

单词 Epic Poem
释义 Epic Poem短语²⁷⁸²⁰

a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds It's at this point that Milton chose for the subject of his epic poem the subject of the tragedy that he'd been contemplating for so many years.

Making a connection consciousness and the epic poem card is his usual research technique mutually;
打通意识和史诗互证是其常用的研究方法; magsci

That epic poem of the Niebelungen was once like a forest in our dreams, where strange and awful beings flashed before our vision and then vanished.
史诗《尼伯龙根的指环》,乍一听来,像是一片异域的梦幻森林,各种奇珍异兽才跃入眼前,就又顷刻消散地无影无踪, 好像阿凡达。 yeeyan

Alfred, Lord Tennyson, famous for his epic poem“The Charge of the Light Brigade, ” was born on this date in 1809.

But it's strictly a Christian epic poem that Milton seems to imagine himself as writing.

Gilgamesh was the hero of the ancient Sumerian epic poem, The Song of Gilgamesh, written about2900 B.C.
吉尔伽美什是古苏美尔史诗中的英雄,吉尔伽美什之歌,写于公元前2900年。 blog.sina.com.cn

He's starting to champ at the bit. He's ready to write an epic poem on much more important subjects than shepherds and shepherdesses.
他已经迫不及待地想要写一首史诗,写一些比田园牧羊生活更为重要的题材。 youdao

It’s a scene from an epic poem by a Roman poet Vergil, about the building of Carthage by queen Dido.
这幅画的题材来源于罗马诗人维吉尔的史诗,描述的是女王狄多建设迦太基的故事。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Milton began his epic poem late.

Milton began writing his epic poem too late to celebrate a virtuous political realm.

The Icelander asks to be allowed to compose an epic poem in the old style about how cruelly he is being treated and about how great Iceland is.
冰岛人请求可以用老式文体撰写一篇叙事诗,内容是他受到的残忍待遇和冰岛是多么伟大。 yeeyan

This unfinished epic poem was written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I and details a number of faerie tales, Arthurian epics, and classic, fantasy fun.
这一未完成的史诗是为赞美伊丽莎白女王而作,详细叙述了许多仙境故事、亚瑟王史诗和经典的幻想趣事。 yeeyan




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