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词汇 erasing
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动词 erase:
remove from memory or existenceremove by or as if by rubbing or erasingwipe out digitally or magnetically recorded informationerasing current消磁电流erasing time消磁时间,抹去时间…erasing gun消迹电子枪, 擦除枪…AC erasing交流抹去,交流清洗…erasing factor消迹因素,抹音系数…erasing speed抹去速度,擦去速度,…erasing shield擦去图上一定部…magnet erasing磁铁抹音,磁抹音…dc erasing直流消磁erasing rule删除规则erasing production删符产生式erasing rubber擦字橡皮ultraviolet erasing柴外线擦除erasing knife刮刀erasing head抹音磁头ac erasing head交流消磁头
用作名词There was an error in theerasingprocess.在擦除操作中有一个错误。
How can I specify erasure patterns whenerasingdisk blocks?擦除磁盘块时如何指定擦除模式?
The more prosaic parts of the application support daily tasks like entering and examining records, buterasingrecords en masse is not an everyday occurrence.程序中的一般代码支持如输入和测试记录等日常工作,但清除整体记录不是日常事件,单个对话框正适合用于清除操作。 The planets and the major moons have all been squeezed and heated by gravity and pummeled by giant impacts, erasing much of their history.
那时,行星和一些主要的卫星承受着由重力造成的挤压加热以及巨大冲击造成的击打,这清除了它们许多的历史痕迹。 yeeyan

“ The idea was to remove these proteins and weaken the connections in the brain created by the trauma, thereby erasing the memory itself, ” says Huganir.
“这一思想就是移除这些蛋白质,并且削弱大脑中由创伤造成的连接,从而擦除创伤记忆本身,”胡加尼尔说。 yeeyan

Also, a deleted object is no longer accessible right after the erasing command. Also, listing commands are eventually consistent from everywhere on the Internet.
此外,在使用擦除命令后将无法访问被删除的对象了,而列表命令则与 Internet上所见的一致。 infoq

Asian shares also declined, erasing early gains after a sell-off in Shanghai following reports the Chinese government has no plans to ease property market policies.
亚洲股市有所下滑,回吐早前涨幅,此前中国政府表示没有放松房地产市场政策的计划,导致沪市出现抛售。 yeeyan

Enel advertisements for the project show a young girl erasing a plant’s smokestack.
在埃奈尔为该项目作的广告中,显示的是一位年青姑娘擦除了电厂的烟囱。 yeeyan

Flash parts are commonly divided into partitions, which allows multiple operations to occur simultaneously( erasing one partition while reading from another.
Flash部件通常分为多个分区,允许同时进行多个操作擦除某个分区的同时读取另一个分区。 ibm

He's making a claim for language while erasing it.

Hippocampal neurogenesis could have both of these roles, in erasing old memories and acquiring new memories.
海马体的神经发生可以同时扮演两个角色,除去旧记忆和获得新记忆。 yeeyan

However, the authorities have still censored internet forums, erasing thousands of critical comments.
然而,当局还是审查了网络论坛,删除了数以千计的批评评论。 yeeyan

If the protein does play a similar role in humans, it could lead to new techniques for either enhancing or erasing memory.
如果这种蛋白质对人类起到相似作用,它将能为加强和擦除记忆带来新的技术途径。 yeeyan

Perhaps the most amazing thing about Vanish is that it's capable of erasing messages posted practically anywhere on the web.
Vanish这款工具最让人称奇的地方或许在于它能够清除发布在网络上任何一个角落的信息。 yeeyan

Reclamation involves moving the valid data to a new block, and then erasing the invalid block to make it available.
回收过程包括将有效数据移动到新块,然后擦除无效块从而使它变为可用。 ibm

Scientists have succeeded in permanently erasing frightening memories in mice, an early step toward the development of treatments for people haunted by traumas they can't forget.
科学家们已经成功的永久性清除了老鼠的恐惧记忆,这给治疗那些深陷无法忘怀的创痛而饱受折磨的人们带来了一丝曙光。 yeeyan

So the fact that I'm erasing it does not mean that the computer erased that memory or over wrote those values with all zeros.

The process of erasing a block differs between the two memory types.
这两种内存类型在擦除块方面有所不同。 ibm

The health- reform plan represents the last chance, perhaps for decades, of erasing one of the least creditable differences between America and the rest of the industrialised world.
这份医疗改革计划或许是几十年来消除美国和其余工业化国家之间最不值一提的差异的最后机会。 ecocn

Their report on a molecular means of erasing fear memories in rodents appears this week in Science Express.
他们的研究发表在本周《科学》杂志 Science Express的预印本上,研究报告了擦除啮齿动物恐惧记忆的分子学方法。 yeeyan

To combat the threat, American psychics were tasked with manipulating the workings of Russian computers and erasing their hard discs.
为了对付这种威胁,美国有特异功能的人奉命操纵俄国电脑的运作,清除俄国电脑的硬盘。 yeeyan

Tsien and colleagues say that their genetic intervention succeeded in erasing memories in the long-term, but in the mouse world, long-term means two weeks.
曾乔和他的同事表示,通过干涉基因成功使记忆“长期”消除,但在老鼠的世界里,长期指的是两星期。 yeeyan

Until now approaches to erasing unwanted memories have largely focussed on interfering with the laying- down of memories, rather than our natural ability to forget.
直到现在,针对擦除不想要的记忆的方法大部分都注重于干扰记忆自上而下的过程,而不是侧重于我们天生的遗忘能力。 yeeyan

When it asks about partitioning, don't be concerned about it erasing the PS3 game operating system.
在看到询问分区问题时,不要担心它会删除 PS3游戏操作系统。 ibm

You may not like the Gates way of doing business with a ruthless knack for erasing competition, but that model worked.
也许你并不欣赏盖茨为了生意而残忍地清除竞争对手的做法,但是事实证明他的做法行之有效。 yeeyan

Erasing in this manner introduces holes in the type system that limit how we can safely use generic types.
以这种方式进行擦除在类型系统中引入了缺陷,这些缺陷限制我们使用泛型类型的安全性。 ibm




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