali serves as a cultural and economic link between Southwest China and Central Plains.
古代洱海地区是云南白族民族的发祥地之一,大理是沟通西南诸省与中原地区的经济文化走廊。 cnki




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