

单词 enlists
释义 en·list·s 英ɪn'lɪst美ɪn'lɪst COCA⁵⁰⁸⁴⁰BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. & vi. 使入伍,使参军

cause to join the army,navy,etc.

vt. 获得帮助或支持

get help or support

join the militaryhire for work or assistance;

engage aid, help, services, or support

engage somebody to enter the army
用作动词 v.
~+名词enlist the help of sb谋求某人的帮助~+介词enlist as a volunteer当志愿兵enlist for military service服兵役enlist in the army从军
近义词 up向上join连接move移动sway摇动sign手势enrol登记draft草稿enroll登记induce引起obtain获得engage雇佣procure获得solicit恳求prompt迅速的persuade说服count on依靠register登记induct使就职mobilize动员conscript征兵influence影响commission佣金sign up签约雇用join up联合起来sign on签约雇用volunteer志愿者recruit吸收新成员…muster in 征召 … 入伍…反义词 discharge排出
S+~+AHe enlisted in the army.他参军了。
According to the law, a young man should enlist when he is 18.根据法律规定青年人年满18岁必须参军。
S+ ~+n./pron.The army enlisted us.军队征募我们入伍。
Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the flood?您能否为那些无家可归的水灾受难者捐些钱?
Some young men in the village are enlisted for the army.村子里的一些年轻人被征召入伍了。
用作及物动词We mustenlistmore men.我们必须征募更多士兵。
Weenlistedthem to serve as ushers at the meeting.我们征集他们当会议招待员。
She tried toenlistour support in the cause of the charity.她试图招揽我们在那慈善事业上的支持。用作不及物动词Heenlistedwhen he was 18.他18岁时入伍。
Many peopleenlistin the Red Cross drive each year.许多人每年参加红十字会运动。 So the pharaoh enlists all of the people to annihilate the Israelites by drowning all newborn males in the Nile River.
法老便召集了所有人民歼灭以色列人,将男婴溺死在尼罗河中。 youdao

The personnel enlists and is called a personnel a job advertisement.
人员招募又称为人员招聘。 blog.sina.com.cn

Enlists the console logger for all build events.
在控制台记录器中登记所有生成事件。 microsoft

A commando enlists twelve cons for a dangerous mission to rescue scientists from a remote, Nazi- controlled, French monastery.
影片讲述的是十二金刚到敌方袭击一个修道院,解救被德军扣留的一批神经毒气专家。 warwww

Along the way, Caesar enlists the help of Maurice, an orangutan who knows sign language, and a big bruiser of a chimp named Rocket.
一路上,凯撒又帮助了一只猩猩,莫里斯,他了解信号语言;还有一只受伤的猩猩,火箭。 yeeyan

By accepting public comments, the government in effect enlists the public to help it with its own policy analysis.
通过接受公众意见,政府实际上是动员公众以自己的政策分析对政府进行帮助。 ynet

Galaxy Zoo enlists the public to help classify galaxies found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and more recently in deep Hubble imagery.
星系园计划是一项带动公众一起参与星系分类的计划,这些星系一部分由斯隆数码天空研究计划获取,最新的照片来自哈勃深空图像。 bbs.astron.ac.cn

Ma also enlists help from friends who are less mainstream such as the green-haired Galician bagpiper Cristina Pato and mandolin player Chris Thiele.
马也得到了一些非主流朋友的帮助,诸如绿发的加利西亚风笛手斯蒂娜帕托和曼陀林琴手克里斯蒂勒。 yeeyan

Phoebe tries to break it up and enlists help from Ross and Joey.
菲比想拆散他们,向罗斯和乔伊求助。 bbs.in2english.com.cn

So Ms. Grose decides to' try to stop complaining entirely about small things and quit excessively complaining about the bigger ones, ' for a month. She enlists her boss, Ms.
因此,杰西卡决定在一个月内,“试着完全停止对琐事的抱怨,并对更重要一些的事情也尽量不去大发牢骚。” enfamily

The blame game, as old as Adam and Eve, enlists new players with every child that is born.
这种像亚当和夏娃一样陈年的抱怨把戏,还在继续在每个新生儿的生命中上演。 chinesetodays

The paper enlists the various situation brought about by the problems existing in the People's Court's Law enforcement and the serious consequences as well.
文中列举了当前人民法院执行工作存在问题的种种表现,以及其所造成的严重后果。 cnki

Walking keeps you upright and enlists gravity to keep acids from splashing up the esophagus.
散步可以帮助你直立和获得地心重力的作用,去防止胃酸上溅到食道上。 yeeyan

Young and working class, Alfie Day is attached to his mother and fears he will no longer be able to protect her from his violent father when he enlists.
阿尔菲·戴是个依恋母亲的年轻工人阶级,担心一旦应募入伍之后不能继续保护母亲免受父亲的粗暴的对待。 ecocn

Enlists a durable resource manager to participate in a transaction.
登记持久资源管理器以参与事务。 microsoft




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