

单词 epileptic
释义 ep·i·lep·tic 英ˌepəˈleptɪk美ˌɛpəˈlɛptɪkAHDĕp'ə-lĕpʹtĭk ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁶⁷¹⁰BNC³⁸⁴⁵⁸iWeb²⁷⁰³⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a person who has epilepsy
of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy;

epileptic seizure

epilepsy癫痫症epileptic seizure癫痫发作epileptic psychosis癫痫性精神病…epileptic dementia癫痫性痴呆epileptic stupor惊厥后木僵,癫痫僵呆…epileptic state医 癫痫持续状态…epileptic attack癫痫发作epileptic mania癫痫性躁狂
epi-在上lept-=lem 拿-ic…的⇒adj.癫间的²⁵
用作形容词She suffers fromepilepticfits.她有癫痫的毛病。
It is employed to identify the focal points ofepilepticseizures.它被用来确认癫痫病发病的焦点。
The number ofepilepticattack prehospital was recorded.统计入院前患者癫痫发作次数。用作名词She's been anepilepticfrom birth.她是先天性癫痫患者。 He was16 when he suffered his first grand mal epileptic seizure.
16岁时他第一次癫痫大发作。 ecocn

In view of her handicap, Patti was as ambitious as she was enthusiastic, but she said she looked at the handicap of being an epileptic as simply “ an inconvenience.”
尽管她有不便之处,派蒂显得十分有雄心壮志,也有热情,但是她说,她只是将癫痫病所带来的障碍视为“一个不方便的麻烦。” yeeyan

This triggered violent epileptic fits and seizures, which doctors eventually said could only be prevented by removing half of her brain.
“拉斯姆森综合征”可引发强烈的癫痫痉挛,医生给出的最终判决是,唯有通过半脑切除手术才能治愈癫痫病。 yeeyan

A Baltimore, Maryland, epileptic patient performs tests designed to identify the source of his seizures.
在马里兰州巴尔的摩市,癫痫病患者正在接受测试以确定其病情发作的根源。 yeeyan

At a young and tender age, Patti Wilson was told by her doctor that she was an epileptic.
在非常小的时候,派蒂。威尔逊被她的医生告知她是一名癫痫患者。 yeeyan

Because of her noble efforts, he told me, enough money had been raised to open up19 multi- million- dollar epileptic centers around the country.
他告诉我,因为她女儿崇高的努力,全国上下筹集了1900多万美元,并兴建许多治疗癫痫病的中心。 yeeyan

Compared with other types of epileptic seizures, absence seizures appear mild. But they can be dangerous.
与其他类型的癫痫发作相比,失神发作症状温和,但仍然很危险。 yeeyan

During the discussion one member of the group would suddenly appear to be having an epileptic seizure.
在讨论中,一组里的一个成员会突然表现出癫痫发作的症状。 yeeyan

Flash photography is one of the trigger factors for epileptic seizures.
闪光灯是癫痫病发作的诱因之一。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

For example, controlled anti- epileptic medicines are often unduly restricted in their use for fear of abuse and diversion to the illicit drug market.
例如,受管控的抗癫痫药物在使用时常常受到不适当的限制,因为害怕滥用和流入非法毒品市场。 who

Hari had an epileptic seizure and was taken to hospital for what should have been routine treatment.
Hari患上了癫痫症,被送往医院。 她本该接受有效的治疗。 yeeyan

He has also proposed that there are all sorts of“ non- genital orgasms,” including sneezing, yawning and even certain types of epileptic seizures.
他还提出,存在各种各样的“非生殖器官性高潮”,包括打喷嚏、打哈欠甚至是某种癫痫发作。 yeeyan

However, this brain circuit is a common site for epileptic seizures, and hippocampal cells are extremely vulnerable to damage during a prolonged brain“ storm,” as seizures are sometimes called.
但是,这种现象在间歇性癫痫中很常见,而且在长时间癫痫引发的脑“风暴”中,海马细胞更容易受伤。 yeeyan

If I see a person bleeding on the ground or in an epileptic fit or something like that then I will most certainly act by calling an ambulance.
如果我看见一个人流着血躺在地上,或是突然癫痫发作又或是其他一些诸如此类的情况,我会做的大概就是叫救护车了。 bbs.internet.org.cn

In a brain before an epileptic seizure, neighboring patches of neurons look more like each other than they would in a regular brain.
在癫痫发作前的大脑中,邻近的神经元片比正常大脑中的神经元片显得彼此更想象。 yeeyan

In this case in an epileptic seizure, in Milgram's study, it was the electrical shocks participants themselves were administering.
在这个例子中是一个癫痫发作的案例,而在 Milgram的研究中则是被试执行电击的情形。 yeeyan

It is employed to identify the focal points of epileptic seizures.
它被用来确认癫痫病发病的必要技术。 ecocn

It neatly explains, for example, why epileptic seizures cause unconsciousness.
它很好的解释了那些问题,比如:为什么癫痫病人发作的时候会导致无意识。 yeeyan

People cried that new sorts of light would give them migraine and epileptic fits.
人们喊着新品种的电灯会引起他们偏头痛和癫痫发作。 ecocn

Some drugs, including widely used cholesterol fighters, tranquilizers and anti- epileptic medications, resist modern drinking water and wastewater treatment processes.
包括广泛采用抗高胆固醇、镇定剂和抗癫痫在内的一些药物会抵制现代饮用水及废水处理工艺。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The ability of electric fields generated by the brain to influence its own activity appears to be particularly prominent during epileptic seizures.
由大脑引起的电场具有影响大脑本身活动的这种能力,似乎在癫痫病发作时表现得格外明显。 yeeyan

Thinkers meditated, while the soil, that is to say, the people, traversed by revolutionary currents, trembled under them with indescribably vague epileptic shocks.
有些思想家在思考,然而土壤,就是说,人民大众,受到了革命潮流的冲击,却在他们下面,被一种无以名之的癫痫震荡着。 ebigear

This area, which includes the hippocampus and is associated with memory, is a frequent source of epileptic seizures.
这个包含海马区在内的区域,与记忆密切相关,是多种癫痫发作的一个根源。 yeeyan

We're not completely sure how they conveyed over the intercom that what was happening was a seizure, but we're assuming the words “ Wow this is quite an epileptic seizure I'm having” were uttered.
我们并不完全确定此通话传达给他们的信息是对方发病,但我们确保诸如“噢我的癫痫发作了”之类的话将被受试者听到。 yeeyan




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