

单词 EOC
释义 EOCCOCA¹⁰⁹⁰⁴⁵BNC⁷¹⁴³⁶
Female nude mice were injected by human EOC cell line SKOV3 to instruct nude mice models with human ovarian.
本实验利用人卵巢癌细胞株 SKOV3建立荷人卵巢癌裸鼠移植模型。 dictall

Lodge a complaint with Equal Opportunities Commission EOC and request investigation and conciliation within12 months;
在十二个月内向平等机会委员会投诉,要求调查及调解; smcc-canossian

The information collected from this form will be used for purposes related to the “ EOC Photo Competition”.
本表格收集的资料,是供「平机共融新视野」摄影比赛之用。 webuddy

The school will consult EOC or other relevant organizations such as the Police when they have doubt about the suspected cases.
学校在处理怀疑个案时如遇到任何困难,会谘询平机会或其他相关机构例如警方的意见。 smcc-canossian

Objective To investigate the distribution of tumor- infiltrating lymphocytes TIL in the epithelial ovarian carcinoma EOC and its clinical significance.
目的探讨卵巢癌组织中肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞 TIL的分布及临床意义。 iciba

Online efficiency- optimization control EOC of IM drives is proposed and studied in this paper to solve the low- efficiency problem.
本文主要研究了电动汽车电驱动系统的在线效率优化控制,来提高异步电机在轻载运行时候的效率。 cnki

The EOC then investigated the case and decided to go for conciliation since Mr. Tsui might have been indirectly discriminated against.
平机会于是进行调查,并认为徐先生有可能受到间接歧视,再次尝试进行调解。 equalityatworkinchina

There are time limits for lodging a complaint to EOC and instigating legal proceedings.
向平机会提出投诉及提出法律诉讼均有时间限制。 smcc-canossian

This paper introduces the characteristics, advantages of EPON EOC technology, as well as its application in CATV network.
介绍 EPON EOC技术特点、优势及其在有线电视网络中的应用。 magsci

Two-way status monitoring has allowed EOC staff to maintain the system in a high state of readiness.
通过双向状态监控功能, EOC工作人员可以始终确保系统的高标准待用状态。 en-ch




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