

单词 engaged
释义 en·gaged 英enˈgeɪdʒd美ɛnˈgedʒdAHDĕn-gājdʹ ★★☆☆☆高四G宝牛COCA⁴⁰⁴⁴BNC⁴⁹⁰⁶iWeb⁷⁹³⁴Economist⁴⁷⁵⁸

having ones attention or mind or energy engaged;

she keeps herself fully occupied with volunteer activities

deeply engaged in conversation

involved in military hostilities;

the desperately engaged ships continued the fight

reserved in advanceof facilities such as telephones or lavatories unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; `engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line;

her line is busy

receptionists' telephones are always engaged

the lavatory is in use

kept getting a busy signal

used of toothed parts or gears interlocked and interacting;

the gears are engaged

meshed gears

intermeshed twin rotors

having services contracted for;

the carpenter engaged or employed for the job is sick

built against or attached to a wall;

engaged columns

engaged in使从事于, 使忙于…engage雇佣be engaged in 忙于 …persons engaged就业人数engaged position占用位置engaged column附墙柱,附墙圆柱,嵌…engaged line占线,忙线engaged switch接通开关engaged signal忙音,占线信号…false engaged test不正确的占线测试…engaged click占线试验音engaged tone占线音engaged condition占线状态engaged pier嵌墙墩engaged state占线状态engaged side射击舷,战斗舷…terminal engaged signal终端占线信号…engaged test占线测试visual engaged lamp占线信号灯be engaged on着手
engag-ed如|被…的⇒adj.忙碌的⁵⁰;使用中的⁴⁰;订婚了的¹⁰adj.已订婚的;从事…的;忙于…的;被占用的;占用着的;有人用的;胡思乱想;与某人进行工作谈话的;占线的;有约束的近义词 for为busy忙的in在 … 里bound必定的on在 … 之上in use使用中fighting对抗spoken口语的Meshed网状的booked预定的warring交战的wrestling摔跤set-aside留出involved涉及的plighted誓约的immersed沉浸的committed忠诚的working做工作的occupied已被占的employed被雇用的struggling努力的betrothed已订婚的absorbed全神贯注的engrossed全神贯注的unavailable得不到的destined 命中注定的…combatting斗争反对tied up忙得不可开交…preoccupied全神贯注的spoken for 代表 … 讲话表…affianced动词affiance的过…stipulated动词stipulate的…promised动词promise的过去…pledged动词pledge的过去式…battling动词battle的现在进…contending动词contend的现在…intermeshed多网格的,多分支的…immersed in沉浸在, 埋头于, 专心…

用作形容词The professor isengagedin advanced studies.该教授正进行高深的学术研究。
I couldn't get him as the line wasengaged.因电话占线,我没能挂通他的电话。
Jack and Anne areengaged.杰克和安妮订婚了。
There were sixengagedcouples at the party.宴会席上有六对订婚夫妇。adj.(promised to be married
同义词 committed,hooked,matchedaffianced,betrothed,bound,contracted,intended,pinned,pledged,plighted,ringed,steadyasked for,future,given one's word,going steady,spoken for
反义词 available,disengaged,inoperable,not working,uninvolvedadj.operating;busy
同义词 absorbed,committed,employed,engrossed,interested,involved,occupied,preoccupied,workingdoing,immersed,performing,practicing,pursuing,signedat work,connected with,dealing in,deep,in place,intent,in use,rapt,tied-up,unavailable,wrapped-up
反义词 bored,disinterested,idle,inactive,uninterested,unoccupiedavailable,disengaged,inoperable,not working,uninvolved
absorbedadjective being completely occupied mentally
captivated,consumed,deep in thought,engrossed,fascinated,fixed,gone,held,immersed,intent,involved,lost,preoccupied,rapt,really into,up to here,wrapped-up
activeadjective very involved in activity
aggressive,agile,alert,alive,animated,assiduous,bold,brisk,bustling,busy,chipper,daring,dashing,determined,dexterous,diligent,dynamic,eager,energetic,engaged,enlivened,enterprising,enthusiastic,eventful,fireball,forceful,forcible,fresh,frisky,hard-working,high-spirited,hyper,industrious,intense,inventive,jumping,keen,lively,nimble,on the move,perky,persevering,purposeful,pushing,quick,rapid,ready,resolute,sharp,sprightly,spry,whiz,zealous
affiancedadjective engaged
bookedadjective scheduled
billed,contracted,engaged,lined up,locked-in,reserved,slated
busieradjective engaged, at work
active,already taken,assiduous,at it,buried,diligent,employed,engaged,engrossed,having a full plate,having enough on one's plate,having fish to fry,having many irons in the fire,hustling,in a meeting,in conference,in someone else's possession,in the field,in the laboratory,industrious,occupied,on assignment,on duty,on the go,overloaded,persevering,slaving,snowed,swamped,tied up,unavailable,up to one's ears,with a customer,working
busiestadjective engaged, at work
active,already taken,assiduous,at it,buried,diligent,employed,engaged,engrossed,having a full plate,having enough on one's plate,having fish to fry,having many irons in the fire,hustling,in a meeting,in conference,in someone else's possession,in the field,in the laboratory,industrious,occupied,on assignment,on duty,on the go,overloaded,persevering,slaving,snowed,swamped,tied up,unavailable,up to one's ears,with a customer,working And they tend to be engaged in stimulating or intellectually challenging activities.
而且,他们还倾向于参加富有刺激或智力挑战的活动。 yeeyan

