释义 |
English editor 基本例句 英文编辑 Preferable background as an English teacher, anEnglish editoror educational software designer.英语教师、英文编辑或教育软件设计者尤佳。 The paper requires some assistance from anEnglish editor- then from a content perspective, it is OK for submittal to the journal.论文需要英文编辑的修改,内容还不错。 Joined Beijing New Oriental School to be a children's English teacher and simultaneously worked as anEnglish editorin the NOS editing department.进入北京新东方少儿部做少儿英语老师同期在图书出版部门任编辑。 The paper requires some assistance from anEnglish editor? then from a content perspective, it is OK for submittal to the journal.这是我把摘要寄给一个刊物的编辑后;问可否在他们刊物上发表;这个编辑给我的回信就是这个内容;我理解不透第一句话什么意思?英语很菜哟.;请帮忙 I am anEnglish editorin an American cor. hoping to find a part time job in spare time, including night time and weekend.The price is competitive.本人现职为美国独资公司的网站英文编辑,英语专业八级,为人冷静,乐观,易相处,因晚上和周末时间较多,望寻找英语相关兼职工作,价格面议。 I owe a great deal of gratitude to the enthusiasm and talent of my editors and translators, particularly to Joseph Orso, myEnglish editor, to Zhang Qiuwei, my Chinese translator, and to Ria Hernandez, who edited the large body of case studies.我还要深深感谢我的编辑和译者对本书付出的热情和努力,特别是英文编辑约瑟夫·奥索,中文译者张秋蔚和案例编辑里亚·赫勇能黛兹。 |