

单词 entry
释义 en·try 英ˈentriː美ˈɛntriAHDĕnʹtrē ★★★★☆高四六研GIT宝牛4八COCA²⁹⁴¹BNC¹⁶⁶¹iWeb¹¹⁹⁵Economist³⁴⁶¹


act of coming or going in


right of entering


place of entrance

C登记; 条目,词条

the act or result of writing sth down a list, as in an account of money or in a dictionary


person or thing that is entered for a competition


list or total number of persons, etc. entered for a competition

an item inserted in a written recordthe act of beginning something new;

they looked forward to the debut of their new product line

a written record of a commercial transactionsomething manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc. submitted for the judgment of others as in a competition;

several of his submissions were rejected by publishers

what was the date of submission of your proposal?

something that provides access to get in or get out;

they waited at the entrance to the garden

beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral

the act of entering;

she made a grand entrance

来自enter, 进入。
用作名词 n.
动词+~allow entry允许进入block the entry阻塞入口force one's entry强行进入gain〔obtain〕 entry得到入场〔入会〕权give〔include〕 an entry收一词条make an entry入场,记入pass entry入账sign and seal entry在报名单上签字盖章形容词+~double〔single〕 entry复〔单〕式簿记forced〔free, illegal〕 entry强行〔自由,非法〕进入sudden entry突然进入名词+~run-on entry接排的词条dictionary entry字典中的条目vocabulary entry词条~+名词entry card登记卡entry form登记表entry formalities入境手续介词+~at〔in, under〕 an entry在某条目下in the entry在入口a port of entry报关海港~+介词entry for consumption进口货物报单entry into进入,参加entry to the new theater新剧院入口
entr进入+y过去名词后缀,-ed,表动作的完成→进入,入口→进入表格的行为和结果⇒登记,条目。小学英语速记联想记忆:en音似:嗯+try尝试→嗯,要尝试进入入口→入口蒋争熟词记忆enter略去e 进入-y名词后缀⇒进入;入场;入口非常记忆en俺〖谐音〗+try尝试〖熟词〗⇒俺尝试进入里面来自enterv. 进入近义词 waydoorwayapproach反义词 itemnoterecordaccount
用作名词n.The army made a triumphant entry into the enemy's capital.部队胜利地进入敌方首都。
You mustn't drive into a street with a “No Entry” sign.你切勿把车驶进有“不得进入”标示的街道。
I will wait for you at the entry.我在入口处等你。
The entry of all expenditure is necessary.把一切开支入账是必要的。
This dictionary has over 30,000 entries.这本词典收词三万多条。
How many entries are there for the high jump?报名参加跳高比赛的有多少人?
There is a large entry for the flower show this year.今年的花展有大量花卉参展。Psubentryn.分项Preentryn.再入再进Pmultientry多路入口Pmisentry错误输入不准确引入Ppost-entry后补进口手续书过帐Ppostentryn.追加记入帐目的项目Pentryman进入公地并企图依法取得该公地的人

用作名词He pretended not to observe ourentry.他装作没有看见我们进来。
The people without a ticket are deniedentry.没有票的人不许入内。
He has applied for anentryvisa.他已申请入境签证。
You can leave your umbrella in theentry.雨伞可放在入口处。
This dictionary has over 30000entries.这本字典有3 万多词条。noun.way in to a place
同义词 access,entrance,opening,passageadit,approach,avenue,door,doorway,foyer,gate,hall,ingress,inlet,lobby,passageway,portal,threshold,vestibuleingression
反义词 conclusionblackballing,egress,exit,fan,refusal,rejection,spectatornoun.introduction;permission to enter
同义词 access,admission,admittance,entranceadit,appearance,entering,ingress,initiation,waycoming in,entrée,free passage,introgression
反义词 blackballing,conclusion,egress,exit,fan,refusal,rejection,spectatornoun.person participating in competition;effort
同义词 entrant,playerattempt,candidate,competitor,contestant,participant,submission
反义词 fan,spectatorblackballing,conclusion,egress,exit,refusal,rejectionnoun.listing in a record
同义词 item,registrationaccount,jotting,memo,memorandum,minute,note
反义词 blackballing,conclusion,egress,exit,fan,refusal,rejection,spectator
accessnoun admission, means of entry, approach
admittance,approach,avenue,connection,contact,course,door,entrance,entree,entrée,in,ingress,introduction,key,open arms,open door,passage,path,road,route,way
aditnoun access
admittancenoun permission to enter
avenuenoun street;path
avenuesnoun street;path
doornoun entrance to room, building
aperture,egress,entry,entryway,exit,gate,gateway,hatch,hatchway,ingress,opening,portal,postern,slammer The size check ensures that there is only one entry in the set, as expected.
大小检查确保在集合中如预期那样只有一个条目。 ibm

