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词汇 Erci
释义 Erci
On July 13, caiErciis arrested in the home.7月13日,蔡尔兹在家中被捕。
Last week, caiErcisuffers punish of suspend sb from his duties accordingly.上周,蔡尔兹因此遭到停职处分。
Him CaiErciis the administrator of wide area newwork of this city new erect.蔡尔兹本人则是该市新架设的广域网治理员。
She discovered CaiErcito install emissary software in the system actually, can all postal matter that monitoring director issues.她发现蔡尔兹竟然在系统里安装了间谍软件,能够监控主管发出的所有邮件。
The first 60 minutes, Ambrose pass right, in front of Bo Azha Qiangdian failed, WoErcibusy error, block the ball into own goal, 2-1.第60分钟,安布罗斯右路妙传,博阿扎门前抢点未果,沃尔茨忙中出错,将球挡入自家球门,2-1。
Somebody is afraid, caiErcialthough already by put in prison, but can tell other the password through phone or other way, all data in the network face the risk that divulges.有人担心,蔡尔兹虽然已被收监,但可以通过电话或其他途径告诉他人密码,网络中所有资料面临遭到泄露的风险。




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