释义 |
English verbs 基本例句 英语动词 MostEnglish verbsare inflected with `-ed' in the past tense.英语大多数动词过去式词尾均变化为-ed的形式。 Please conjugate the English verb “speak”.请将英语动词“speak”的各种形式作有系统的排列。 I've now got the hang of learningEnglish verbs.我已经找到学习英语动词的窍门了。 This dictionary does not cover all theEnglish verbs.这本字典不包括英语的全部动词。 An Explanation of Commonly Used English Verbs For Graduate Stud II.研究生入学英语动词用法例解2。 There are cartloads and housefuls of books about English verb tenses as yet.迄今,关于英语动词时态的论著可谓汗牛充栋。 |