All we have done to this function is add one entry to the list of mappings.
对该函数所做的全部操作是向映射列表中添加一个条目。 ibm

As part of each entry, you must specify the roles that see the report on the list page.
作为每个条目的一部分,您必须在列表页面上指定可以看到报表的角色。 ibm

Copy these lists into a map with each list entry identified by the first wordthe key of the list.
将这些列表复制到一个映射且使用列表的第一个单词键标识每个列表条目。 ibm

Each file entry contains the file name, type, and encryption information.
每个文件条目包含文件名、类型和加密信息。 ibm

Each topic element is represented in the final documentation by an entry in the navigation list.
在最终的文档中,每一个主题元素都表现为导航列表中的一个条目。 ibm

Each entry contains a port name and port number.
每个条目包含一个端口名和端口号。 ibm

Every data entry has a DN that should be unique throughout the directory.
每个数据条目都拥有一个在整个目录中都惟一的 DN。 ibm

For each state, there can be an action associated with state entry and exit.
对于每一状态,可能存在与状态进入及退出相关联的操作。 ibm

How do you “ look inside” a data entry?
如何在数据条目“内部进行查找” 呢? ibm

If you select an entry there, the editor will open to show that advice.
如果选择其中的一个条目,编辑器会打开并显示这个通知。 ibm

If so, then the current entry must be a folder, and you push its name and recursion level onto an auxiliary stack as well as adding it to the tree.
如果具有子代,那么当前条目必须是一个文件夹,您要将其名称和递归级别推到辅助堆栈上并将它们添加到树中。 ibm

If there are indexes on the table, an entry is added to each index for each inserted row.
如果表上有索引,则对于每个插入的行,都要添加一个条目到每条索引。 ibm

In the response, each entry represents a comment of the document.
在响应中每个条目表示文档的一条评论。 ibm

In this section, you create a configuration entry for your database.
在本小节,您将为您的数据库创建一个配置条目。 ibm

It then fills in that entry in the table and jumps there.
然后它会在表中填入这个条目并跳转到那个已加载函数。 ibm

I've lost the key of my house, so I'll have to force an entry.

Next, you need to create a new host entry in this zone.
接下来需要在此区域中创建一个新主机条目。 ibm

Next you need to add a form entry template and a form workflow policy to bind the form template, workflow, and data store together.
接下来您需要添加表格输入模板和表格工作流策略,以将表格模板、工作流和数据存储区绑定到一起。 ibm

Otherwise, it would be time-consuming to map each data entry from one source data system to another.
否则,将每个数据条目从一个源数据系统映射到另一个源数据系统将非常耗时。 ibm

That shows us an entry point into the process.
这向我们展示了进入流程的一个入口点。 ibm

That entry will be discussed later. For now, notice how easy this tag is to use.
以后将讨论那个条目,但是现在请注意这个标记使用起来有多么容易。 ibm

The authorities deported her for illegal entry.

The program has one performance flaw— I retrieve the string entry in the associated string table by value rather than pointer.
该程序有一个性能缺陷—我是按值而不是按指针在关联的字符串表中检索字符串条目的。 cnblogs

The entry above will always have the request associated with the initiator reference and the response associated with the recipient reference.
上面的条目将始终具有与发起者引用相关联的请求和与接收者引用相关联的响应。 ibm

These failures write an entry to the AIX error log.
这些失败会向 AIX错误日志写入一个条目。 ibm

This creates an entry in the hosts table.
这就在主表中创建了一个条目。 ibm

This listing also contains an example of adding the data as an extension to the entry rather than as content.
这个清单中还包含了一个把数据作为扩展而不是内容添加到条目的例子。 ibm

This should open the defect entry dialog.
这将会打开缺陷条目对话框。 ibm

You can select any number of object classes for an entry.
可以为一个条目选择任意数量的对象类。 ibm




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