释义 |
entrance into短语²⁷⁰⁵³ 基本例句 adj.就任就职 For a time, it appeared that Mr. Prokhorov’s entrance into the political arena was an attempt by the Kremlin to have a controllable“ liberal” candidate, but the control proved to be short-lived. 有一段时间,似乎普罗霍罗夫进入政治舞台是一个克里姆林宫安排可控‘自由派’候选人的尝试,但是事实证明控制是短暂的。 yeeyan Serb leaders told their people that, if they voted for the constitution in a referendum on October28-29th, it would speed their entrance into the European Union. 塞尔维亚领导人告诉他的国民,如果他们在10月28-29日的公民投票中支持该宪法,将会加快该国加入欧盟的速度。 ecocn |