释义 |
e·qual·s 英'iːkwəl美'iːkwəl COCA¹⁴⁵⁷¹BNC¹¹⁴¹⁹Economist⁷⁸³³ 基本双解英英易错辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 adj.相等的⁸;平等的²¹vt.比得上³;等于²⁵n.同辈¹;平等⁴²;同等的人或事物原型equal的三单副词equally/equalled过去分词equaled/equalled现在分词equaling/equalling三单equals/equals adj.形容词 相等的,同样的the same in size, amount, value, number, degree, status, etc. 平等的with no difference in status or rank P能胜任的,合适的having the strength, courage, ability, etc. for sth v.动词 vt. 使等于be the same as vt. 比得上reach the same standard as n.名词 CU同样的人,相等的数量the same person or quantity CU能与之比拟的东西,匹敌者person or thing equal to oneself in some way Noun: a person who is of equal standing with another in a group Adjective: having the same quantity, value, or measure as another;on equal terms all men are equal before the law having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task;she had adequate training her training was adequate she was adequate to the job he was equal to the task Verb: be identical or equivalent to;One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days! be equal to in quality or ability;Nothing can rival cotton for durability Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching;let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office The company matched the discount policy of its competitors adj.形容词 他答应来,但是他说不想作报告。❌ He agreed to come but said he didn't feel equal to make a speech. ✔️ He agreed to come but said he didn't feel equal to making a speech. 我感到不能胜任这个工作。❌ I don't feel equal to do the work. ❌ I don't feel equal as the work. ✔️ I don't feel equal to doing the work. 析 be equal to作“胜任”解时,其后的to是介词,后接名词或动名词,而不是动词不定式符号。另外介词to也不能错用为as。 adj.形容词 equal in, equal to, equal with这三个短语都可与系动词be连用作表语。其区别在于: 1.equal in的意思是“在…方面相等或平等”; 而equal to和equal with则表示“等于”, equal to强调“相等”, equal with强调“平等”。 2.在程度上, equal to指精确地相等,而 equal with则强调“不相上下”。 3.equal to可表示“胜任”, equal in和equal with均无此义。 4.equal in和equal to均可接动名词,而 equal with不可。 equal, equivalent, identical, same这组词的共同意思是“同样的”。其区别是: equal指两个或两个以上的事物有某些得以衡量的方面完全相同; same指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或根本上就是同一个人或同一个事物。例如: Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same person.马克·吐温和塞缪尔·克莱门斯是同一个人。 We live under the same roof, and eat at the same table.我们同住一个房檐下,同在一张桌上吃饭。equivalent指不同的事物在意义、重要性、效果等方面完全相同或完全相等。例如: Silence is sometimes equivalent to a lie.不说话有时等于说谎话。 He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars.他把英镑换成等值的美元。identical则指质量、形状、外观等所有细节上都绝对一致。例如: These are identical prints made from a wood-block.这些是用一块木板印出来的完全相同的画。 v.动词 equal, approach, match, touch这四个词都含有在某一方面接近或达其他事物的水平或标准的意思。其区别是: 1.equal和match都可表示达到同一水平或标准,不存在差别; equal侧重“相等”; match侧重“相匹敌”。另外, match主要用于力量、表现、兴趣、美感等方面; 而 equal 主要用在数量、价值、程度等方面。例如: The pattern on this material matches that of the sofa.这块料上的图案与沙发上的相当。2.approach和touch都表示该事物非常接近另一事物, touch的意思是“赶得上”,两者的差别几乎看不出来; 而approach表示的差别虽微乎其微,但却可看出,即approach表示的差别比touch大些。另外, approach的意思是“向…接近”,表示一个持续的动作,所以可用于进行体,而touch则不能用于进行体。例如: His work is approaching perfection.他的作品接近完美无缺。 No one can touch him as an actor of tragic roles.作为一个扮演悲剧角色的演员,没人能够赶得上他。match,equal,rival这些动词均含“相称、比得上、与……相比”之意。 match指对手之间力量、强度、性能或利益等的较量或竞争。 equal指在数量、价值或程度等方面已完全相等。 rival指某人或某物在和对手竞争中,在能力、质量等方面都能与之相匹敌,都能比得上。 same,identical,very,equal,equivalent这些形容词均含“相同的”之意。 same可指相同的人或物,也可指在质量、外表或意义等方面相同,但实际上有差别的事物。 identical着重指人或物等在每细节上都完全相同。 very侧重指完全同一,没有区别。 equal多指在价值等方面相当而不相同的事物。 equivalent主要指有同样价值、效力或意义的两种不同的事物。 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的aequalis,意为统一的,一致的,平等的。 