Does this mean we are engaged? Do I have to buy a ring?
这是不是意味着我们要订婚,我还要买订婚戒指? yeeyan

The business should be engaged throughout the life- cycle of each implementation with the overall roadmap.
业务应该在每个实现的生命周期中都积极参与,并拥有一个整体路线图。 infoq

“ Every time you walked in her room or walked by her room you saw her engaged with her students。” he said.
“每次走进她的教室,或者路过,你都会看到学生们聚精会神的听她讲课的场景。”他说。 yeeyan

Because the government hired an ambassador, someone who would otherwise be engaged in another activity now performs a nonmarket function for which there is no demand.
由于政府聘请了一位大使,因此,一个本可以从事另一职业的人如今在履行一项没有市场需求的非市场性职能。 yeeyan

But along with the five campuses operated by YES Youth Engaged in Service, with a very similar philosophy, it is an important part of it.
但是随着五个由青年从事服务的大学校园的运转,他们怀拥有相同的人生观,这一点是很重要的。 ecocn

Every time you walked in her room or walked by her room you saw her engaged with her students.
每次走进她的教室,或者路过,你都会看到学生们聚精会神的听她讲课的场景。 yeeyan

He has made a point of not discussing his plans for retirement and appearing as vigorously engaged as ever.
他已经明确指出不会讨论其退休后的计划,给外界一个一如既往投入工作的印象。 yeeyan

He is engaged in making gifts,keeping an eye on the children and recording what they have done.
他在一年中的其他时间里忙于制作礼物和监督孩子们的行为并记录下来。 yeeyan

His problem had already engaged the attention and sympathy of the Florentine; there were too many kings about and not enough kingdoms.
他的问题已经引起了佛罗伦萨人的关注和同情,那里有太多的国王,但是却没有足够多的王国”。 ecocn

I am, however, an actively engaged member of this society.
可我是积极参与这个社会的一分子。 yeeyan

I have engaged a room at this hotel.
我已经在这个旅馆里预订了一个房间。 ebigear

It depends on whether he is engaged in legitimate action.
这取决于他从事的是否是合法行为。 yeeyan

Maybe that was part of the reason he was engaged.
或许这也是他目前困境的部分原因。 yeeyan

Now they realise if you want a happy, engaged workforce you don't start by dismissing as many people as you can, as soon as you can.
现在,他们意识到,如果你想得到一个快乐、努力工作的劳动力,你就要尽可能的不要一开始就开除尽可能多的人。 yeeyan

She engaged him for one hour and took detailed notes.
她采访了他一个小时并做了详细的记录。 gecanhui.com

Tell me once for all, are you engaged to him?
爽爽快快告诉我,你究竟跟他订婚了没有? ebigear

The men just see you as an object, not a person, and whether you are equally engaged in their desire is irrelevant.
那些男人只是把你看作性对象,而不是一个人,他们才不管你是不是和他们一样专注于欲望。 yeeyan

There is some truth to this, and I certainly hope that President Obama will be far more engaged than his predecessor in tackling this agenda.
关于这一点,确实有些属实,我当然希望奥巴马总统在解决这个议程上将远比他前任参与得多。 yeeyan

There they are engaged in an entirely different ritual.
在那里他们执行一套完全不同的仪式。 fortunechina

Though they call it farming, what Mr Azzopardi and his competitors are engaged in is actually more like ranching.
虽然叫养殖,但阿泽帕迪和他的竞争对手们所从事的其实更像是在大海牧鱼。 ecocn




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