

单词 equal pay
释义 equal pay ˈi:kwəlpei 短语³⁶⁶⁰³
That was later expanded to include women, who from1935 received equal pay for equal work.
之后经过扩展,妇女也包括进去,自1935年起实施男女同工同酬。 ecocn

The state protects the rights and interests of women, applies the principle of equal pay for equal work to men and women alike and trains and selects cadres from among women.
国家保护妇女的权利和利益,实行男女同工同酬,培养和选拔妇女干部。 ebigear

For many women, however, the struggle today is to get equal pay for equal work —— to be paid the same amount as a man doing the same type of job.
但对与许多妇女来说,今天仍在为同工同酬而斗争——也就是说做与男人同样的工作,获得与男人相同的报酬。 hjenglish

In the European Union, which set out its principle of equal pay for equal work50 years ago, gross hourly wages for men were 17.4% higher than for women in2007, according to a new report.
最新的报告指出,尽管欧盟在50年前就制定了“同工同酬”的原则,但在2007年,欧盟国家男性每小时的毛收入比女性高出17.4%。 ecocn

Some primary issues of this time were equal pay, equal education access, freedom from sexual harassment, and the right to safe, legal abortions.
当时一些主要要求是同工同酬、平等受教育的机会、免于性骚扰,及安全合法的堕胎权。 kekenet




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