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English prose 基本例句 散文 GEMS OF ENGLISH PROSE OF TODAY II.英语诵读散文2。 Swift is one of the greatest masters ofEnglish prose.斯威夫特是一名优秀的散文作家。 English proseis elaborate rather than simple, while it was not always so.现今英国散文华巧而欠朴实,过去却并非总是如此。 Osler is known as an authority on Sir Thomas Browne, seventeenth centuryEnglish prosemaster.奥斯罗是公认的研究十七世纪英国散文大师托马斯·布朗爵士的权威。 English prosefalls into four categories: expository prose, lyric prose, descriptive prose and philosophical prose.英文散文大致分为四类:说理文、抒情文、描述文和哲理文。 An Anglo-Irish satirist and political pamphleteer, considered one of the greatest masters ofEnglish proseand one of the most impassioned satirists of human folly and pretension.一位爱尔兰讽刺文学家和政治小册子作者,被认为是英国散文诗上最伟大的大师之一,也是对人类愚行和伪饰最辛辣的讽刺者之一。 |