

单词 aligned
释义 aligned 英ə'laɪnd美ə'laɪnd 高COCA¹³⁸⁰³BNC¹⁵⁹²⁵iWeb³¹⁹¹³Economist⁸⁶⁷⁰
brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or causein a straight line;

pearly teeth evenly aligned

反义词 nonaligned无党派的

用作形容词Any image in a table cell with other images should be verticallyalignedwith the bottom of the line box.任何在表格单元里的与其它图片一起的图片应该以行模型垂直底部对齐的方式。
Thealignedphrasal structure groups are post-processed as the translation templates.对齐的结果经过后处理就可以得到翻译的模板。as in.horizontal
同义词 even,flush,level,parallel,plane,regular,smooth,straight,uniformaccumbent,recumbent
反义词 broken,changing,different,disorderly,dissimilar,divergent,inconsistent,irregular,rough,uneven,unfairupright,verticalas in.level
同义词 matchedcalm,common,constant,equivalent,even,exact,flat,flush,horizontal,leveled,like,matching,parallel,plain,plane,planed,polished,regular,rolled,same,stable,steady,straight,trim,trimmed,uniformakin,alike,commensurate,comparable,consistent,continuous,equable,identical,in line,lined up,of same height,on a line,on a par,on one plane,planate,precise,proportionate,unbroken,unfluctuating,uninterrupted
反义词 dissimilar,divergent,imbalanced,inconsistent,irregular,rough,uneven,unstable,unsteady,variable,wavering,wobblyragged
concentricadjective having a common center
horizontaladjective lying flat
leveladjective smooth, balanced
akin,aligned,alike,calm,commensurate,common,comparable,consistent,constant,continuous,equable,equivalent,even,exact,flat,flush,horizontal,identical,in line,leveled,like,lined up,matched,matching,of same height,on a line,on a par,on one plane,parallel,plain,planate,plane,planed,polished,precise,proportionate,regular,rolled,same,stable,steady,straight,trim,trimmed,unbroken,unfluctuating,uniform,uninterrupted And Indian diplomats steeped in their country’s history as a leader of the non- aligned movement recoil at the idea of falling in behind American leadership.
同时,印度外交官沉溺于其国家历史上在不结盟运动中的领导地位,对沦为美国领导的跟班这个念头感到畏缩。 ecocn

The projected images are aligned such that they form a nearly seamless image on the projection screen.
投影的图像被对齐,从而在投影屏幕上形成一幅几乎无缝的图像。 ibm

Are they aligned to enhance the effectiveness of the enterprise or is each organizational unit only really concerned with its own local efficiencies?
将它们结合在一起来增强企业的有效性了吗,或者每个组织单元只是涉及其自己的局部的效率吗? ibm

Choose your alignment: left aligned or justified on both sides.
选择你的对齐方式,左对齐或者是两端对齐。 yeeyan

For reasons too detailed to go into in this article, none of them can impact humanity purely from the positions of the stars in the sky or how aligned the planets are.
其中没有任何一种会纯粹因为天空中恒星的位置或者行星的排列方式对人类造成影响,其中原因太过复杂,本文不再赘述。 yeeyan

I asked Haggis why he had aligned himself with a religion that so many have disparaged.
我问哈吉斯,他为什么会和一个毁谤多多的宗教结成同盟。 yeeyan

If the horizontal line drawn is aligned with a polygon vertex, then only the segments that are below the line are counted.
如果所绘制的水平线与一个多边形顶点对齐,那么只会计算位于该线下方的部分。 ibm

If she does have characteristics that are aligned with your ideal girl, then you’ll genuinely be able to point out how you appreciate that about her.
如果她的性格各方面的特质和你的梦中女孩是一致的,那么你要很真诚地告诉她你是多么地欣赏她。 yeeyan

If we conduct our actions, perceptions, habits, and modes for evaluating life in a way that is not ‘ aligned’ with spiritual truth, life can be hell.
如果我们以与精神真谛相对立的方式评估生活,来管理自己的行为、观念、习惯以及行为方式,那么生活就是地狱。 yeeyan

It is because this is my mission in life and I am fully aligned with it.
这是因为在生活中,这是我的目标,而且与我的态度完全一致。 yeeyan

It successfully played off one superpower against the other, and was one of the leaders of the non- aligned movement.
她成功的将一个又一个超级大国玩弄于股掌之上。 她还是不结盟运动的领导国之一。 yeeyan

Items can only be relatively aligned to anchor items that appear before them in the build order.
项目只能与在构建顺序中出现在它们之前的锚定项相对对齐。 ibm

So before you commit, take a hard look at the array of expectations and whether they are aligned or contradictory.
所以在你做错事之前,最好仔细权衡一下这些期望,看看它们均衡还是矛盾。 yeeyan

The wheel must be aligned with the frame.

The economy is closely aligned with India“s through strong trade and monetary links and dependence on India”s financial assistance.
不丹的经济通过牢固的贸易和货币联系而与印度结盟的,并且完全依靠印度的支援。 ebigear

They roll on two wheels, which are aligned like the front two wheels of a car, not like a bicycle.
它的两个轮子不像自行车一样纵向排列,而是与普通汽车前轮一样横向排列。 yeeyan

They provide the background against which you can start with simplifying your life aligned with what you want.
它们所提供的背景将让你可以根据你所希翼的,从简化你的生活开始行动。 yeeyan

This model must be saved, aligned with a master model, and then the two models must be compared to each other.
这个模型必须保存,与一个主模型保持一致,那么这两个模型就必须相互比较。 ibm

This version also warns you when your partitions are not properly aligned.
当您的分区没有合理对齐时,该版本还会发出警告。 ibm

When the three images aligned, a full color photo appeared.
当三个图像对齐时,一张全彩色照片出现了。 yeeyan

With a pointer, if it were compiled in32-bit mode, the pointer would be aligned differently within the structure.
对于指针,如果它是在32位的模式编译的,指针将被在结构内按不同方式对齐。 ibm




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