

单词 epilepsy
释义 ep·i·lep·sy 英ˈepəˌlepsiː美ˈɛpəˌlɛpsiAHDĕpʹə-lĕp'sē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁸²⁷⁶BNC¹⁸⁷³⁸iWeb¹¹⁴³⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions来自法语epilepsie,源自拉丁语epilepsia、希腊语epilepsis。原本是个宗教术语,意思是“神灵附体”。古代人不了解癫痫病,看到有人癫痫发作时,还以为是神灵附体了,故此得名如此。salaam epilepsy点头状癫痫visceral epilepsy内脏性癫痫affective epilepsy情感性癫痫Jacksonian epilepsy病灶性癫痫发作,杰克…masked epilepsy轻微的羊癫疯…generalized epilepsy全部性癫痫,普遍性癫…minor epilepsy癫痫小发作idiopathic epilepsy自发性癫痫症,原发性…automatic epilepsy自发性癫痫focal epilepsy病灶性癫痫发作,局部…psychic epilepsy精神病性癫痫, 精神…infantile epilepsy胎病, 胎病风痰…secondary epilepsy继发性癫痫diurnal epilepsy昼发性癫痫diencephalic epilepsy间脑癫痫laryngeal epilepsy喉性癫痫,喉头性癫痫…autonomic epilepsy植物神经性癫痫…psychomotor epilepsy精神运动性癫痫发作…acquired epilepsy后天性癫痫traumatic epilepsy外伤性癫痫

用作名词This simple method might provide a valuable hint for the treatment ofepilepsy.这方法或许对癫痫症的处置可以些提供有价值引导。
Our funding helps to support people withepilepsyand their families, as well as to raise public awareness on the disease.抬轿比赛慈善基金资助启迪向癫痫病人及其亲人提供协助,并唤起大众对癫痫症的认知。as in.convulsion
同义词 contraction,cramp,paroxysm,seizure,tremorattack,contortion,fit,throealgospasm
反义词 harmony,peace
convulsionnoun muscle spasm
algospasm,attack,contortion,contraction,cramp,fit,paroxysm,seizure,throe,tremor But in a range of other conditions for which marijuana has been considered, such as epilepsy and immune diseases like lupus, there's scant and inconclusive research to show the drug's effectiveness.
但在考虑将大麻作为治疗手段的其他病症方面,如癫痫,以及狼疮这类免疫系统疾病,大麻是否具有治疗效果还没有充足及确凿的研究成果。 hxen

In the future, they hope to use their research on ion channels to better understand the kinds of electrical malfunctions that cause disorders like epilepsy.
他们希望在将来能通过对离子通道的研究更好地理解人类身体电故障的原因。这类故障会导致癫痫等人类机能失调。 yeeyan

Study coauthor Moran Cerf and his colleagues eavesdropped on single neurons with electrodes that had already been implanted for medical reasons in the brains of people with epilepsy.
合著研究者塞尔夫莫兰和他的同事们打探因癫痫症而在一个人大脑中为治疗而植入在其脑内的一个电极上的神经元。 yeeyan

The arrays were placed directly on the brain of a volunteer patient with epilepsy whose skull had already been opened to measure aberrant electrical signals that trigger seizures.
这些陈列被直接放置于患有癫痫病的志愿者为了控制引起发作的异常电信号而已经将头颅被打开过的大脑中。 yeeyan

To treat their epilepsy effectively patients must then wait until they have a seizure so that neurosurgeons can locate the exact area of the brain that they need to treat.
为了有效的治疗他们的癫痫,病人们必须等到他们的癫痫发作,然后神经外科医生就能找到大脑中他们需要治疗的准确区域。 yeeyan

Yawning may help you keep a cool head—literally, a new study suggests. The findings might hold some hope for sufferers of insomnia, migraines, and even epilepsy.
打哈欠也许可以帮你保持头脑清醒——一项新的研究如是说。这个发现也许能给失眠、偏头痛甚至癫痫患者带来一些希望。 yeeyan




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