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词汇 abap
释义 abap 英ə'bæp美ə'bæp COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
antibody against panel 反入侵抗体
Do this by putting an ABAP string, character variable, or table variable in parentheses.
这种表示法把 ABAP字符串、字符变量或表变量放在圆括号中。 ibm

The tight integration of database access is a strong point of the ABAP language.
数据库访问的紧密集成是 ABAP语言的强项。 ibm

A class that defines the description of basic ABAP data types, such as c character, i integer, and f floating point.
这个类定义基本 ABAP数据类型的描述,比如 c字符、 i整数和 f浮点数。 ibm

And from the feedback we’re gotten so far, I can say there’s people out there who love the idea of having Ruby running inside ABAP.
并且从我们得到的反馈来看,外面有人很欣赏在 ABAP中运行 Ruby的主意。 infoq

As an alternative, you could extract the core business data using the ABAP extract stage.
作为替代方案,您可以使用 ABAP提取阶段来提取核心业务数据。 ibm

But our target developers work in the ABAP space anyhow.
但我们的目标开发者是在 ABAP空间里工作的。 infoq

Figure7 shows where the ABAP Extract stage is located on the palette.
图7显示 ABAP Extract阶段位于调色板的何处。 ibm

However it wouldn’t be fair to say that these are‘weak areas of ABAP’, because we are not using the language for what it was meant for.
然而,要说这是“ ABAP的缺点”也不太公平,因为我们并没有按照它设计的目的来使用它。 infoq

In fact, given the little I know about ABAP, it sounds like a great idea.
实际上,由于我对 ABAP知之甚少,这听起来是个很好的主意。 infoq

In the ABAP Debugger, the statements of a macro cannot be performed in individual steps.
在 ABAP调试器中,宏的语句不能在独特的步骤中调用。 sunnybtoc

In the event blocks, a self- defined field or input field can be programmed, which overrides any helps possibly defined in the ABAP Dictionary.
在这些事件块中,可以编写一个自定义的字段或者输入字段,它们可以重写任何可能在。 sunnybtoc

Most of the supporting configuration data is not exposed by predefined interfaces; it is accessible only by ABAP programs running on the SAP system.
大多数支持配置数据都不是通过预定义的接口公开的;其只能通过运行在 SAP系统上的 ABAP程序访问。 ibm

On the negative side we experience every day that ABAP wasn’t as a host language for implementing other VMs, it was meant for writing business applications.
从我们每天经历的消极面来看, ABAP只是用来写商用软件的语言,而不是实现其他 VM的宿主语言。 infoq

The core of these is a set of ABAP objects classes that can be used to describe types, to analyze existing objects, and to instantiate type descriptions.
其核心是一组 ABAP对象类,可以用它们描述类型、分析现有的对象和对类型描述进行实例化。 ibm

The rules in this case are similar to the way static SQL is written in ABAP.
这些规则与用 ABAP编写静态 SQL的规则相似。 ibm

There are features we just don’t support at the moment like network sockets, threads, C- libs and so forth because there is no equivalent functionality exposed in the ABAP VM.
有些特性我们目前不打算支持比如网络接口、线程、 C库等,因为 ABAP VM中没有相似的功能。 infoq

Though a similar mechanism could be implemented using generated ABAP code, this approach has its drawbacks in performance, maintenance, and monitoring.
尽管可以使用生成的 ABAP代码实现相似的机制,但是这种方法在性能、维护和监视方面有缺陷。 ibm

To solve this problem, ABAP enables specifying Open SQL clauses dynamically.
为了解决这个问题, ABAP允许动态地指定 Open SQL子句。 ibm

Using dynamic SQL results in a minor performance hit, but it is much faster than running the same query using a generated ABAP function.
使用动态 SQL对性能有轻微影响,但是比使用生成的 ABAP函数运行相同查询快得多。 ibm

We reuse the ABAP VM as much as possible for things such as garbage collection, session handling, memory management, etc.
我们尽可能地重用 ABAP VM来实现垃圾回收、会话处理、内存管理等。 infoq

What two statements would be used to exchange data between programs using ABAP memory?
哪二个语句使用 ABAP内存进行程序之间的数据交换?

With Blue Ruby, we get local access to these nearly300 million lines of ABAP code that has been written.
使用 Blue Ruby,我们能本地访问已经写好的近3亿行 ABAP代码。 infoq

With ABAP6.1 all clauses of the SELECT expression can be specified dynamically.
对于 ABAP6.1, SELECT语句的所有子句都可以动态地指定。 ibm

ABAP now has all the features necessary to execute Open SQL queries dynamically.
ABAP现在提供动态地执行 Open SQL查询所需的所有特性。 ibm

ABAP provides an extensive API for runtime analysis and creation of data types.
ABAP为在运行时分析和创建数据类型提供一个功能丰富的 API。 ibm

ABAP uses dynamic token specification to specify an Open SQL clause dynamically.
ABAP使用动态元素表示法动态地指定 Open SQL子句。 ibm




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