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Er·e·bus 英ˈerəbəs美ˈɛrəbəsAHDĕrʹə-bəs Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英词源例句例句 n.阳间与阴间当中的黑暗界¹⁰⁰
Noun: Greek mythology Greek god of darkness who dwelt in the underworld; son of Chaos; brother of Nox; father of Aether and Day在希腊神话中,厄瑞玻斯Erebus是另一位创世神,是永恒黑暗的象征,组成宇宙的基本元素之一,位于大地女神和深渊神之间。希腊神话里人死去后,先要穿越厄瑞玻斯的黑暗来到冥土,也许这就代表了人濒死时感受到的黑暗吧。 厄瑞玻斯是混沌之神的儿子,是另一位创世神黑夜女神尼克斯的兄弟,并和她生了光辉之神埃忒耳、白昼女神赫墨拉。 厄瑞玻斯的名字Erebus直接来自希腊语,在希腊语中的含义就是“黑暗、玄冥”。它的词干ereb有人认为来自闪族词,如希伯来语erebh日落、西方。英语中表示欧洲的单词Europa/Europe据说也来自闪族词,与ereb同源,意思是“日落之地”,因为闪族人住在亚洲,看向欧洲方向时是太阳西沉之方。 Erebus:'eribəs n.厄瑞玻斯,黑暗 Europe:'juərəp n.欧洲And his affections dark asErebus.他的情感黯然- 如地狱一般的黑。 Erebusalbicincta obscurata Wileman.4.;玉边目夜蛾 The mountain in the background is the active volcano MountErebus.背景的山岳是世界最南端的活火山艾瑞贝斯峰。 Erebus: A classical term for the Autochthonous Depths.阴阳交界:称呼本生之渊的一个古老词汇。 The motions of his spirit are dull as night,And his affections dark asErebus.没有音乐的人生,思想运行得像黑夜般迟滞; The motions of his spirit are dull as night and his affections dark asErebus.他的灵魂意图如同深夜般阴沉,他的情感如同鬼域般晦暗。不可信任这样的人。 Only a few years after Darwin's return, Hooker was off on his own adventures, an ambitious slingshot around Antarctica aboard HMS Erebus and Terror. 达尔文回国后仅仅几年,,胡克就开始了自己的冒险之旅,乘坐埃里布斯与恐怖号勘察船开始踏上去往南极洲那雄心勃勃的征程。 yeeyan Torrington had been chief Stoker aboard the Erebus which along with the Terror sailed with Sir John Franklin during his expedition to chart the Northwest Passage. 托林通是“埃里伯斯”号船上的仓库管理主管,在他赴西北航道探险时,同船前往的有约翰。富兰克林爵士,另有“恐怖”号船同行。 zftrans We made a circle around Ross Island and Mount Erebus and then headed west across the Sound toward Marble Point. 我们环绕着罗斯岛 Ross Island和埃里伯斯火山飞行,然后向西越过海峡朝云石点 Marble Point飞去。 yeeyan |