用作形容词 adj. ~+名词equal ability同等的能力equal amount相同的数目equal attention同样重视equal chance平等的机会equal difficulty相同的难度equal distribution等量分配equal footing处于平等的地位equal laws一视同仁的法律equal level相同的水平equal mind同样的心情equal mixture均匀的混合物equal number相同的数目equal opportunity平等的机会equal parts相同部分pay for equal work同工同酬equal quality相同的质量equal root等根equal shares相同的份额equal sides等边equal strength力量相等equal terms平等的条件equal tone平衡的音调副词+~approximately equal大致相等identically equal完全相等legitimately equal同等合法性~+介词equal in在…方面相等的equal in price价格相等equal to等于…的,经得起…的equal under在…面前相等equal with与…平等用作动词 v.~+副词equal admittedly公认比得上equal agreeably一致地等于equal broadly大概等于equal evidently明显比得上equal fairly公正地等于equal lawfully非法地等于equal manifestly明显比得上equal monotonously无变化地等于equal obviously明显比得上equal practically实际等于equal reasonably合理地等于equal satisfactorily满意地等于equal sufficiently充分地等于equal symmetrically对等~+介词equal as作为…平等equal in比得上,等于equal in ability在能力上一样equal in beauty在容貌上一样equal in brains在智力上一样equal in contractibility收缩性与…一样equal in courage在勇气上一样equal in disease resistance抗病性与…一样equal in drought抗旱性与…一样equal in expansibility扩展性与…一样equal in hardness硬度与…一样equal in health在健康上一样equal in height在高度上一样equal in intelligence在智力上一样equal in judgement在判断上一样equal in size大小与…一样equal in speed速度与…一样equal in strength在力量上一样equal in tenacity弹性与…一样equal in tension张力与…一样equal in transparency透明度与…一样equal in water resistance抗水性与…一样equal in weight在体重上一样equal in wisdom在智慧上一样用作名词 n.动词+~have equal用相同的人〔物〕see equal看同等人〔东西〕形容词+~economic equal经济平等intellectual equal智力相同political equal政治平等social equal社会地位相等介词+~with equal与…相等without equal独一无二~+介词equal among在…中相等equal for在…方面平等equal in在…方面等同equal of相等 用作形容词adj.on equal terms平等相处; 地位相等 as equal, with no difference in status or rank 用作动词v. equal in v.+prep.
比得上,敌得过 reach the same standards as equal sb/sth in sth/v-ingShe equals him in ability.她在能力方面比得上他。 I can't equal him in strength.我没有他力气大。 He equals me in strength but not in intelligence.他和我力气相当但智力不等。 She equals him in mental power but not in physical strength.她的智力比得上他,但是体力就不如他了。 None of us can equal her in beauty.我们谁也不比她美。 None of us can equal him in mathematics.我们当中没有人在数学方面能比得上他。 Simon is younger but he equals his brother in all sports.西蒙年纪小,但各项运动都比得上他哥哥。 Many specialized institutions now equal the university in repute.现在许多专科学校的声誉可与大学相媲美。 Industrial liquid waste, when properly treated, can equal fertilizers in usefulness.经过适当处理的工业废液在效用方面抵得上肥料。 He equals me in training but not in experience.他受的训练和我一样,但在经验方面不如我。 He is equalled by no one in intelligence.在智力上无人能比得上他。近义词 fitlikealikematchcapableadj. ablesuitablev. approachtouchn. counterpart反义词 differentadj. unequal 用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.These coins are not equal value.这些硬币的币值不等。 They had an equal contest.他们开展了势均力敌的竞赛。 Divide this line into 20 equal parts.把这条线分为20等份。 We may define a square as a rectangle with four equal sides.我们可以把正方形定义为四边相等的矩形。 Women are paid the same as men for equal work.女人和男人同工同酬。 You should be able to wear my dress since we are of equal height.咱们的身高相同,你应该能穿我的衣服。 Men and women have equal rights in China.在中国男女享有平等的权利。 She sought the election under the banner of equal rights.她打着权利平等的旗号竞选。 World affairs should be settled by all countries through consultations on an equal footing.国际事务应由所有国家在平等的基础上协商解决。 Men and women should be granted equal status in the home, equal right to choose their own occupations and an equal title to family property.男女在家庭中应有平等地位,享有选择职业、支配家产的同等权利。 用作表语 S+be+~All countries, big or small, are equal.国家不分大小一律平等。 Their ages are equal.他们同龄。 All men are born equal.人人生来是平等的。S+be+~+in n./v -ingAll men are not equal in ability.人的能力并非完全一样。 We are equal in the sight of God.在上帝的眼里我们是平等的。 All men are equal in the eye of law.法律面前人人平等。 