

单词 alien from
释义 alien from研短语⁶⁵⁴²⁶
And they were right. None of the outside help that came could stop the alien from eating everyone in the restaurant.
他们的感觉是对的,因为任何外来的援助都没能阻止外星人吃掉酒店里的每一个人。 eastday

A science-fiction writer, wanting to be a dad, adopts a6-year-old boy who he becomes convinced is an alien from Mars.
一位科幻小说家希望成为一名父亲,于是收养了一个6岁的男孩儿,这位作家坚决认为这个孩子是火星人。 www.qikan.com.cn

For the influence of various factors, American historiography after World War II tended to be alien from the grand narrative.
由于各种因素的影响,二战后的美国史学出现疏离宏大叙事的趋势。 cnki

He referred the creature department to an original photo of the “ Goggle- Eyes” alien from the cantina, and decided that's what a Neimoidian should look like.
他把酒馆中“水泡眼”的原照拿给生物部门看,敲定那就是内莫迪亚人的长相。 starwarschina

Likewise, El- Les is based on the“ T- Head” alien from that scene.
同样地,埃尔-莱斯的设计基础是那场戏中的“丁字头”外星人。 starwarsfans

Unless a friendly alien from an advanced culture helps him out.
除非有友好的外星人能助我们一臂之力。 yeeyan




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