

释义 EPFREconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Unsurprisingly, investors have withdrawn$332 billion from such funds this year, or around10% of total assets, according to EPFR Global, a data provider.
根据数据提供商“ EPFR全球”的数据,今年以来投资者从此类货币市场基金里撤出3320亿美元占到总资产约10%。如此看来,也就不足为奇了。 ecocn

According to EPFR, which tracks such flows, this was the third- largest withdrawal on record, and the first of any size since the crisis.
据跟踪新兴市场股市资金流状况的 EPFR公司透露,这是有史以来规模第三大的撤资潮,也是金融危机以来最大的一次。 ecocn

In the year to July, inflows to emerging- market debt funds have more than doubled to $21.6 billion from the previous year, according to EPFR Global, a financial- data firm.
根据金融数据公司 EPFR全球的数据,到今年7月为止,流入新兴市场的债务基金是去年的一倍还多,达到216亿美元。 yeeyan

EPFR Global, an information group, says that emerging- market- bond funds attracted the largest monthly inflow in October since it began collecting the data in 1995.
据信息研究公司,全球新兴投资组合研究 EPFR Global称从它1995年开始收集数据以来,新兴市场债券十月份吸引的月资金达到最高额。 ecocn




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