You both are equal in English.你们俩的英语不相上下。S+be+~+to n./pron.Twenty-five added to ten is equal to thirty-five.10加25等于35。 Twice 2 is equal to 4. 2的2倍等于4。 His height is under four feet, but his strength is equal to many of his peers.虽然他身高不足四英尺,可是力气却不亚于许多比他个儿高的同伴。 Mr. Smith is a most suitable candidate for such negotiator since his tact and quickness of mind are equal to the occasion.这样的谈判史密斯先生是最合适的人选,他机智敏捷,随机应变。 One chocolate bar like this is equal to a large meal in calorie intake.从摄入的热量来说,一块这样的巧克力相当于一顿饱餐。 After a month of training, he became equal to the work as a tractor driver.经过一个月的训练后,他能胜任拖拉机驾驶员的工作了。 She is very weak and not equal to the occasion.她身体很虚弱,经不起长途旅行。 Mary is quite equal to Bill in brains.玛丽和比尔的智力不相上下。 Susan is not equal to her brother in intelligence.苏珊的智力不如她的哥哥。 It is equal to me whether he comes or not.他来不来对我都一样。S+be+~+to v -ingThis is equal to saying that he is not a fool.这样就等于说他不是傻子。 Bill is quite equal to running the office.比尔完全能够胜任这个部门的工作。 One horse is not equal to pulling the heavy cart.一匹马拉不动这辆重车。 She didn't feel equal to receiving visitors.她感到身体不适,不能会客。 Do you feel equal to seeing him yet?你现在能见他吗?S+be+~+with n./pron.They believe that in the sight of God the rich are equal with the poor.他们认为在上帝眼里穷人和富人是平等的。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.Four times five equals twenty.4乘5等于20。 The year's sales figures up until October equal the figures for the whole of last year.本年度到10月份的销售额就等于去年全年的销售额。 The number of participants almost equals the total number of member nations of the organization in the last decade.参加国的数目几乎等于过去10年来该组织成员国的总数。 She equalled the world record for women's standard pistol event.在女子标准手枪射击项目中,她平了世界纪录。 None of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.无论在美貌方面还是在跳舞方面,我们没有一个人能比得上她。 Few cars can equal this kind of cars for speed.很少有其他车在速度方面胜过这种车。 My respect for your intelligence is only equalled by my admiration for your integrity.我对你聪明才智的敬佩不亚于对你为人正直的景仰。 Her kindness is not equalled.她心地善良,没有人能比得上。 Their ignorance is only equalled by their stupidity.他们的无知,只有他们的愚蠢才能与之不相上下。用作名词n.We consider ourselvesequals.我们彼此不分上下。 The government should regard nationalities asequals.政府对待各民族应一视同仁。~+in n ./ v -ingHe's my equal in strength.他和我力气相等。 He has no equal in music.他在音乐方面没有对手。 He is not your equal in running.他跑不过你。~+of n ./ pron.Let X be the equal of Y.设X等于Y。 She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned.论智力,她和她哥哥不相上下。 The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of the American Secretary of State.法国的外长相当于美国的国务卿。 The young reporter was considered the equal of many veteran journalists.有人认为这位青年记者和许多老记者不相上下。 adj.形容词
equal的基本意思是“相等的,同样的”,用于两个或两个以上事物可指在数量、大小、价值、程度、状况等得以衡量的方面完全相等或相同,或人在能力、品质等方面相同或相等。在句中可用作定语或表语。其后常接in〔to, with〕等介词。 equal还可作“能胜任的,合适的”解,指有力量、勇气、能力等做某事,是表语形容词,与to连用,后接名词或动名词。 equal无比较级和最高级。 v.动词
equal作“等于”解时,指使两个或两个以上的事物在形状、大小、数量、价值或能力等方面相等。 equal还可作“比得上”“相匹敌”解,用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语。 equal的宾语后可接介词in,表示在某方面“比得上”或“抵得过”,多用于一般时态。 n.名词
equal用作名词时可以表示“在数量、地位等方面相等的人或事物”,也可以表示“可与之匹敌或比拟的东西”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。 equal前常可加物主代词表示“与某人相等”或“与某人相匹敌”。 equal后常接介词in, of。 equal作为动词时,属于及物动词,后面可直接加宾语,不需要加介词,如to等。One plus ons equals two. be equal to表示“与……相等,能胜任”,其中equal为形容词,介词to不可省略。One plus one is equal to two. be equal in表示“在某方面相等”,如be equal in price可解释为“在价格上相等”; equal解释为“胜任”时,后可接to和动名词,不可接不定式。 I am equal to performing this duty.我能胜任这个责任。equalitarianism表示“平均主义”; equal后可接介词by, My respect for your intelligence is only equalled by my admiration for your integrity.我对你的聪明的敬佩和对你的正直的羡慕的程度是一样的。 形容词69%,动词25%,名词6% 用作形容词Women demandequalpay forequalwork.