释义 |
entered upon短语⁴⁵³³⁴ 基本例句 开始;着手 After getting through Peary Sarkar's first and second English readers we entered upon McCulloch's Course of Reading. 学完了帕瑞?萨卡的第一册和第二册的英文读本,我们就开始学麦克库劳奇的读本。 yeeyan In the late1980s, the technique of rod- pumping fault diagnostics entered upon a new stage due to the application of expert system. 80年代后期,由于引入了专家系统,有杆泵抽油故障诊断技术进入了一个新阶段。 cnki The award rendered by the arbitrator shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with the applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 仲裁裁决为终局裁决,可以根据适用法律在任何对该等权力主张、争议或其他事宜有管辖权的法院据此做出判决。 bokee Brisbane, who entered upon office in 1821, was a fine old soldier, a thorough gentleman, honourable and upright in all his ways. 1821年上任的布里斯班曾是一名优秀的老兵,一个十足的绅士,在所有方面都正直诚实。 yeeyan China has entered upon a new era. 中国已进入一个新时代。 dict Egypt, relieved for a time from Assyrian pressure, entered upon a phase of revival. 埃及由于暂时没有遭受亚述的压迫而进入了一个中兴阶段。 ebigear He entered upon a turbulent political career. 他开始了动荡不定的政治生涯。 wap I entered upon the execution of the plan for self- examination, and continued it with occasional intermissions for some time. 我按着这个计划,每天进行自我检查,除偶有中断外,一直坚持不懈。 bab Immediately underneath this sheet will be any contracts and credit applications entered upon or accepted by the property and the account. 下面是一些合同、被客户和酒店接受的资信表格。 blog.sina.com.cn Many of those intrepid men, who had so tranquilly entered upon the most terrible of adventures, turned aside their heads. 在那些胆大无畏安安静静走来观看这场骇人事件的汉子中,好些人都把头转了过去。 ebigear Our cash flow has entered upon a seasonal flat spot, aggravated by unexciting market conditions. 我们的现金流入已进入一个疲软的季度,并且市场的不如意使之更日益恶化。 shiwt.com The bourgeois, feeling that the cake was in danger of being wasted, and moved by this useless shipwreck, entered upon a telegraphic agitation, which finally attracted the attention of the swans. 这个有产者感到糕点有白丢的危险,对无谓的损失感到痛心,就设法现出一种焦急的样子,结果引起了天鹅的注意。 ycwb The war had entered upon its third year. 这时战争已进入第三个年头。 dj.client.iciba.com They entered upon the turf, and, impelled by a force that seemed to overrule their will, suddenly stood still, turned, and waited in paralyzed suspense beside the stone. 他们走进草地,好像被某种控制了他们意志的力量逼着似的,突然在里程碑旁边站住了;他们转过身去,好像瘫痪了似的在里程碑旁等着。 ebigear Third--Having entered upon work, continue in that line of work. 第三,进入一行工作后,就继续在这一行工作。 yeeyan This country had now entered upon a long period of stagnation. 从此,这个国家进入了一个长期不景气的时期。 shanbay |