

单词 entrance in
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At the same time, based on the concept of system, the paper studies the technology of digging hole on the typical slope at tunnel entrance in Huang Ta Tao highway.
同时,以该体系为基本理念,系统研究了黄塔桃高速公路沿线隧道洞口段典型坡体结构的进洞技术。 boshuo

Cidade de Deus had been chosen for Mr Obama's visit partly because its streets, flatter and wider than in many favelas, permitted his entrance in an armoured car.
之所以选择上帝之城,部分原因也是因为它的贫民窟里的街区较平坦宽阔,可以允许奥巴马乘坐着装甲汽车前行。 ecocn

However, Brent Bracelin, an analyst for Pacific Crest Securities, thinks Cisco’s entrance in the server market will be a major development.
不过, Pacific Crest的分析师布伦特. Bracelin却认为思科进入服务器市场将是一次重大发展。 yeeyan

I immediately took down my quilt and rushed towards the entrance in the falling rain, without bothering to take the chair.
我第一时间将丝棉被收下来,抱着棉被,雨点已纷降,来不及收椅子了。 jukuu




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