

单词 Englishwomen
释义 Englishwomen 英'ɪŋɡlɪʃwɪmɪn美'ɪŋɡlɪʃwɪmɪn COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
n.英国女人原型englishwoman的复数 The sight of the hotel itself is enough to crush him: it's a pretentious place with one of those huge empty lobbies in which Englishwomen sit for hours with a blank look.
一看到旅馆他便快垮了,这是一个富丽堂皇的地方,有一个又大又空、英国女人可以呆呆地在里面坐好几个钟头的大厅。 kuaiyilin

The Englishwomen, as we have seen, lack identity.
就像我们看到的那样,英格兰女性缺少身份认同。 yeeyan

Their women are handsome, and have tall, slim, well-knit figures; and with their free and easy movements, and natural independent airs, they look to me like swarthy Englishwomen.
他们的妇女生得俊俏,身材颀长、苗条、结实,举手投足间透着洒脱和轻松,天生一副独立不羁的气度。我觉得除了皮肤黝黑以外,她们和英国妇女没有什么两样。 yeeyan




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