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A finite element simulation was performed of the multi- pass welding residual stress of Hastelloy- C276 alloy pipes using ABAQUS software based on the welding characteristics of Hastelloy C276 alloy.
针对哈氏合金 C276焊接特点,运用有限元分析软件 ABAQUS,对哈氏合金 C276管道多道焊残余应力进行了有限元模拟。 cnki

The front deflection of high precise and heavy-duty rotating center in P60S rolling-gear machine was analyzed by using finite element software ABAQUS.
利用 ABAQUS有限元软件分析 P60S滚齿机上的高精度重型回转顶尖的挠度。 cnki

The three-dimensional finite-element model which simulating tire- pavement interaction with water film is established by using ABAQUS finite element software.
运用 ABAQUS有限元软件来模拟有水膜存在时,轮胎与水泥混凝土路面的有限元模型。 fabiao

The deformation behavior and shear localization in truncated conic specimens of tungsten heavy alloys under impact loading are simulated by the finite element code ABAQUS.
采用有限元计算编码 ABAQUS模拟了钨合金圆台试件在冲击载荷下的变形和剪切局部化行为。 cnki

The effects of new embankment on old pavement are analyzed with FEM program ABAQUS.
采用有限元软件 ABAQUS分析了新路堤作为附加荷载对老路堤和地基的影响。 cnki

The extraction-resistant behaviors of squeezed branch piles are analyzed with large FEM software ABAQUS and compared to the compression-resistant behaviors.
用大型有限元软件 ABAQUS分析了挤扩支盘桩的抗拔特性,并与抗压特性进行了比较。 dictall

The simulation of aluminum alloy plate tungsten inert gas welding TIG process using finite element software- ABAQUS was researched.
利用 ABAQUS有限元软件对铝合金平板钨极氩弧焊 TIG焊接过程进行了数值模拟。 chemyq

The transient analysis model of thermal- stress coupling in steam injection well is established by finite element software ABAQUS.
利用有限元软件 ABAQUS建立了热采井井筒热应力耦合的瞬态分析模型。 dictall

This text mainly introduced the application of the common finite element software ABAQUS in lean concrete base asphalt pavement.
主要介绍了有限元通用软件 ABAQUS在贫混凝土基层沥青路面中的应用问题。 dictall

A set of new methods of evaluating rock- breaking effect was developed on the basis of ABAQUS.
开发了一套基于 ABAQUS有限元仿真分析评价齿形破岩效果新方法。

A virtual node method for coupling the eXtended Finite Element Method XFEM with commercial finite element software ABAQUS is presented.
以 ABAQUS为平台,提出了一种预设虚节点法,首次在通用有限元程序上嵌入了扩展有限元法的功能。 dictall

By using ABAQUS software, force convection elements were adopted to simulate the heat transfer between the coil and the forced convective hydrogen.
应用 ABAQUS软件的强制对流单元,研究了在特定的气体流动条件下的钢卷与气体之间的传热。 cnki

Moreover, fully utilizing the nonlinear analysis capacities provided by ABAQUS, redevelopment is a shortcut and an effective solution to accomplishing stress and strain analysis for CFRD.
同时表明:充分利用 ABAQUS已经具备的非线性分析功能,二次开发是完成混凝土面板堆石坝三维非线性应力应变分析的有效解决方案。 cnki

Nonlinear dynamical analysis of deepwater production TTR is proposed by using general finite element analysis software ABAQUS, and the stress- time curves are calculated.
利用综合有限元分析软件 ABAQUS对深水顶张式生产立管 TTR进行了非线性动力分析,得到其应力时程曲线。 dictall

Numerical simulation of hole flangingBased on ABAQUS software, forming process of hole flanging is simulated.
圆孔翻边的数值模拟基于 ABAQUS软件,对圆孔翻边成形过程进行了模拟分析。 cnki

Suitable model was established to simulate the temperature distribution of TIG welding of T- joint sheets using ABAQUS code. Temperature dependant material properties were considered in the simulation.
运用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS,建立了适当的模型对薄板 T型 TIG焊接接头的温度场进行了数值模拟。 chemyq

Temperature and residual stress fields of industrial pipe discontinuous and continuous butt welding was simulated by ABAQUS.
应用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS,对工业管道间断焊与连续焊的温度场和残余应力场进行数值模拟。 cnki

The response of utility tunnel under non- uniform seismic excitation in shaking table test is analyzed using ABAQUS as a platform.
本文基于 ABAQUS软件开展非一致激励下地下综合管廊振动台试验的有限元建模及分析研究。 dictall

The stress intensity factor at the tip of through-thickness crack for tubular T-joints has been analyzed using ABAQUS software package.
用 ABAQUS计算了承受轴向拉伸载荷的 T型管节点中穿透裂纹尖端处的应力强度因子的大小。 cnki

Using ABAQUS to build the finite element model of reinforced concrete hollow slab and rubber bearing, simulate contact effect between them by set contact property.
运用有限元软件ABAQUS建立钢筋混凝土桥面板与橡胶支座的有限元模型,设置接触属性来模拟二者之间的接触作用。 qfpaper




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