妇女要求同工同酬。 All countries, big and small, should beequal.国家不论大小, 一律平等。用作及物动词Nobody canequalhim in intelligence.没有人在智力方面能比得上他。 Three and fiveequalseight.三加五等于八。用作名词They are myequalsin age.我和他们是同龄人。 They refused to treat with us onequalterms.他们拒绝在平等的基础上与我们谈判。 We are campaigning forequalrights for women.我们正在开展妇女拥有平等权利的运动。 I am not yourequalin strength.在体力上我比不上你。noun.peer 同义词 equivalentcompanion,compeer,competitor,complement,copy,counterpart,double,duplicate,like,likeness,match,mate,parallel,rival,twinalter ego,coequal 反义词 difference,opposite,originalinferiorverb.make even, be even with 同义词 compare,amount to,reach,correspond,match,break even,compriseequipoise,level,emulate,rival,tally,parallel,coordinate,equate,equalize,meet,touch,tie,balance,approach,agreecome up to,consist of,be commensurate,be identical,be level,be tantamount,equiponderate,keep pace with,live up to,measure up,partake of,rank with,rise to,run abreast,square with 反义词 unmatchdisproportion,imbalance,disagree,separate,fail,differvarydisconnect Don’t fawn; approach them as equals or, at least, as potential mentors. 不要讨好;平等地接近他们,至少,作为一个潜在的顾问。 yeeyan Instead of taking that route, Washington would woo the Chinese with a dialogue among equals. 这回他要摆脱循规蹈矩的路线,争取同中国人开展平等对话。 ecocn The cause of this unexpected behavior is a missing equals sign in the method definition. 造成这样意外结果的原因是在方法定义中缺少的等于号。 yeeyan We are all equals during our short life on this planet and all nations should embrace others and cease all conflicts. 在这个星球上短暂的生命是平等的,每个民族都应该接纳其他民族并平息所有的冲突。 yeeyan But yet, in another sense, the parent and child are equals. 但是在另一个层面,父母与孩子又是平等的。 yeeyan But the conventional wisdom that one dog year equals seven human years is an oversimplified view of how old your dog is in human years. 但是如果简单的认为狗活一年相当于人活七年的话,那就是对狗真实年龄的推算想得太简单了。 yeeyan Explain again, sorry, was the question how a determinant equals the area of a parallelogram? 再解释一下,你的问题是,为什么行列式等于平行四边形的面积?163 Four plus two equalsis six. 四加二等于六。《新英汉大辞典》 He has no problem with the notion that women are his equals, but secretly thinks they are different and should remain so. 他对男女平等的观念没什么意见,但心里觉得她们是不同的,而且应该继续不同下去。 www.chinadaily.com.cn If it is true that a better machine equals better performance, the same can certainly be said for network speed. 如果更好的机器等于更好的性能是真的,那么同一说法无疑对网速也是成立的。 ibm If the density just equals the critical density, the universe is flat, but still presumably infinite. 如果密度正好等于临界密度,宇宙则是平坦的,但很可能仍然是无限的。 yeeyan If the path corresponds to a file, this function checks whether file size equals0. 如果路径与文件对应,此函数将检查文件的大小是否等于0。 ibm If France equals romance, and a romantic kiss involves tongue, then it must be a French kiss? 如果法国等于浪漫,而一个浪漫的吻要用舌头完成,那么就一定是法式接吻咯? yeeyan If justice equals self- interest and self-interest requires knowledge, ? well what kind of knowledge is that? 如果正义等于私利,且私利需要知识,则那是一种什么样的知识?163 In a work by the hour society it is easy to see how the saying time equals money came about. 在一个按小时工作的社会中,很容易明白时间等于金钱的说法是怎么来的。 yeeyan Information equals knowledge about the consumer, and knowledge is everything. 信息等于了解消费知识,而知识就是一切。 yeeyan Methods are implicitly declared“ abstract” if you leave off the equals sign and method body. 如果你不写等于号和方法主体,那么方法会被隐式声明为“抽象”。 yeeyan Six minus two equals four. 六减去二等于四。 ebigear Suppose A equals B. 假定 A等于 B。《新英汉大辞典》 Thirteen equals one. 十三等于一。 kekenet Unfortunately, voting does not result in an efficient outcome generally, and only does so when the average value equals the median value. 不幸的是,除非中位数选民的效用值恰好等于平均效用值。选举一般不会产生一个有效率的结果。 yeeyan We have production equals absorption plus leakage. 我们有生产等于吸收加上泄露。163 |