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Goodwin remained unrepentant after a day in which Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling, Myners and the new RBS chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, all called on him to behave honorably.
前一天在布朗, Myner以及新任 RBS总裁菲利普.汉普顿呼吁他体面的解决问题,而今古德温毫无悔意。 yeeyan

IT WAS, perhaps, frustration at his own helplessness that prompted Alistair Darling’s dire prognosis.
或许,是 Alistair Darling自己无能为力的挫折感催生了那可怕的预测。 ecocn

And fury has been stoked across the party by speculation that Ed Balls, the schools secretary, who has a long career as a pugnacious counsel to Mr Brown, is to replace Alistair Darling as chancellor.
据说学校和家庭事务大臣埃德·鲍尔斯 Ed Balls,很长时间内一直是首相的激进的法律顾问,即将取代阿利斯泰尔·达林 Alistair Darling成为财政大臣,这一传言在党内引起震怒。 ecocn

As British Chancellor Alistair Darling told reporters there, each country must feel free to establish their own policies.
正像英国财政大臣达林 AlistairDarling对记者所说的,每个国家都必须自由地建立各自的政策。 ebigear

Britain's finance chief, Chancellor Alistair Darling acknowledged the economy had taken a sharper downturn than anticipated.
英国财政大臣达林承认,英国经济滑坡的程度比预期的还要糟糕。 ebigear

Editor's note: In the early1990s, Alistair Cockburn was hired by the IBM Consulting Group to construct and document a methodology for OO development.
编者注:在九十年代早期, Alistair Cockburn IBM顾问组工作时,为 OO面向对象的开发制订了一套工作方法。 itpub

Following that pledge, which Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, made on September17th, the patient has shown some signs of recovery.
在财政大臣 Alistair Darling在九月17做出这个承诺后,经济开始出现复苏的迹象。 ecocn

It is not that Mr Kissinger, as a Jew, was too partial to Israel; on the contrary, as Sir Alistair shows, he leant over backwards to avoid that.
这并非是因为身为犹太人的基辛格对于以色列过于袒护;相反,正如阿里斯泰尔爵士展现的那样,基辛格为了避讳而有矫枉过正之举。 ecocn

Kissinger:1973, The Crucial Year. By Alistair Horne.
《基辛格:1973,关键之年》 ecocn

The British Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt defended that decision.
英国外交办公室大臣 Alistair Burt为该决定作出辩护。 hxen

The chancellor, Alistair Darling, wrote to his G20 counterparts saying this weekend's talks should focus on ensuring a recovery gains traction.
英国财政大臣 Alistair Darling在写给他的 G20同伴的邮件中表示:本周末的讨论应专注于如何保证让经济复苏获得动力。 yeeyan

The move emerged as one of the key outcomes of a summit with Alistair Darling, chancellor, that sought to strengthen UK ties to the“ motor of global growth”.
这是与英国财政大臣阿利斯泰尔•达林 Alistair Darling之间峰会的主要成果之一。峰会的目的是加强英国与“全球增长发动机”之间的联系。

The news comes as the chancellor, Alistair Darling, begins talks with his cabinet colleagues to discuss areas in which public spending may be cut.
这是在英国财政大臣与他的内阁同事们就政府开支应当削减的问题商讨过后得出的消息。 yeeyan

Alistair Cockburn, Agile Software Development. Addison-Wesley2001, ISBN0201699699.
敏捷软件开发,由 Alistair Cockburn编著, Addison-Wesley2001年出版,国际标准图书编号0201699699。 ibm

Alistair Darling will use his pre- budget report next month to say that it is time for a more flexible approach in the new economic cycle, which started in 2006-07.
财政大臣达令将于下月他的先期预算报告中建议,在新的经济周期始于2006-07年内,现在应该采取更加灵活的措施了。 yeeyan

Alistair Darling has warned that the world could be dragged into a double-dip recession if other governments stop stimulating their economies.
阿利斯泰尔.达林发出了警告,假如其他政府停止刺激他们的经济,世界可能会陷入复发性衰退。 yeeyan




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