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Al Gore短语³⁸⁷⁶³ 基本英英近义反义例句例句 阿尔·戈尔美国前副总统
Noun: Vice President of the United States under Bill Clinton born in 1948近义词 gore流出的血 Bill Clinton andAl Gorewon the 1992 presidential election.比尔?克林顿和阿尔?戈尔赢得了1992年总统选举, It is a very great honor to introduce Vlce President,Al Gore.让我们热烈欢迎副总统阿尔·戈尔。 Former Vice PresidentAl Gorewas the guest speaker.前副总统阿尔.;戈尔也应邀发言。 So did Paul Tsongas, but he spoke up forAl Goreand me, too.但聪格斯也替我和艾尔.;戈尔讲了一些好话。 Former Vice PresidentAl Gorehas arrived in Oslo,Norway.美国前副总统阿尔戈尔抵达挪威奥斯陆。 He chose SenatorAl Goreof Tennessee to be his vice president in the election.他选择田纳西州的参议员阿尔?戈尔在选举中作为他的副总统候选人。 Ever since the convention Al Gore had framed the election as a contest of the people versus the powerful. 民主党全国代表大会之后,艾尔·戈尔把选举定位为“民众和权势”间的一场竞赛。 yeeyan The film, which debuts this weekend, is already being called the “ new Inconvenient Truth” in a reference to Al Gore's environmental hit. 该片本周末首映,被称为“全新的难以忽视的真相”,以向阿尔戈尔掀起的环境热致敬。 yeeyan The former US vice- president Al Gore shared the2007 prize with the UN panel on climate change. 美国前副总统戈尔则在2007年与联合国气候变化小组分享诺贝尔奖章。 yeeyan After the event, my family flew to England to stay with the Blairs at Chequers and listen to Al Gore give his concession speech. 接着,我们一家飞往英国,与布莱尔夫妇一同住在契克斯别墅,听戈尔发表他承认竞选失败的讲话。 yeeyan But the larger reason we’re ignoring climate change is that Al Gore was right: This truth is just too inconvenient. 但是我们忽略气候变化更大的原因是,美国前副总统艾尔戈尔是正确的:这个真理并不为人们接受。 yeeyan But in2000 Al Gore injected a strongly populist tone into his campaign. 但到2000年,阿尔戈尔在竞选中传递出强烈的平民主义倾向。 ecocn I rang Al Gorethe then US vice president and said we were closing the hall soon because they are going to have a wedding. 我给艾尔·戈尔那时的美国副总统打电话说大厅要关门了,因为这一会儿将要举行一场婚礼。 yeeyan I turned to Al Gore, who was sitting in his customary seat behind me, explained the problem, and asked him to get George Stephanopoulos to fix it. 我转向艾尔.戈尔,他正坐在我身后他常坐的位子上。我向他说明了遇到的麻烦,请他去找斯迪法诺普洛斯来解决。 yeeyan In the new Futurama DVD Bender's Big Score, the characters encounter Al Gore driving a taxi — a hybrid taxi, naturally. 在最新的《飞出个未来大电影》 DVD中,咱们的主角们遇到了阿尔戈尔正开的士呢——当然,肯定是一辆本田混合动力车。 yeeyan Like Mr. Prescott, Mr. Ball is incensed that high-profile people like Al Gore— or environmental groups with deeper pockets than his— have not stepped up to the plate. 与普雷斯科特一样,马特·波也对一些高调人士,比如戈尔或一些环保团体,比他更有经济能力但没有用到 “餐桌”而感到不满。 yeeyan New employees are added weekly, and on their first day on the job they watch Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth. 每周都有新雇员加入,他们走上岗位的第一天就观看戈尔出演的《难以忽视的真相》。 yeeyan Now that we had the White House, I figured Al Gore and I would have to shoulder the lions share of the fund- raising and public pronouncements anyway. 总之,我认为,既然现在我和戈尔已经入主白宫,我们就必须承担起绝大部分筹款和向公众发布信息的工作。 yeeyan Oliver North never said any of this in any Senate hearing. Neither did Al Gore. 奥利弗•诺斯和戈尔从未在参议院听证会上说过上述言论。 yeeyan On the same day he said it, his rival in2000, Al Gore, was being nominated for an Oscar for his film on the subject. 就在当天,他在2000年的竞争对手艾尔•戈尔,凭借这一题材的电影而获得一项奥斯卡提名。 ecocn Over the next few days, Al Gore, the cabinet members, and I fanned out across the country to sell it. 在随后的几天里,我、艾尔.戈尔和内阁成员们在全国各地四处活动,推行我们的方案。 yeeyan Past speakers include Bill Clintonabove, Al Gore, Tony Blair, and Sir Richard Branson. 过去的演讲者中包括比尔克林顿,阿尔戈尔,汤尼布莱尔和理查德布莱森先生。 yeeyan Some of the most prominent candidates for top jobs— Larry Summers for Treasury, John Kerry for State and Al Gore for the environment agency— are also ghosts from the past. 许多顶级职位的重要候选人,如候选财政部的劳伦斯•萨默斯,候选国务院的约翰•克里,和候选环境机构的阿尔•戈尔,都是从前的老班子。 ecocn The finding gives hope that the worst impacts of global warming, such as the devastating floods depicted in Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, could yet be avoided. 这一发现给我们带来了希望:要避免像阿尔.戈尔的影片《难以忽视的真相》中滔天洪水这类因全球变暖带来的最坏灾难,还是有可能的。 yeeyan This time I was incorporating two proposals Hillary and Al Gore were advocating on the campaign trail. 这次我准备把希拉里和艾尔在竞选中提出的两个倡议综合起来。 yeeyan Yesterday I asked Nancy Duarte a few questions about working with Al Gore. Here's what she said. 昨天我问了南茜.杜阿特有关和艾尔.戈尔共事的几个问题,下面是她的回答。 yeeyan Al Gore, in his acclaimed documentary An Inconvenient Truth, makes the case for the harmful effect of increased carbon emissions with considerable impact. 戈尔在他的著名的纪录片《难以忽视的真相》中认为增加的碳排放造成的有害影响是全球变暖的主要原因。 blog.sina.com.cn |