

单词 a little later
释义 a little later短语¹⁵⁸¹⁶
For reasons that will become apparent a little later, I recommend you set up a dedicated PC for developing with this software.
出于一些原因您稍后将会明了,建议您为使用此软件进行开发设置一台专用的 PC。 ibm

Imagine looking at a beach scene, said Wang. A little later, someone mentions surfing, and the beach scene pops back into your head.
王维春说,想象一下你眼前出现了海滩,过一会儿,某个人说起冲浪,海滩的情景就一下子蹦回你的脑海。 yeeyan

This equation was rediscovered a little later by Klein and Gordon and they published their work in spite of its disagreeing with observation.
这个方程在稍后被克莱因和戈登重新发现,即便不符合观测,他们还是把它发表了。 yeeyan

You will see the client application code that initiates these requests a little later.
稍后,您将看到初始化这些请求的客户端应用程序代码。 ibm




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