释义 |
English grades 基本例句 英语成绩 It makes my English grade higher than before.我的英语成绩比以前好了很多。 I have been learning English for five years,myEnglish gradesis the best in my clss.I believe that my jeam will come ture.现在,我已经学习英语5年了。在班上,我的英语成绩最好,我相信我的梦想一定会实现。 My siblings and I pulled through school with goodEnglish grades,partly because my mother insisted on supervising our grammar and vocabulary practices though she didn't understand much.在学校里,我和兄弟姐妹的英文都取得很好的成绩。那是因为妈妈坚持督促我们练习文法和词汇,虽然她本身对它们并不太明白。 My siblings and I pulled through school with goodEnglish grades, partly because my mother insisted on supervising our grammar and vocabulary practices though she didn't understand much.在学校里,我和兄弟姐妹的英文都取得很好的成绩。那是因为妈妈坚持督促我们练习文法和词汇,虽然她本身对它们并不太明白。 |