释义 |
Entamoeba coli 基本例句 医结肠内阿米巴,结肠内变形虫 The vacuole type was the most often seen and accounted for 84% of all 4 types. Blastocystis hominis infection was often found to be associated withEntamoeba coliand other intestinal protozoa,leading to diarrhea in these patients.人芽囊原虫在肠道中可出现多种形态,但以空泡型为最常见占84%,易与结肠内阿米巴和其它非致病阿米巴合并感染,且与患者的腹泻有一定关系。 Six species of protozoa were detected with infection rate shown in parenthesis, i.e., Entamoeba histolytica ,Entamoeba coli, Giardia lamblia , Iodamoeba buetschlii , Endolimax nana , Entamoeba hartmanni .共查见原虫6种,其感染率分别为溶组织内阿米巴1.;8%、结肠内阿米巴1 Cyst,Entamoeba colicyst and red blood cells包囊、结肠内阿米巴包囊和红细胞 Analysis on the distributive characteristic of humanEntamoeba coliinfection in Qinghai Province青海省人群结肠内阿米巴感染分布特点 Infection byEntamoeba coli结肠内阿米巴感染 |